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Everything posted by shron17

  1. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    Well, I can see using the Lifetime movies as a substitute for drama in your life, lol. Anything that helps us appreciate what we have is good by me.
  2. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    I was at least happy Rory asked the hard questions and made him squirm a little. It drove me crazy how he was continually pardoned for not taking responsibility and even expected sympathy for what he missed out on. An apology to Rory would have been better, but this was somewhat more satisfying than the way it was left at the end of season 7. I agree. I love how in his don't leave me rant Luke said something like I will always be here for you and no one else will ever be more here for you than I am. So much better than that old tripe "No one will ever love you like I do." I hate that. So possessive and presumptuous. I will never understand how Lorelai didn't see that she and Christopher would never be able to overcome their past and married the guy who was never there for her daughter. I was a single parent too and can't imagine doing that, even once the kid is grown. I wonder if she could tell him and if he doesn't want to be involved, see if he's willing to terminate his parental rights? That way, he can choose whether to torch his current relationship, Rory couldn't ask for money from Logan or his family, and wouldn't have to worry about custody.
  3. She drove Lorelai to her house in it at the start of Winter. When did Lorelai become such a wimp that she rushes from car to house to get out of the snow? But all diehard fans don't love the show--many seem to take more delight in complaining about it. Which is all well and good. But what the OP said was if you really love the show you will adore the revival. I would agree.
  4. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    Wonderful insights! And definitely a lot of projection of desires in our opinions. Nobody is saying you have to enjoy Luke's personality, just that Lorelai so obviously does. During Winter I finally realized Lorelai really is addicted to drama. Why else would her DVR be full of Lifetime Channel classics? Way too dramatic for me! It also felt like a callback to Emily in Wonderland when she borrowed Lorelai's shoes. Now she's wearing tennis shoes willingly. I really love how she scorned the DAR ladies and became passionate about whales!
  5. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    Not necessarily. Couldn't the principle be mostly intact and Rory says she's broke because she's struggling to live off of the interest, along with what income she manages to bring in? Rory just doesn't seem like the type to blow through all of her trust fund money while trying to find her way. I think that's the main reason why she gave Logan back his key--she realized that while he and his friends were fun, she was too fundamentally different to be able make a long term relationship work with someone used to that lifestyle. Not necessarily. Everyone's taste buds are different and some actually prefer the taste of vegetables to charred animal flesh. It doesn't make either one right or wrong, just right for them. And I think I'd compare Christopher to a sugary treat that tastes really good when you eat it but leaves you feeling crappy after. While I see your point, it also follows that different people have different opinions concerning what they do or don't find attractive in a partner. Luke can be grumpy but still has a good sense of humor and even though he's often negative and not very open, you can trust that who he is with you and what he does reveal is genuine. I find that much more attractive in a life partner than someone who constantly hides their real feelings behind a facade of charm. It's not fun at all to be with someone who tells you for years that they like you, the things you do, what you cook etc. only find out too late that they really didn't feel that way at all. That's all well and good until you find that you've unknowingly committed your life to a garbage human being.
  6. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    And even then I can't see it making their relationship much better, could have even made it worse. See how much Chris embraced fatherhood after he married Sherry so he could be there from the beginning. Sherry ended up leaving and writing him a note saying it was her turn, she was tired of him being gone all the time. Being there for babies/toddlers is really hard and requires tons of patience but makes the bond between parent and child much stronger.
  7. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    I always thought what prevented Christopher from having a closer relationship with Rory was the fact that he lived in California and didn't move back to the east coast until Sherry threatened to break up with him. Even then, he could have called more frequently than once week and scheduled regular visits with Rory over the years. I don't see how any of that could even remotely be considered Lorelai's fault. It's also not fair to fault her for hesitating to allow Rory's overnight visit to Chris and Sherry if it was the first time she'd had an overnight visit with her dad.
  8. The most interesting insight from the counseling sessions was Emily telling Lorelai she quit because after 6 sessions Lorelai was exactly the same. And that she wasn't going to pay someone to not agree with her. Another way to look at it is that people who continually bring up things that you did 30 years ago are only looking for their pound of flesh. It's clear that Emily has never worked through her hurt and bitterness over things Lorelai did that were her decisions to make. Continually bringing it up can't change what happened and won't help their relationship. I suppose it's up to Emily whether she wants to keep using it against Lorelai or move past it so they can have a better relationship. I really liked Rory and Lorelai's trip to NYC and talking to the people in lines and how Lorelai kept wandering off and then showing up with what everyone was waiting for. I wish Rory had gone ahead and at least tried to write an article about lines to see how it went--it wasn't like she had anything else going on. Somehow intertwining Lorelai's experiences would have been interesting. And I wish she'd asked the first people in line after the guys eating lunch on the steps why they were waiting in line.
  9. I do agree that the townspeople were offensive by insinuating Taylor was gay, but I don't think he ever mentioned having a wife. I wonder if you're thinking of Harry who played the mayor in season 1 and mentioned his wife was at Bingo at the firelight festival in Star-crossed Lovers and Other Strangers?
  10. True, but if you are paying a therapist to help you with relationships and grief and then refuse to talk to her isn't that on you? No one can make anyone else talk if they don't want to.
  11. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    Possibly, but it would probably be easier for her to slip out than to risk having Liz and TJ find out what was going on. It could have just depended on who replied to a text or what they already knew about others' habits and schedules.
  12. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    I felt this way too until I remembered Jess was staying at Liz and TJ's, and realistically they wouldn't have wanted to alert everybody. It seems like they just grabbed whoever they could get a hold of easily without too much inconvenience. After all, it started with Lorelai's realization that Rev. Skinner is up late on Bingo night. Thanks for saying this. With Chris it was always about him instead of Rory. Saying "it hurts too much to see her like this, it's easier to stay away" in Christopher Returns while both Lorelai and Rory ask him to visit and call more often. Of course it's easier, but that doesn't make it right! Compared to Luke who even when Anna was moving to NM his first thought was to make it easier for April, not for himself. I think maybe Logan would have stayed in London and been sucked more into his father's world in business as well as with women. It seems as though they definitely intended for Rory and Logan to break up before the end of season 7, but not sure if it would have been sooner or later in terms of the pregnancy. Oh how much I would love for this to be true. Rory's one-night stand was rather random, although I guess it did prompt her to tell her mom about Logan.
  13. Also as the students filed out you can see those from Rory's class smiling and the other side upset and crying. I felt as though there were multiple small moments in all of the episodes to love. I think that's what I love most about GG written by the Palladinos--the small moments sprinkled around each storyline, especially those you might not even notice the first time. I want to go back and make a list of those rather than the nitpicks. That really bugged me too, and made it feel like gay people were being put on parade for nosy townspeople to gawk at. Also trying to out Taylor--seriously not cool. Having grown up in a split level house I loved the stair gag. "Why did you let the nanny go upstairs? We can't lose another nanny!"
  14. I know Rory didn't make him cheat on Odette. That's not what I'm saying at all. Yes, Christopher knew about Rory and was there when she was born. All I mean is that Rory might be tempted to not tell Logan so that he could go on with the life he had planned in the same way Lorelai refused to marry Christopher so that he could finish school and go to Princeton the way he/his parents planned instead of getting a job.
  15. Well he seemed pretty determined to marry Odette, who probably wouldn't take kindly to finding out he'd been sleeping with his ex-girlfriend. I know, he is responsible and should have thought of that sooner. I just see how Rory might be tempted to have the baby and let Logan's life go on as previously scheduled. It's sort of the same thing Lorelai tried to do for Christopher by refusing to marry him at 16.
  16. Logan's proposal to Rory was almost 10 years ago. It seems possible after a year or two when his business venture in San Francisco didn't work out he went back to the family empire in order to maintain his lifestyle. Even Christopher was back working for the family biz. Then Logan met a nice heiress his family approved of and asked her to marry him, but had enough residual attraction to Rory to invite her to stay when she showed up in London. Rory had learned to depend on Logan for emotional support and business expertise at Yale and it felt perfectly natural to call him when she needed help I agree. It seems awful not to tell him but almost as bad to derail his entire life.
  17. He was, but I loved the callback to Paris's crush on him and her subsequent meltdown. Felt very real for someone getting divorced.
  18. I think so too. I was a little bummed at first that they weren't already married with a kid or two since that's what I thought they wanted. But if we see enough to know what Amy intended for season 7 and her vision for the end of the series, I'm a happy camper.
  19. It does take two to tango, but when one of those two is the parent they need to consider carefully who it was that started and set the tone for the dance. Obviously Lorelai wasn't the daughter Emily wanted, but is she really supposed to suppress her own individuality and dreams and personality in order to please her mother and subject herself to frequent criticism? Not in my world. Having been on both sides of this equation, I do have sympathy for Emily and understand how devastating it is to feel rejected by your own child. But I don't think anything quite compares to having your self esteem cut down by the one person you first learned to depend on for life, love and support.
  20. I agree they both wanted to be married but I also think they were both scared to death of it because of their own issues. You can clearly see that in the proposal scene. Lorelai spent years as a single parent, had a dismal relationship with her family and couldn't manage to date anyone for longer than a couple of months. Luke was damaged by losing his mom, then his dad and then Rachel who left him over and over. I always felt they both probably had a strong need to create a family of their own to replace what they lost but neither had enough confidence in their ability to make it happen. When they got engaged they were in way over their heads for different reasons and ended up breaking up mostly due to their own securities. So it does make sense to me that they would hesitate to do it all over again when they came so close to losing everything. I'm starting to wonder if the reason they've been in the same holding pattern for so many years is because Lorelai never managed to completely move past her issues without Amy to guide her. While it's sad they lost those years I think it's also fitting that Amy is the one to complete Lorelai's story.
  21. I could get on board with this except for the way we see Emily treat Lorelai. Would anyone want to be around to someone who so carelessly insulted them at every chance, or want their daughter to spend time with them without you? I really believe that if Emily had made the effort to try to set up visits that were convenient (and even pleasant) for Lorelai and showed her that she was willing to compromise in order to get to know her granddaughter, Rory's relationship with her grandparents could have been very different.
  22. But to me, it wouldn't be so surprising if they were both happy not being married until they decided/were able to have children. When you have a family there's a lot to be said for everyone being legally connected. I know some people wouldn't feel that way but it seems quite possible that Lorelai and Luke would.
  23. I think you're forgetting that Lorelai did have to go to Stars Hollow, find out where the inn was and knock on the door. For all we know she saved up her money and made a list of all the inns in the surrounding area (not too far but not too close) where she might be able to get a job and started knocking on doors. Maybe the Independence Inn was the first, maybe the 10th--we only know for sure that it was the last one. It seemed clear from Mia's reminiscing that she never once regretted giving her a chance and gaining a hard-working, loyal employee. As are most single parents, whether they rely on family, friends and/or neighbors. It really does take a village. Lorelai chose to find a new place to raise Rory rather than staying with her parents because, justified or not, it made her unhappy to live there. I don't have a problem with that because I think one of the greatest gifts you can give your child is a happy, contented parent. She always knew she could fall back on her parents for Rory if she failed. Realistically many 15-year-olds think it will never happen to them, even knowing the risks. And what Richard said in CR was "the brightest in her class" which may have been based on Lorelai's school records.
  24. If you read the article the next paragraph begins with "On a more serious note..."
  25. I would attribute this more to immaturity and not enough parental guidance. I think it's really up to parents to make sure their kids know how easily this could happen and what a huge effect it would have on their life.
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