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Everything posted by shron17

  1. I'm not sure, not having had a huge problem with this myself. But I would imagine refusing to accept criticisms from your mother, let alone internalizing them into your own self-image, is in the range of very difficult to impossible.
  2. shron17

    Season 1

    Not a big Christopher fan either, but I think he genuinely loves Rory. He just doesn't know how to show his love in terms of paying attention to her because that wasn't how he was treated as a child. Lorelai does because she was focused on giving Rory everything she needed to grow up safe and happy. Not that Chris should be excused from making more of an effort with Rory, but my guess is he really didn't know how to be a bigger part of Rory's life without being with Lorelai, and his efforts with Lorelai (though often misguided) came from a place of love for Rory.
  3. She said something like she was going to vote for Brexit because it wasn't going to pass anyway. That was in Spring, I think. Or maybe Winter.
  4. Ditto. So many things I notice the more I watch. Like when Steve and Kwan are helping Rory look for her lucky outfit and try on her hats? So cute. And Paris saying "are they serious?" when Hep Alien play. The scenes that I'm disliking more and more each time are the ones with Naomi Shropshire. Though I do like the stealing food thing and her Brexit comment. If Rory had just told her thanks but no thanks about her book in the first place and gone on to greener pastures she could have been so much better off.
  5. To add to the date confusion, Amy said they changed the date of the wedding from Nov. 19 to Nov. 5 (both Saturdays) so the show ended pre-election. I guess we could conjecture the date Lorelai originally had "set" changed, but other than that I'm out. My nitpick about the date is Luke saying if Cesar went to the wedding he couldn't when before he said it didn't matter. Oh well.
  6. I found it believable that they were using each other to escape from the troubles in their lives--Rory struggling to adjust to being in college and Dean getting married at such a young age. I agree Rory was pretty sick of him then, but a year at college with only one date made him look pretty special. It's sad but true that most girls that age who aren't dating feel like they'll never have a boyfriend again.
  7. I agree, but don't think Luke got the full extent of Lorelai's concern in that conversation. As soon as she said the word more, he went into defensive mode, likely from brooding over Richard's Luke's Diner Empire bequest. He's really feeling the pressure of Emily's (and Richard's) expectation to do something he really doesn't want. He also mentions in his rant to Lorelai in Fall that he'll franchise Luke's Diner if that's who she wants him to be. I think Luke is wary of being judged for refusing something that would allow him to pay for anything his daughter needs as well as making a much larger household contribution. Lorelai wrapped that up nicely for us when she explained to Emily why it was better to use the Luke's Diner Empire money for the Dragonfly.
  8. I think that scene is showing us that Lorelai has access to family money and is offering to help out her partner. But Emily took Luke out to look at properties despite Lorelai's promise to handle it, and then Lorelai lied to him about the therapy after Emily told him she stopped going. It all ties into their argument where Luke says their deal was that she keeps her crazy family away from him and he keeps his away from her. I don't think it had anything to do with Lorelai being involved with April--it was just money. And it seemed like a conversation they'd had before, like Lorelai knew what his reaction would be and Luke was irritated that she would bring it up.
  9. I didn't think she was sneering at them so much as in deep denial about her own situation. I also think denial often motivated Lorelai to mock others, fearing she was just as bad if not worse. Lorelai had those two worlds that were so different, each mocking the other. It's not surprising that she would feel as though she belonged to neither group. Amen. Times change. Anyone who is able to be flexible and move towards finding their way as best they can in their own time is doing great. I would have liked that too. Although since Rory wasn't paid to put out the Gazette she couldn't have hired anyone. We have seen her be kind to others in the past--I think she was just trying to find her footing and busy denying that she had a problem.
  10. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    This comment cracks me up. But, I agree--I don't really see the crimes either. GG is more about irony than reality, and I like Amy's point of view/sense of humor. Even though I don't generally enjoy the LDB, I did enjoy this segment and thought it was crucial to Rory's realization that she didn't want to live in that world. It had to be fantastical to prove the point. I think the decision she made when she gave Logan back the key means that even if he did propose again she wouldn't accept, kind of like Lorelai not wanting the life her parents wanted for her. I especially liked when Logan insisted she accept the key so she could write her book and Rory just replied that she didn't need it. ETA I think Rory's conversation with her dad was not about whether or not she should tell Logan but rather that she was thinking she would raise her child without being married to the father, no matter whether Logan decides to be part of the child's life or not.
  11. Or tell him he must have a will before he dies so everything won't fall on Lorelai. Sounds like Emily has more faith in their relationship than she's willing to admit to her daughter.
  12. I found the musical entertaining, although it did go on a bit long. It seems possible it was in part a filler due to other scenes that had to be scrapped due to budgetary, casting or other reasons.
  13. In season 2 Christopher had proposed to Lorelai and told her "she was the one" six months earlier. In season 5, they hadn't seen each other much for more than 2 years while Chris was married to Sherry, and he only called when he needed help with Gigi. There wouldn't have been a reason for her to mention she was dating someone the night she went to help with Gigi, and after that Rory told him. Chris was way out of line for going to Emily's wedding to try to get Lorelai back without warning--when he told her he was dating Sherry she backed off immediately due to consideration for him and his relationship. I agree, it's not up to Lorelai to nurture Rory and her dad's relationship. But it shouldn't be Rory's responsibility either--Christopher is the parent. He should either make the effort to be in her life or not, and never ever whine about all that "he" missed out on.
  14. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    I think the 10 years between 40 and 50 can prompt one to change quite a bit, especially when marriage is involved. Also, I think Michel's going to be a great dad. Didn't he hate "the animal kingdom" before he got his chows?
  15. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    For the Michel we met in the pilot? Absolutely. But not 50-year-old Michel who takes pride in how he makes his living and is married to someone who wants children Time to grow up.
  16. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    Except that she asked Emily if she could use the money Richard specified for Luke's Diner empire. Wouldn't that likely be enough to easily set up the 2nd location with a spa for Michel to run, and then possibly even more? Besides, I think along with wanting more money Michel is also in search of more responsibility and fulfillment which he's much more like to get with Lorelai expanding the Dragonfly Inn than at a multi-million dollar chain. Don't forget Rory was almost 16 in season 1 and has years worth of stories before then about her crazy life in Stars Hollow with Lorelai. It does in some ways, but I doubt if it's so common for someone to walk away from privilege and money to start all over, let alone with a child. Lorelai did have a safety net but until Chilton seemed determined not to use it. I've heard more stories of privileged and entitled youth who don't work hard and live their own dreams because of lack of motivation.
  17. I like your explanation but it didn't quite check all the boxes. Until I put together the part where Lorelai said she felt like she was standing still while the world passed her by with her conversation with Luke about how of course her epiphany had something to do with coffee. Lorelai does already have the life she wants for herself--all she has to do is move forward from where she is and find that just up the hill is a whole beautiful vista for her to enjoy without having to fit everything she needs into a backpack and take a crazy long hike. It's been right there, all the time. A large part of Lorelai and Emily's tension is Emily needing to believe all of Lorelai's childhood wasn't horrible vs. Lorelai justifying why she had to leave. I think Lorelai's call to Emily was her realization that despite not having a warm fuzzy childhood she still has good memories that she can share and give Emily some of what she needs. This was Lorelai embracing her past for what it was in all it's ups and downs and then going home to move forward and embrace her future, where she already has everything she needs to be happy.
  18. No, that was DR in 7.02, the same episode where Lane found out she was pregnant.
  19. I've had loved to savor it more but was on a deadline. Had to leave the house mid morning for a family thing so set the alarm for 3 am and watched pretty much straight through. It seemed like a better option than having to leave before I was finished!
  20. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    I hope that's not the case. There were a few things listed on IMDB so maybe it was her schedule? I really missed her at all of the town meetings and at the musical. Miss Patty would have been right in the middle of creating Stars Hollow the musical.
  21. It was hard to tell with Rory. And it seems to me if Logan was at all willing to change his plans for her he would have asked her what she wanted. He goes to all the trouble to get the LDB gang together to cheer Rory up but ultimately only offered her a very small piece of himself. I thought Rory gave him back the key because she realized as great as Logan and his crazy friends were when she was in college they just don't fit into her adult life, that she would always have to fit into Logan's life. And wasn't that really the reason she didn't accept his proposal in season 7?
  22. Heard this also, but I'm not sure it really matters. There are plenty of people who still think Christopher is a loving, sensitive man cruelly trapped by circumstances. It actually makes it more emotional for it to be played that way, because you eventually come to realize what he says and the way he says it don't really matter if he doesn't make it real by his actions. I found Rory's floundering realistic. Partly because it makes sense to me that a person for whom so many have high expectations would hesitate to "settle" for anything less than the best. In that sense her pregnancy somewhat lets her off the hook from those expectations so that anything she accomplishes as a single parent is the gravy. And I think this was the whole point of Lorelai's crisis. She's not the person she thought she was anymore and isn't sure why. She doesn't enjoy the same crazy things that everyone else is so clearly enjoying. It takes the lyrics of that last song to put into words what she's feeling. That said, Lorelai's moment of clarity is a little confusing to me. I thought I understood what she was feeling in that line about standing still while the world was moving past her. But after the moment of silence the first thing she did was call Emily with that great story. Okay, so did that mean she just remembered that birthday? And what did that have to do with the realization she and Luke should have already gotten married? Any insight welcome.
  23. She would definitely do well in anything that requires selling others on anything. Not sure about journalism--you might need to be a little more detail oriented. But Rory could definitely use Lorelai's experiences in her own writing.
  24. See... THAT would have been both a clever wink at the audience AND funny. Yet, I did really enjoy when Taylor called Sutton the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen and refused to backtrack after Lorelai's comment about excluding present company.
  25. I agree. Whenever Jess gives Rory advice it's always when her life is a mess and he's genuinely trying to help her get herself right. Logan is also supportive but since he didn't know Rory before Yale, his knowledge about her is more limited to what she's shared with him. Even in the revival, Logan only knows what she tells him about her life and only sees her in his environment.
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