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  1. I don’t even know what to think about these spoilers now that we know what happened with Adan. 😔
  2. I just found out. Devastated. He was one of my fave actors. I heard on Twitter he stepped back from the show due to his cancer but never knew he was sick until this announcement. Geez. This is horrible. And I thought he’d lost some weight last season too. I was so excited to have him AND Santiago (loved him as Lancelot from Merlin). Now I see Santiago was brought to replace him. Heartbreaking. I’m so sad about this. Wow.
  3. Hahahah!! I laughed so hard at that foolishness. Like, how sway?
  4. I LOVE this show and am mad that Netflix didn’t surface it for me in the app. I had no idea it was out and just now watched it. I watched S&B before this because I didn’t see it was out. WTF Netflix? Also - did they go back to excavate the rest of El Dorado? It’s unclear if all they got was the gold they had. I hope they did - but no way would. Surf shop, charter, etc be all they had. They’d have to be living full on kook in some massive houses there? Being from this area of NC - my parents live like 40 mins from the beach - the concept of kooks and pogues is a totally real thing even if we don’t use those terms. The class divisions are so extreme. I didn’t grow up there and moved from a much larger urban city. The class distinctions are deep, real and enduring. People still exhibit the scars from them and the mindsets of them even after they go off to college and make something of themselves. I always felt like Kiara in real life. Kinda trapped in between two worlds.
  5. Did anyone notice in episode 10 that they used the handprint trick from the OG Roswell to open up the cave to El Dorado? It was literally the same mechanism to open the cave as Max, Michael and Isabel used to open the pod chamber. Now I’m wondering if any of the writers worked on Roswell too because the whole gang feels a lot like the pod squad. Even the couples are similar. The Romeo and Juliet star crossed lovers in Sarah and John B, to the very Michael & Maria dynamic to JJ and Kiara. Even Sarah’s ex feels like Kyle. Anyway - really enjoyed this season. Even though I know the show isn’t actually filmed in OBX, it’s still fun to hear my hometown pop up in the dialogue. It’s still fun to pretend it’s the OBX even if it’s Charleston. But I can definitely tell it’s not the OBX. I loved this season - JJ and Kie were so cute finally coming together. Sarah and John B had challenges and I still don’t know what “hooking up” fully entails (even that reeks of OG Roswell) but still happy how things landed. Now Sarah just needs to fight her brother to get that gold back and to take over her dad’s business. And send Rafe to jail where he belongs. So happy for JJ though. I wonder if they could find an expedition to go back to El Dorado and get the rest of the gold? They discovered it. 🤷🏽‍♀️ They know where it is still. I would think it’d be smarter to go back to get it all than be at risk of being held hostage to go back by others?
  6. I have thought for a while that JD and Fiona would marry and he'd adopt Chris. And then he would assert his influence over Fiona to make her break with Thony - that relationship would be destroyed - at least temporarily. And given Thony-JD have now rekindled their relationship (with zero chemistry lol) I feel like my prediction might come true. I think Kamdar is toast - I hope Nadia lives but I fear she's also toast... and I think that will put a serious wedge between Arman and Thony too. I'd rather Nadia lived so she could still run the restaurant lounge (what's the name) but I have felt she was in danger for a while.
  7. I agree with others that the show choosing not to pursue the Arman/Thony chemistry is weird - I can undertand slowing it down but the show basically just completely stopped it except to have Nadia constantly bring it up. I don't actually blame Thony for saving Kamdar - because Luca will die without that medicine - but she's put a target on Nadia and Arman's backs. I mean - it's ridiculous that Kamdar is suspicious about his heart attack - it could literally happen to anyone - so it really shouldn't put targets on their backs, but Kamdar has been darn near omnipotent this season that he seems to be 10 steps ahead of everyone. But Nadia showing herself to be aligned with Arman still is what Kamdar will focus on - I've been feeling for weeks now that Nadia underestimated how evil Kamdar is and that she was playing with fire with him. I don't want her to die this season. I actually don't even want Kamdar to die - he's been an AMAZING villain - but at the same time I hate seeing Arman so downtrodden. I think part of the chemistry with Arman/Thony was also due to him being able to help Thony. He was a bad guy but he was kinda like a Prince Charming character - essentially the heir to Hayek's criminal enterprise to Thony's crime cleaning lady Cinderella. This season, it's different and some of that dark fairytale magic has gone because Arman is without a kingdom (and humiliated by the new king Kamdar) and Thony is falling deeper into the dark trying to help him, Luca and get out from under Kamdar. I do think even without Thony, Arman would still be trying to kill Kamdar - it's just that he would have been successful if Thony hadn't been there to save him. I do hope we get a season 3 though - even though I miss Armony, I think this season in some ways is better than season 1. Also - if the show kills Luca that's the end of the tension. That's the only reason Thony was in this mess to begin with. If the show wants to go there, it can, a la Hunger Games, but that would be the end of the show I suspect.
  8. Actually I wonder if she's gonna end up dead playing around with a man who is obviously a psychopath.
  9. I can't believe this show in season 2 is actually even better than season 1, but wow it is. This episode was amazing and so so full of suspense. And Arman... poor Arman. He was literally crying at the end in the car. I hate that Kamdar has Maya's death to hang over his head now. Arman had a code - he never would kill an innocent person - his kills were related to thugs and thieves and bad guys in the guise of business. But shooting a defenseless woman? He'd never do it. It's why he couldn't let his crew kill Thony in s1. But he'd do anything to protect Thony so he shot her. I did have a thought that Thony grabbed the gun and shot Maya for him but I dunno. Arman crying changed that for me. Whew. What an episode. Wow - I didn't realize there were people who thought Thony was unlikeable? For me the show is about Thony and Arman basically being the same person - neither all good or all bad. They are simply in very bad situations and sometimes having to make awful choices because of it. To each her own I guess. I love Thony.
  10. I love how the show is playing up the mystery of Sebastian Sanger. I guess to fans who don't know who that is, maybe his story feels confusing. To me it's just a mystery you have to wait and see how it turns out. Personally I LOVE that the show isn't racing through this and instead building it up slowly. I think we will get answers about Sebastian and his connection to the woman (Mother Mayhem) and all the blood in episode 3 or 4. Maybe 5, I dunno - the show is slow burning the story, which is great. The woman at the end is the same woman who Lex fired after she'd spent 5 years working on it. The weird doctor who was helping Lex with the occult (the man) was the same as the bone faced man who was killing people and snatching the men for their blood. He was an acolyte of the woman at the end (same as the woman who Lex fired) who had the staff and obliterated the Titans, save Kory, who beat her ass. I don't know what the men being drained of their blood were for or what the blood was for... I think we'll learn that as we go. What I did note was that both the man and Rachel both were affected by Lex's murder. I wonder if Rachel tapping into Lex's murder scene connected her in some way to all of the blood madness that the Sebastian guy already seems connected to. Lex researching Kory is concerning. I love, love LOVE this season so far. Best season yet.
  11. This is already my favorite season from the first episode alone. Just epic. The horror elements are *chef's kiss and I LOVED seeing the team just having fun in the beginning doing fun stuff like bowling. That's such a big part of Titans lore I'm so glad the show brought it back. And this time they're all HAPPY! Dick and Kory looking like proud parents and looking a little like they're gonna rekindle that flame... *squee* Rachel being a badass - Gar actually getting a story! Finally Titans! Finally! Lex Luthor's death was brutally horrific - what a shock ending - I guessed that might happen but was still shocked when it did. Whew that snake coming out of him like that OMG awful wow. Connor getting arrested was just whew... Show came out swinging!!
  12. I hear everyone on Tim/Robin (and agree, but he's good for comic relief for now). This episode was 8 minutes shorter than previous eps this season and I felt it. It felt incomplete at the end. That's my only major quibble with the episode. I am LOVING this season so far. LOVING it! Why couldn't this show give us this in S2? Now this might be the last season and we finally have the show I've wanted since it premiered. Feral Dick wanting to do anything to get Kory back, including dropping FIVE MILLION DOLLARS?!?! Yeah I know that was for Kory AND helping the Titans, but whew - damn Dick. And all of Jinx' snappy flirty lines falling off Dick like "so not interested - don't you see I'm in love with Kory?" energy... even Jinx could see it and I love how Dick never corrected her when she called Kory his girlfriend. Dick may not consciously know it yet, but subconsciously he's married with kids to Kory, lol. And I had no idea DC had elves? That was super interesting - like wtf though lol. Even though I found it kinda unrealistic that Dick would be able to go up against a magic-wielding elf, I still LOVED his fight scene with the elves and then with the head elf. The knife magic choreography was badass (her move with her hands) and then Dick literally breakdancing the knives off was so good. Dick's fight scenes NEVER miss. Another thing I loved was even though Connor CLEARLY wanted to go off on his own, he didn't - he listened to Dick (miracle!). And Dick isn't going off alone and is keeping everyone with that same "we do this together" spirit. I LOVE IT. Kory's vision and her destiny with Dick - YES MORE!! And GAR finally getting a real storyline - hallelujah! Bummer about Rachel losing her powers but she's clearly connected to Sebastian and MM so she hasn't lost her storyline. I have no idea how Beast Boy brought her into his vision but I'll allow it. Starfire must be connected to this too because she's got the same blood moon thing going. All in all - this is the BEST Season of Titans so far. I LOVE the horror elements (shades of Season 1) but the fact that the team is teaming makes it all the more better!
  13. Looks like I was right to quit this show. Barry looks like the worst husband in the world. EW killed WestAllen for me.
  14. This season... *sigh* Sloane is awful and literally just there for Luthor to have a story - the insta romance wasn't even believable and Sloane was so undeveloped - what did she even stand for? Believe in? Ugh - I hope she stays gone. I hated that character and fast forwarded as much of her and Luthor as I could. I hated all of the Sparrows. We only need Ben from them. My only regret is Sloane didn't die at the end of S3 clean and proper like the other Sparrows. I hate I have to worry she comes back in S3. Die Sloane. Die! In s2 - the romances made sense because they happened over months and months - years? - of time versus the day or week that Luthor "fell" for Sloane. Just no. Awful. I also hated they retconned Allison and Luthor so badly and turned Allison into a sexual assaulter in order to make Luthor/Sloane more palatable to fans who might have whiplash. I'm cool with no more Allison/Luthor (especially after he did NOTHING when she lost her daughter until several episodes later) but I hate Sloane and hope the self-insert stays gone. The contrast of the sweet, nice white girl vs the angry black woman really bothered me a LOT. On the one hand I was glad to see Allison allowed to be angry - but it was clearly done to destroy her character so Sloane would appear so much better even though there was nothing to her character except "like Luthor". Just awful storytelling on that front. Lila was a new character done so much better than Sloane. At least Lila is interesting. Sloane is literally an empty shell. A plot device. BUT... Allison had to suck it up for two full seasons - she was almost killed by Viktor, lost her daughter and then her husband and got stuck in the Civil Rights era and subjected to the worst kind of racism and injustice - that's not nothing - and the fam just wanted her to suck her trauma up and deal. Every other character gets to make horrible decisions except Allison. She was 1000% percent correct when she railed at Viktor for everything he did. 1000% correct. Allison was a JUSTIFIED angry black woman this season and I was 1000% here for it (except for the comparison part I mentioned before). I'm so sick of black women characters especially not being allowed to be angry - justifiably angry - for how they've been treated or what they've been put through. Did she go too far? Yep, but pretty much all of them have in the past. I also don't think it's fair to blame Allison for rumoring Viktor when they were both children and Allison didn't know what she was doing. Then when SHE tried to apologize to Viktor, he cut her throat. So NAH - Viktor and the fam can suck it up just like all of Allison's so-called family wanted HER to suck it up. I'm GLAD she got a happy ending. I LOVE HER. Black women stay getting abused - about time we saw one on tv get what she wanted after getting abused for 2 seasons. I wish Iris on The Flash could go full Angry Black Woman since it's clear the show is trying to get rid of her anyway (or possibly already has). Go scorched earth ladies!! They deserve it! The only question I have is whether or not Reg made them all normal now (and fixed their ailments) or if that was Allison. #TeamAllison #TeamKlaus #TeamAndre #TeamFive The rest can take a flying leap. Whew! That felt good. Now I wanna see Luthor forced down some dark alleys because of his loss since he's cool with others having to just have to suck it up. I hope Klaus gets his love back too. That's all I have to say. See y'all in s4.
  15. I think the anger about this was due to: If the show didn't want to do that, it should have replaced it with something else so that Kate didn't feel shafted as a lead by the writers by so many of us.
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