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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Okay, if you insist. But I'd prefer to call it the Second Best Wrong Answer. I went the opposite way of thinking from everyone else, I was mentally going through where Midwestern presidents lived, died, were buried, had presidential libraries. If the show hadn't ended, I'd still be pondering ... and coming up with nothing. It took me decades to get rid of my Central Ohio Hilljack accent when I moved back to Illinois. Everyone in the True Midwest wondered where in the heck I was from because of it. Even store clerks would ask me about it. Yeah, Ohio is a different sort of place. No offense, BuckeyeLou. Nathaniel might have a disk problem or another medical reason why he can't stand for periods of time, or tardive dyskinesia. He also might be sight impaired and could see the clue board better when he leaned toward it. IMO, he can lean and fidget all he wants, he's smart enough to get on this show and win a tournament round. I have no doubt he will go on to be successful in whatever endeavor he chooses. I'd be proud if he were my son.
  2. Oh, wow, GREAT GUESS. It's wrong, but it's a great guess. Heh heh. And yes, Wisconsin is def in the Midwest, Illinois wears it as a hat. Props to you for the Best Wrong Answer today. I like these players starting at the bottom or middle, trying to get the most $ while DD searching, and betting big on the DDs. I wish the OLD PLAYERS/SENIORS* were that bold and confident. *Anyone aged somewhere around 50.
  3. For a minute, I thought that close-up photo of the red berries (and the yew) was the show going for mistletoe tree again.
  4. As a born and raised Midwesterner -- it doesn't get more Midwest than living along the (upper) Mississippi River -- FJ confounded me. I went through the presidents I know who are buried in Iowa, Illinois and Missouri and even thought about Kentucky, but Ohio never entered my mind. I lived there five years going to college and never considered it Midwest. Heck, it's even on Eastern time. And if you fall out of Cleveland, you are in Pennsylvania. Andy on TJF said players should think about towns named for a president, and all three players did, and all three came up with a better answer than I did. Which was nothing. I stand by Ohio NOT being in the Midwest, but I don't expect those West Coast writers to know all that much about our "flyover" states. That FJ left me ... "addled." But because I love the Rocky Mountains (and have been back and forth over the Continental Divide multiple times), I easily knew the Brooks Range is in Alaska. So a (very weak) yeay for me.
  5. Another left-parter here, when it's not right down the middle. I'm completely trustworthy, and you can trust me on that. Yeah ... that's the ticket. For all you Titanic people, may I present to you my answer of Lusitania. I easily got "brown out" given my house had a bad case of those last winter. I read FJ on TJF yesterday a.m. That town name looked like something in India or another similar country, so I went to Nepal, thinking Mt. Everest was the item on the map. Then I skipped to Pakistan with the map item of the Khyber Pass. Watching the show, I actually might have gotten the answer given Trebek's reading with a Spanish inflection. Or I might have at least been in the correct continent. South America never occurred to me otherwise. So, my perfect FJ streak has ended. I know ... not a surprise.
  6. I don't remember any names, but one guy looked like he was going at a melting triple-dipper ice cream cone when he was macking on some woman whose name i can't remember. I just said "Ewww" and had to look away. I assume some PA had a couple of towels and some Soft Scrub ready for both when the guy decided to stop.
  7. This morning a friend emailed and told me she is cleaning out old receipts and records from her filling cabinets. I replied that I admired her energy, and expected the piles on my desk to eventually spontaneously combust. Just now I read my horoscope on The Onion. It made me LOL. Sagittarius | Nov. 22 to Dec. 21. Your inability to be spontaneous is well known, which will leave people struggling to put a name to what happens when you combust without warning next Wednesday.
  8. I will have to work hard and come back numerous times before I achieve the level of dog. Not sure I will ever make it!
  9. Hey, I told you guys last week that the 911 center was being taken over so the bad guys could pull off a heist. So, yeay me. And that's all I got.
  10. Thanks for starting the thread @dvr devotee. I almost did last night, but was too tired. So I was glad to find this today. I dropped out of Pilot Pete before mid season, something I've never done before, his season was more dreck than I could handle. But I had a good time watching this last night, it was all kinds of a good time. I even passed on two other shows I watched instead of Bachelor Pete in order to catch this. I'm glad it exists. It's the kind of corn I need right now. The long-haired guy with the hat is Sheridan. I remember his name, it's so unusual. He even said he looked different enough that he would be remembered, which is a true statement. I posted in the Small Talk thread that sans hat and with hair pulled back, he's pretty good looking. With hat and hair hanging, not so much. But I'm glad he was saved. Yeah, Ryan (?) being picked at the end was for sure producer driven. Because how can this franchise survive without conflict and villains. I think Ryan is the guy with the tall Eraserhead hair, but I've pretty much forgotten everyone's name (except the memorable Sheridan!) overnight. Still, looking forward to more laughs and fun Monday nights with yous guys.
  11. I don't know Latin (Spanish yes, Latin no) but I do have an interest in eastern religion and have often contemplated reincarnation. Couldn't believe I got another FJ correct. Surely the earth will shatter any day now. (But don't blame me if it does, okay?)
  12. Way! Now don't be coppin' a 'tude on us you Pantless Smartie Bear.
  13. Even Alex said it was a good game. He even gave Beni the "Whoa!" after Beni's big DD wager. Actually, Beni gave "seniors" a big kudo by saying it's difficult to beat them at trivia, so his interview was about his trivia team actually beating them* at a trivia night last week. *By "them," I mean those oldsters called seniors.
  14. Ryan has a full-on Eraserhead thing going on.
  15. I'm watching now. The first few people were introduced but those who came in later, we might see their name or hear their name. As always, this show highlights some and not others. But good news for Ruby Jane, all the women stay but four men go home. Surprisingly, Sheridan with the beard, hat and long hair, is quite good looking once I get past all the ... stuff on his face. I'm already not liking the "handsome" guy who is macking on Julia. Ugh.
  16. I've been looking for it for the last few days with no luck. If BIP can have it's own forum, this can too, right? But I'm not bold enough to start one.
  17. Three of my favorites foods dontchaknow. Since I just had chicken for lunch ... salmon WITH broccoli, please! And thank you! ("Please-and-thank-you" lessons courtesy of Captain Kangaroo.)
  18. Gather 'round in a virtual group everyone as the Very Special Winners of Week 31 are announced. May I present First-Time-Fivers @zoey1996, @lb60, @j5cochran and @GrannySmith, all of whom achieved their very first Perfect Score Week. Way to go, my very smart dudes. Long may your brains rule this contest. However, extra-special mention belongs to that shrinking violet named @saber5055, who also achieved a perfect week for the First Time Evah. Saber gets special accolades since, while the above four stars all have had 4-score star weeks (ha), poor Saber has never had a score higher than 3, although Saber does hold the dubious record for most 0 weeks. So there's that. More college week FJs, please show!
  19. Oh, wow, great catch that I totally missed. I like the rocker Ts that Dex wears, but I never noticed what Benny was wearing.
  20. I noticed that, but I was more interested in looking at all that was behind Michael Che, including a personalized Sesame Street sign. Who knew?
  21. Is there a reason Tom Hanks shaved his head? Or just doing his own home haircuts? My favorite sketch was the SkySports. I didn't notice until the end that Alex was speaking into a spatula, and I totally missed the crawl at the bottom, so thanks for posting that here Otto. I was oddly fascinated with watching the four kernels of popcorn, as were others. I could watch a full hour of that. I also got a laugh out of Alex saying at the end of the Zoom sketch that he would email that viral video of the hose washing. Great topper for that segment. I got a kick out of imagining Kate making all of those RBG work-out posters. I thought Pete looked good. I credit his film-editor mom!
  22. That would actually make me love, not just like, that episode. If Glenn shows up as Elodie's lawyer, we know the writers are on the right track.
  23. Okay, so I laughed really hard at Colin saying Brad Pitt playing Joe Exotic in a movie would be like Denzel Washington playing him in the Colin Jost Story. Then I did it again when Che made Colin read the "lazy" joke. So thanks, show.
  24. Jo Jo Siwa was just on The Masked Singer so that's twice this week!
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