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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Exactly. Emily. Although these women make Emily look like The Best. I just can't with Dean's 'stache. It's so ... UGH.
  2. I have to hand it to JPJ digging into the fake date food. I would have been egging him on. He also was cute dancing. He has the same hair as an old flame of mine that I should have married. *sigh*
  3. And probably is getting his own drinks, and will from now forward. You did him a favor (unless you wanted to kill him). This shows even "regular" people don't/didn't believe a woman capable of killing her own children, or anyone for that matter. Society made us feel guilty if we thought a woman was a killer. I guess that's changing now. But wouldn't the world be a bit simpler if it were true, women just didn't kill anyone. If only!
  4. That's what makes me so angry about this. I wish cops could have hauled his drunken ass out of the house where he was hiding, breathalized him and put him in jail where he belonged. Make that: "belongs." This is from the May 21, 2019 Des Moines Register: "The family of a man killed in an accident involving former "The Bachelor" star Chris Soules was paid a $2.5 million wrongful death settlement, court records show. The Mosher family in January sought the approval of a $2.5 million settlement in a wrongful death case they brought against Soules, the star of the 19th season of the ABC show. The settlement, which also names Soules' parents, was approved by a judge three days later, records show. Soules was insured by Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company, a court document shows." I wonder if Soules' insurance company had to cough up that 2.5 mil. Since Soules' property is next to Mosher's, I wonder how the room temperature is in Arlington, Iowa these days.
  5. I just came here to post that. The local news, on right now, said that sentencing was "just in." I guess news doesn't travel very quickly in Iowa if US already had the story. That's not even a hand slap. Plus he didn't even bother to show his face in court to hear it first hand. Such a creep. Even the US article says he "allegedly" ran into that tractor. I hate that word.
  6. Poppy is without a doubt the worst actor on this show. I really can't stand any scene she is in. Her constant duck lips are so distracting, and she uses them to show she is ... feeling/thinking whatever. "I'm thinking!" (duck lips) "I'm looking over there!" (duck lips) I did like the scene with the FBI guy, hair down, sort of proposing to his woman. THAT was some good acting. I can't believe he would ever be attracted to Poppy with her 60s wardrobe (and those clothes would have sucked in the 60s too) and poochy constant duck lips. I laughed at the scene of "Poppy" demonstrating skateboarding. Well done, stunt double who is in MUCH better shape than is Poppy. Aerial views of the island show tons of high-rise buildings, like a huge metropolitan area. For sure there has to be ONE woman there the Asian cop could hook up with instead of the snarky duck-lipped Poppy. But I guess it's her show. Too bad for the cop, I guess he's stuck with her. Marcia Gay Hardin kicked Poppy's acting ass to there and back in this episode, but then so did every other person on screen, including the extras.
  7. I am glad you do this so I know what acts you are talking about. When posters use the real names, I don't have any idea who they mean. Which is why I spazzed out when the act's name was called last week, I thought the Fruit Smashing Trio made it through when it really was the Hand Balancing Guys. Oh, gah, I missed that. But that image would be enough to turn ME into a germaphobe. That would have been awesome teevee. I hadn't noticed but I will from now on. That judges angst is such BS. I can't even listen to it, although I can't hear it that well over me saying "Blah blah blah" to the tv while it's going on. Especially when the "rap" isn't all that.
  8. I listen to country on occasion, when I'm driving. I didn't know the band guys either. Not that I know everyone country. Thinking again about the commercial, it was irksome to me that a 40s-something couple was "too old" to surf, and was afraid to get more than their feet in the water. And heaven forbid they should actually cross that creek. And I guess "old people" can only drive a certain Jeep model while the young'uns can zip around in a rag top with a roll bar. Because, you know, they're YOUNG. I did get a kick out of the Jeep guy though, he was pretty cool. I especially like the woman song writer. She seems like she would be a hoot to know and work with. Plus she is very good at what she does.
  9. I enjoy this show even though I know nothing about music or song writing. I like the positive vibe and encouragement given all the way around, and the amateur writers aren't made into jokes or laughed at which seems to be a theme on other reality shows. It's cool that they get to meet music stars and maybe get a break into the business. The Jeep commercial ... I'm not sure about that, but it was filmed like a movie. If it does play on tv, for sure it will be edited down to 30 seconds or so, which would mak it better IMO. As it was, it seemed to be more about romance than Jeeps. I was waiting for the two kids at the end to jump into a Jeep pedal car.
  10. I was hoping that was because of me, he read my post about his lack of respect for the show and for viewers by not changing his clothes after sleeping in them for a week, and by not showering. You are welcome. I about did a LOL when the Flaming Knife Throwing husband and wife and the Mind Reading Couple were not in the bottom three. That was the best part of the show for me. Well, that and the Howie billboard. Two high points! Yeay! I wasn't invested in any of the acts so didn't care who went home and who did not. I thought Susan didn't sing very well, but still she's better than I'll ever be. I know she's had tons of make overs and she looked very pretty, which made me wonder what AGT's wardrobe and makeup folks could do for me. It'd be worth trying out for the show just to get that. Anyway, I think it would have been cool for Susan to come out looking like and wearing what she was wearing in her initial BGT audition since she was performing the same song. I imagine she might still be under some Simon contract so has to appear whether she wants to or not, although I understand she appreciates the opportunity to visit the U.S. So, good for her.
  11. I can see their B&B getting a lot of bookings after that pre-act publicity it got. It would be a hoot to stay there. So there's the upside. I was wondering if Sex is still auditioning. If so, we will see the failed acts time and time again on AGT. And She Bangs became a cult favorite. So, while we won't remember the season winners, we will keep seeing the failed acts. Now there's something to look forward to, right?
  12. I agreed with Julianne that the act fell apart so badly that it was hysterically funny. Even the guy was all "what the heck, let's keep going." It was one of my fav acts of the night. As for Simon buzzing it, dude, YOU are the dumbass that put the act through, so go buzz yourself buddy. *Waving* because I was doing the same thing. There needs to be a third choice on Tuesday nights. They told Julianne her candy was orange. We don't know what it really was. And they never did get a reaction from Gabrielle, they just said hers was bubble gum while she sat and stared at them, unblinking. Howie chowing down all the pastries and fruit was so weird, perhaps the strangest thing of the night. It was all prop food which normally is kept for a year or two backstage. But maybe they brought in fresh so Howie could gross us out. I mean, use a napkin Howie, like I hope your mom taught you. I didn't pay a lot of attention to the singers. I did watch the violin kid and was not impressed. At the end he hit a pose and held it until the camera guy got tired of filming it and maybe the kid was carried off the stage still in the pose. Not sure since I looked away. The Indian dance crew was great and the kid flipping through the hoop tossed in the air was one of the best tricks I've seen ever. I wonder if they didn't get selected to be on World of Dance so came to AGT instead. The contortionist woman being buzzed ... again, dumbass, she's on this show because YOU put her through so go buzz yourself. You didn't like her music? Oh, please Simon. And speaking of Simon, maybe he's too cool for school, but showing up for the live finals in the same clothes he slept in all week is the heights of disrespect. I give you a big red X, Simon.
  13. I laughed at that "taking off shirt so he can go faster" line. If that's the case, Speedo Ninja should be flying through so quickly the cameras can't keep up with him. There was no reason to take off the shirt at that point other than to showboat. Except what was under the shirt wasn't that impressive IMO. I was getting a kick out of the Tower of Power ninja who was doing ANW for his son. First, I hate that, do it for yourself dude. Second. the son who was on the sidelines looked like he was terrified and ready to burst into tears what with all the crowd yelling and people jumping up and down. And his dad doing those dangerous things. The kid looked traumatized for sure. I liked the Slam Dunk obstacle. Kind of funny Grant fell on it. I did appreciate Grant actually concentrating and trying to get through the course instead of spending his time being Mr. Look At Me. I hope he's getting past that showboat business. This episode was more fun since more ninjas made it through. Hated last week. Loved the big smile on Michelle's face as she went up the wall to the buzzer. She knew she was going to hit it. The show thanks the wrestler ninja so they could compare him to Kacey. You're welcome.
  14. It's annoying to me because Demi's "other person" is back home and now that's she's been in Paradise for what, four days? and she can't make up her mind who she wants? Didn't Scott (I think that was his name) get kicked out by Hannah B and vilified by everyone on the B-ette for having a girlfriend at home? Are players in BIP allowed to have partners back home? I say kick her out. It's all so exhausting.
  15. The orcas at the end -- She said: "That's the best thing that's happened since we've been here." AGREE TOTALLY!
  16. Tayisha's claim to fame: Her kisses made JPJ puke. That's a powerful resume piece.
  17. I was hoping those two love birds would get dragged off by the Aztecs, never to be seen again. Hey, a kid can dream, right?
  18. I don't remember 90 percent of these people.
  19. With Jordan gone half the fun of this show -- and all of the tangerine spray -- went with him.
  20. Thanks for that info @anthonyd46. I like hearing behind-the-scenes stories. I'd go in a heartbeat for every taping/live show if AGT ever came to my cow town. I might be in the minority here, but I don't find the show boring in the least, nor the acts "mediocre." I enjoy watching and like the variety. It would be great fun to see it IRL. ETA: Where were the auditions held? They didn't travel around the country as in the past, and made a big deal out of telling acts they were "making it to the Dolby." The live acts look like they are in the same place as the auditions ... was everything done in the Dolby?
  21. Somewhere there must be stats for crimes/murders solved vs. those not solved. I think so many detectives are just doing a job or have to solve X amount of crimes per month to keep state or federal funding. I'm encouraged when I see people on Dateline who are dedicated to bringing justice to a family, even if it's years later. I kind of feel more crimes/murders go unsolved and are just stuffed into a Cold Case box so cops/detectives can get to the next unsolved murder that is stuffed into another Cold Case box. Not that those perps are smarter or dumber. I know, I have a bad attitude. But I am a big fan of karma.
  22. A year or so ago, one of my channels reran ANW from the very first season, when Jamie Rahn was Captain G4, not NBC, and wore body paint for his costume. No Matt or Akbar. And the course was run in the daylight on a California beach. I spend most of the time watching what was going on in the background, not watching the ninja, so the "focus" point is a valid one. It makes every run look the same. BTW, no one made it up the Warped Wall in those days, whether they were a mom, cowboy or a childless man. I watched the rerun the other night, and they showed the tester going through Angry Birds all easy peasy. I, too, wondered how many tries it took him. But the most interesting part was, after the first backward catch that everyone failed on, there was another one. So even if a ninja got the first one, it would be pretty certain he/she would fail on the next one. I wonder how the sponsor of that obstacle liked how many people failed on it and hated it. I hope the movie tanks just for that obstacle alone.
  23. I tried to watch last night but it couldn't keep my attention and I turned it off before it was over. Poppy is grating on my nerves. Every scene she lets her mouth hang open like it's for dramatic effect but I find myself watching for that more than concentrating on the story line. All I can think is "slack-jawed idiot" every time she does it, and she does it often. I'm also not one to care about wardrobe, but is she bringing her own clothes to the set? Because they are so awful, they are upstaging her. One part where I thought "WTH?" was when she was "accusing" the cop of seeing some other woman. Like she hasn't been sleeping with every barfly on the island. I don't mind that a woman past her prime has loose morals, but Poppy, you are NOT all that. And would I trust you heading up some crime ring? No way in hell. It was so promising to be a fun summer series. And it is so disappointing IRL.
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