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Everything posted by shron17

  1. Maybe not so horrible, in terms of business, but I agree Jason wasn't very bright to think Floyd wouldn't use the influence he'd earned over the years to inflict his own revenge. The way I see it, Richard got caught in the crossfire between father and son and went with the party that offered him the most benefit. No crime in that.
  2. I disagree. Yes, this was about Rory but Rory's choices effectively blocked Lorelai from speaking to her unless she went through her parents. Yes, Rory was an adult and had a perfect right to go to her grandparents and move into their pool house without her mom's permission. But in my opinion, she should have called her mom and let her know about that decision personally. Rory wouldn't even come out when she saw Lorelai waiting outside, and then let Emily handle getting her clothes back. I don't have a problem with Lorelai for not showing up at court when Rory had so effectively cut her out of her life. If she wanted her mom to be there all she had to do was call and ask her. Even though I'll never understand why Luke didn't encourage Rory to go see Lorelai when she showed up at the diner, it's not like Rory didn't know where to find her. She even changed her phone number without bothering to email/voicemail the new number to her mom..
  3. Very true. Logan didn't have to take Stars Hollow seriously--he had the freedom to come and go as he pleased and could ultimately live anywhere he wanted. Jess was pretty much stuck to going wherever Liz or Luke paid to send him on the bus, and his ticket to freedom was working at Wal-mart and that dilapidated car. While they were a bit strange, Stars Hollow's festivals were put on to enhance the community and tourism, and were often combined with fund-raising for things the town couldn't afford. Their purpose was to both entertain and improve the quality of life for those who lived there and those who visited. The LADB events were members only, and a big waste of time and money, in my opinion.
  4. They also apparently had a good time at the party in New York in season 5. I agree. Nothing was keeping them apart and they could have been together years earlier if that's what they both wanted. The fact that they never actually got together yet were still connected through Rory must have kept the possibility alive. It also gave them both an out from becoming mature enough to make a relationship work with anyone else.
  5. Jason was okay, but I found his relationship with his dog really weird. Judging from the way Lorelai was with Paul Anka later, I doubt it would have worked for her either. Also, I agree they had more of a sibling/cousin vibe.
  6. Regardless of anyone's chemistry or compatibility, I find much of the writing in season 7 to be really bad. Some of the dialogue, particularly in Bulldogs and French Twist, makes it almost unwatchable for me. Some of the things I find completely ridiculous include--1) Lorelai being impressed with Christopher using his money to open the restaurant early. Didn't she grow up hating the "entitlement" of her parents? And she actually said "do people really...do this?" 2) The idea that Chris escorting Gigi to Paris and staying with her for what? not quite two days? is better than sending her with the nanny; 3) Lorelai marrying anyone without Rory there; 4) Any devoted single parent committing themselves to someone who's disappointed their 21-year-old daughter so many times she describes accepting college money from him as a slippery slope; 5) Any couple who gets married 6 months after one of them broke off an engagement without any discussion or question about being emotionally ready to make a commitment. But if you pretend it's a completely different show with unfamiliar characters, and like schmoopy romance, sure, I guess it works.
  7. This was actually season 6, next to last episode before Partings. But I really liked it too.
  8. I so often enjoy Connie's performances. I think it's her acting ability, or maybe I'm just easy, but I usually find her very convincing as a well-loved big-time artist. I especially love when she sings with the Stellas', Chip or even Hayden, but I think my favorite was the first time she sang after her accident when Luke had to chime in and help her out.
  9. I agree, I don't think Chris ever loved adult Lorelai. She was his fantasy. Then again, I don't think he ever learned to love a partner in an adult way since he couldn't make things work with Sherry either. He only kept going back to the fantasy of being with Lorelai so he didn't have to live in the adult world. Sure, you could say he tried in season 7, but I think most adults would know better than to sleep with a woman who just broke her engagement and then convince her to marry him 6 months later, apparently without any discussion at all about how she really felt about it all. I think part of the whole point of season 7 was that Lorelai didn't really know how to be in an adult relationship either. You could almost say she reacted the same with Chris when forced to compromise as she did with Luke when he had something in his life to focus on besides the Gilmore girls.
  10. It was a nice ending. Loved Will's speech on the show--I am a good man and you have nothing to be afraid of. And it was great to see Juliette be honest about Jeff's death, even though it wasn't really her fault. I loved seeing her take responsibility for how her actions hurt others in public without concern for her image--it would make me more of a fan. And in the long run, she'll feel so much better about herself. My wish for Layla is to replace the Ex's with Autumn Chase so they can scheme and manipulate to their heart's content. Pretty sure Autumn would win in the end. I get wanting to see more apology from Maddie but that can come later. And I have no doubt the moment when she said "Dad!" and ran into Deacon's arms was apology enough for him. In my mind Juliette did have that landing and happy ending, and if by chance someone picks up the show I'll definitely check it out. It would be great to bring back more music, like in the early seasons.
  11. I think I would preferred Jess also. Even if it was just Rory getting all caught up in their love story when he showed up at her dorm room but then sending him packing the next morning. It was likely a combination of Jared being free and not being able to find Rory's new college boyfriend in time for the end of season 4.
  12. I think most of the characters felt a little off in season 7 at least some/most of time. Just watched ep 1, thought the dialogue sounded off as well.
  13. While I did hear the LLD was because no one would believe Luke would cheat on Lorelai, I think the purpose was so Lorelai would feel shut out of Luke's life rather than mimicking an actual betrayal. My guess is they used a daughter instead of a son because it made Luke a little more overwhelmed and out of his element and made Lorelai a little more miffed that she wasn't involved.
  14. I don't see why not. Sherry was Christopher's girlfriend and Lorelai was Luke's girfriend/fiancee. Yes, Luke should have introduced Lorelai and Anna before, but the problem after April's birthday party gave Lorelai the perfect reason to encourage him to do so. For all we know, this could have been something Luke wanted to discuss when he next saw her, after she got done making up emergency staff meetings and getting people to lie about her whereabouts in order to avoid him. Anna was mad at Luke about the party, not Lorelai, so there was no reason for her to feel the need to apologize for a misdeed, especially without involving Luke. I can't imagine that in a similar situation where Lorelai had a problem with something that Christopher did that she would be much more receptive to someone she didn't know showing up out of the blue to apologize on his behalf. Anna was defensive and blunt, but I wouldn't go so far to say that she became enraged or made threats.
  15. But that's just the thing. She needed to go with Luke as a united front, and as a mom Lorelai would have known that. Would she have been receptive if Sherry had come to see her about Rory without Christopher? If Lorelai had tried talking to Luke about taking her to meet Anna after the party, I think she could have convinced him. As it was, Lorelai going directly to Anna prompted her to make decisions without Luke's input, decisions that weren't just hers to make. And yeah, I wish they'd just talked too. That part felt contrived. It's not true. I've seen Amy, Dan and Lauren say more than once Luke and Lorelai were intended to end up together, not since the beginning, but sometime along the way as their chemistry was noticed and the friendship developed. When the network specified she get them together together by the end of season 4 Amy just had to change up the progression. And I don't think the long lost daughter story was decided on until late season 5/early season 6.
  16. Sure. Just that, and maybe the realization that everything that happens in Luke's life isn't about her. I can dream...
  17. I agree, but also think it's not up to anyone else how long a person needs to handle something like that. Each situation and each person is unique. But I do think Lorelai had the right to decide how to handle the rift with Rory, which Luke acknowledged: And that Luke had the same right to handle his situation in the way he thought best. We never saw Lorelai ask how he was doing with it once--only Jess. She was more focused on offering her help, which was great, but it would have been nice for her to ask what he needed rather than deciding for him and then being hurt when he didn't accept what she thought he needed.
  18. This episode convinced me that Lorelai and Chris would never work as a parenting couple. I can't see Lorelai ever leaving a 4-year-old for several months so far away from home. Chris parents in terms of what works best for him, not what's best for the child. Also, I think long-term Lorelai would prefer a partner who can share parenting responsibility with her rather than expecting her to make the decisions. I agree Lorelai didn't need to revisit a romance with Christopher but she did need to convey to him that despite their past and Rory their romance was never going to happen. Since she seemed determined to hold onto him as a "possibility" maybe dating him again was necessary. But I'm sure she could have figured out it wasn't going to work before she married him. My UO is that I think Luke had a right to figure out how to be a parent to April on his own terms rather than relying on Lorelai's opinions, including when and how to fit April into their lives. He was of course wrong to keep secrets and wrong in the way he went about it. Although Lorelai also could have handled the situation much better. E.g. if as in the example above with Chris, Lorelai tried to figure out what was going on with Luke by talking to him about it and then acted maturely, it all probably would have gone much better. Another UO is that I really hate Lorelai going to talk to Anna without discussing it with Luke. Wouldn't a more mature response have been to tell Luke she was involved now and he needed to introduce her to Anna properly so they could all discuss the situation, and then go from there? It was his daughter and his right to make decisions on things concerning her and her mother, or at least to know if Lorelai was planning to contact either of them directly.
  19. Zach really showed a lot of growth, especially from the point where Lane told him she liked him. Loved his scenes with Mrs. Kim, especially asking her permission to propose to Lane and then her helping him write a hit song.
  20. Then why would Lorelai suddenly be hesitant to tell him to change? She certainly wasn't before they started dating and went to talk at the high school. Also, if either one did it on purpose to tick off Emily, to me it seems much more in character for Lorelai than Luke.
  21. I have wondered if it was Lorelai who encouraged Luke not to dress up for that first dinner for the purpose of tee-ing off her mother. I wouldn't put it past her, and she was the one that tried to convince him not to go. She already knew Emily wouldn't be nice no matter what he wore. Luke did dress appropriately in later seasons when Emily and Richard were both present. As for knowledge, the way Amy sprinkles little references everywhere makes it hard to tell the presumed intelligence of any character. I just started re-watching season 7 and am noticing the difference. I think of Luke as being more intelligent than well-read, like he picks up and retains bits of knowledge from TV or reading articles here and there.
  22. I agree Logan did it very casually, making it clear they were two very different people. I just wish Rory hadn't just gone home with him like everything was all right--at least take a few days to think it over. Of course, I'm also of the opinion that moving in with your boyfriend because you don't have anywhere else to go is a bad idea. She could have always gone back to Stars Hollow until she found somewhere closer. Blaming the bridesmaids certainly made Logan look worse. And very sexist, given his own behavior in the past.
  23. I actually get that in Logan's mind he wasn't cheating on Rory, simply because he was just going back to his old casual lifestyle where he did whatever he wanted with whomever he wanted. So in order to be with Rory he had to change his behavior but when they weren't speaking it felt natural to go back to his old life without considering whether or not it was appropriate. The thing that bugs me is that Rory let him talk his way out of it so easily without listening to her own feelings. Although I think that is her pattern while she was with Logan, probably the main reason I don't enjoy their relationship. It definitely should have been a red flag that she and Logan were very different people. I also think that applies to Lorelai, but just in terms of Christopher. She went to him for comfort and accepted the same degree of comfort he'd offered her before. I don't think she went to him because it would hurt Luke the most, or because no one else was available, but because he was the one person who could give her what she needed. I don't think that makes it right, of course, but it does explain why to her it didn't feel like cheating.
  24. All at once for sure. Don't they drop at midnight? If they spaced them with a day in between it would be awfully hard to stay up until 1:30 four days in a row while maintaining my regular schedule. If they release them all at once it's easier to rearrange things so I can take the whole day.
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