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Everything posted by Texasmom1970

  1. Just gonna say I did not like any of the total looks. Some I liked bits and pieces of, mostly disappointed. And I dont care what sex, color, age the designer or drama. I think the judges need to be more impartial. Entire season has sucked.
  2. The wife bugged me as well. When a they got to the split level and she said I dont know which way to go. I was wishing I could push her down a level. Too violent?
  3. Tampa was the first episode of house hunters I couldn't watch. My youngest daughter passed away in 2018; she was twelve years old. As soon as the said their son died I started tearing up.
  4. They really need to stop showing flashbacks of the twins. The change is so scary! And to me they both looked lovely when they had dark hair.
  5. Some people think they are too loud and over the top. I like them and for now going to keep watching.
  6. Actually I enjoyed seeing a peek into their regular life. I might be old and boring but I like them and the show so far.
  7. Just watching Tammy bitch constantly makes me tired. I cannot even imagine what it is like for her family. The good was seeing Chris be able to enjoy the ride, the family enjoying the photoshoot and always Gage.
  8. One thing I have in common with Aaron; I also am always the bridesmaid never the bride.
  9. This is a small thing compared to all the horrors from this episode. But I cringed everytime she went to see Dr. Now she was barefoot!
  10. I watch a lot of train wreck reality tv. Somehow this was a trainwreck, but a boring one. Snooze!
  11. I'm from Texas and my family considers gravy a food group. Hard to believe anyone would think it's okay to eat after that surgery.
  12. The only way Kody can be the smartest person in a room is to be alone in the room. Unbearable asshat!
  13. It is good to feel confident about your looks and intelligence. But Jasmine needs to take that shit down a notch. She is already gotten on my nerves.
  14. If have to listen to Gino and Jasmines baby talk they will have me spitting up like a baby!
  15. It's like you are reading my mind. Agree with everything you said and you posted it more eloquently than I would. I get real picky with these people and curse a lit in my posts. 😁
  16. Thank heavens I have not done anything that ridiculous. Guess I should feel good about myself. 🤔
  17. They say love is deaf, dumb blind and stupid. Myself being a good example of what it can do to a persons common sense!
  18. Loved Tisa fussing at Tammy about walking and all. Tammy acts like a petulant child so she needs a smack down.
  19. My guess is he is unemployed and couch surfs. Or sponges off all the women he mesmerizes with his meditation, tarot card bullshit.
  20. Is there a universe we don’t know about where Usman is famous. 😬
  21. Me thinks Elaine is biased much. If they switched the designers outfits would she still think Aarons was awful if she was told Chasity made the look? Geoffrey if you are gonna wear a shirt like that please put a pasty over that nip.
  22. Thank heavens I missed it; I have too much from all these 90 dayers.
  23. I'm guessing what they were doing is reviewing each slice to see if the had gotten all the borders of the cancer. That's why they had to cut on my chin four times. They go deep and wide enough until the skin they cut is clear. Worst part was sitting there with a huge hole in my face waiting everytime for them to analyze the sample. Please everyone wear sunscreen and if you see something suspicious looking go to the doctor quickly!
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