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Everything posted by shron17

  1. It's a fair point, but I really think Rory would always put Lorelai in the best possible light. And since they aren't famous I would expect the book to be more general and less specific. I really hate the way Lorelai handled it when Luke asked about sleeping with the surrogates. I mean, I think it was stupid that he wouldn't know that but since he asked would it have killed her to give him an explanation and at least toned down picking on him about it? Not to even mention the way Paris responded.
  2. But that's why I love that she didn't read it--it was her acknowledgment that Rory could tell her story the way she honestly saw it, not the way her mother thought she should see it. And that she knows how people who are most important to her see her, and that's all she really cares about.
  3. I agree, it did sound ridiculous since we saw the conversation where Jess suggested it. It was obvious he was trying to help Rory get her life back on track by doing something she cared passionately about and that popped into his head as the most logical choice. But Lorelai wasn't there for their conversation and immediately got defensive about the book idea and Jess's involvement. But, I get that. When you raise a kid on your own they've seen every single one of your weaknesses, and probably more than a few that you didn't even realize you had. That's not why Jess suggested the idea and not why Rory wants to write it, but I understand Lorelai's reaction. I love that in the end Lorelai decided to trust Rory and not read the first three chapters.
  4. Rory's talk with Lane was interesting, how she went from anger to completely understanding Lorelai's objections. And I think offering to completely drop the project with no hurt feelings redeemed her in the end. I also thought it was interesting how sure Rory was that Lorelai already knew she was seeing Logan when she told her. And that Lorelai was mainly upset Rory lied to her about it.
  5. One of my nitpicks is from that scene it seems that Lorelai let 4 months go by after Richard's funeral without directly speaking to or seeing Emily in person to make sure she was okay. Another one is how Lorelai referenced when she and Luke talked about kids at the Twickam House, when that conversation happened in Luke's apartment.
  6. I liked the musical, maybe because I like Sutton Foster in anything. The fact that it went on for so long made me wonder it was filling in for scenes that were cut, maybe because more sets were needed. From early spoilers it sounded like both Jess and April were slated for more screen time. Sure, more character development is always good but overall I was satisfied with the three main story lines. In regards to Lorelai and Jess, sure they have similarities. But I understand why Lorelai would be snarky about him when she's feeling vulnerable in her relationships with Luke and Rory, since he's had close relationships with each. When that was all resolved she treated him like family and was happy to have him there.
  7. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    I guess I think pulling back emotionally from your kids is a necessary part of letting them grow up, and something Emily should have done a long long time ago rather than continually pushing Lorelai to do what she thought best. Yes, it is sad but much better than the often painful relationship the two had during the series. But take a strong-willed, controlling parent and an equally strong-willed and fiercely independent child and that's what you'll get every time, until one or of them gives up.
  8. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    But we didn't see Lorelai announce her marriage to Emily, we saw Lorelai visiting and Emily assuming she'd cancelled the wedding. As far as Emily being excited, thrilled or fiercely on Lorelai's side (and victorious?), I have a feeling Lorelai would prefer Emily's calm acceptance of her life choices every time. Emily is different with Rory, of course, and we didn't see anything in the revival to indicate that had changed. I don't think Chris is an important enough part of Rory's story to be the villain.
  9. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    Also, that she was done trying to control others lives and was content to just live her life. I think losing Richard made her see that we all ultimately only have ourselves to depend on. That last scene with Lorelai was a different dynamic for them, she still made a condition but wasn't criticizing or trying to get Lorelai to change--quite a big change of perception from when she stopped going to therapy because "Lorelai" was still the same.
  10. May be hilarious, but not at all unusual that those with our same faults bug us the most. It's just human nature.
  11. Well, there's this from Richard in Stars Hollow: And this from I Get a Sidekick Out of You, though they don't say what town they're in. I guess you could say DR didn't have continuity in season 7 as easily as ASP didn't in the revival. I think the Secret Bar is perfect for Stars Hollow, too bad they didn't do that from the start.
  12. Try here. There is a link at the top for episodes that lists scripts and music and offers a little more detail. I love the music on this show too, and now like a bunch of artists I hadn't heard of--Sam Phillips, Grant Lee Phillips, Sparks, Pernice Brothers, etc. One of my all time favorite music moments in the show is the first scene in the pilot to "There She Goes" by The La's.
  13. Hmm, forgot about that. It seems like Rory might have referred to something like that at least one other time but I can't recall right now. It always just came off like a joke.
  14. This theory actually makes a lot of sense to me in terms of both the original series and the revival. But does this mean the series was supposed to end with Rory writing a book?
  15. I would agree with this, but think it also ties into the similar personalities of Emily and Lorelai. They are both life managers--they like to be in charge of their lives and those close to them and for the most part they're very good at it. Emily managed all their lives into the way she thought best and expected Lorelai to be an extension of that life and confirmation that she got it right. But it wasn't "right" for Lorelai, even as a child. Lorelai always said she didn't want that life, but it came more from her strong inclination to create and manage her own life. When the strip turned pink she became an adult because now she had another person to be responsible for and another life to manage. She rejected Richard's plan to marry Christopher and live the Gilmore way because she was already planning how to escape and create a completely different life where she could raise her daughter in the way she thought best. True, because she really needed that confirmation from Lorelai (or Rory) that her way was the best way all along.
  16. But Lorelai was also insensitive in the way she brought it up. Luke was filling her in on April's plan for the summer, never mentioned finances and looked irritated as soon as it was brought up. Not to mention she was indirectly highlighting the different economic standings of their daughters and themselves. Rory complains about being broke soon after suggesting an impromptu trip to London to stay with her rich ex-boyfriend. Even though she moved home no one questions if she can pay her expenses. If Lorelai was really concerned about Luke's money all she needed to do was vaguely reference that if it was ever too much she could chip in. If she had shown respect for the fact that Luke is willing and able to support his own daughter he wouldn't have needed to remind her. In regards to Lorelai and Jess, I would just explain it as Lorelai sniping at him when she's feeling vulnerable--1) with Luke after being focused on her mother's criticism of how she treats him and 2) with Rory when she finds out it was his idea for Rory to write the story of their lives. Once she'd worked through those issues in her head and felt like she was on firmer ground in both relationships she was nice to him. Jess has pretty close relationships with the two people closest to Lorelai and it seems very human that she would worry about what might be said behind her back when she's feeling like she's making mistakes.
  17. The thing is, you're comparing two very different conversations. In the first one Luke says he considered Rory a little bit in his in response to Lorelai's concern he never had the opportunity to raise a child. In the second one Lorelai is giving Luke her opinion about what he should or should not pay for his daughter. We've never ever heard Luke weigh in on finances in regard to Rory, quite possibly because it would be considered none of his business.
  18. I keep thinking about Luke and Lorelai's fight in the diner where he says she set up their relationship to be separate and he just went along with it. And to me, it makes sense if I carry that out to Lorelai setting up everything in their relationship. She decided when they should get married and set it all up before she talked to Luke about it. The first time she proposed and also picked the date and location with Sookie. When Luke wanted to buy the Twickam House all Lorelai had to do was make some jokes about not selling and Luke figured out how they could keep it. It's not so much that she has to have everything her way, but more that she likes to be in control and have things work in the way she thinks best for everyone involved. So given that, it seems possible that scene is Lorelai trying to "set up" Luke and April's relationship to somewhat alleviate the financial pressure being put on Luke.
  19. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    That too. But getting along with Berta well enough to let her move her family in was a big part of that, since all together they seemed to take care of everything related to the house and grounds. Richard seemed to take care of dealing with the people they hired to work outside, and maybe also for picture hanging and other odd jobs, so having Berta's family there made it much easier for Emily to take care of herself.
  20. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    And I especially enjoyed Christopher's face when he realized she wasn't falling for it anymore.
  21. shron17

    S01.E04: Fall

    To me the message seems to be that the only way Emily can have a positive relationship with a maid is if they can't communicate. You can see it start at Richard's funeral but I think not being able to understand allowed Emily to give them the benefit of the doubt Also, no way would Berta have kept that big smile if there was no language barrier. I especially loved the scene when Emily was going to heat up the soup and Berta complains how can a grown woman not be able to heat up soup without spilling it all over the stove.
  22. But Luke has always gone along with what Lorelai decides she wants to do. Remember their conversation about the Durham Group? Luke asked questions and expressed concern about the travel (and the kids), and asked if she was accepting the job but never once said he didn't want her to do it. He always knew it was her decision, same thing with doing Wild. And I disagree that he didn't realize it might mean she was leaving until later. When Luke finally says, "Well, I guess you know what's out there. But you're still going to go?" you can see it in his face. I found their argument more interesting, especially Luke saying she set up their lives the way they were and Lorelai not even realizing she had. But looking back at the series I see how accurate that was. Lorelai decided how their lives would work and Luke went along with it. It worked well for them because having that control was more important to her than to him (probably the single parent thing) and because she always made his preferences/happiness a high priority. The times it didn't work were when she came too close to parts of Luke's life that he wanted to retain control over--Jess, Nicole, and April. I would even say Lorelai's ultimatum with no discussion permitted in Partings was her attempt to take back control of their lives together. I just realized this also extends to Rory. Even though I completely understand her objections to Rory's book it's interesting that it's something else Lorelai has no control over. I also love that their argument in the diner ends with Luke going to the Dragonfly to fix a situation that Lorelai caused by not dealing with replacing Sookie.
  23. In Summer, after Taylor compliments their newly hired lead for the musical he ignores Lorelai's prompt for a compliment of herself and Rory by responding no, she's pretty much the hottest woman he's ever seen.
  24. Interesting. I remember Alexis saying in an interview before the episode aired that Lorelai had to choose which guy. Most viewers didn't see it that way, but I'm not sure Luke would have left if his girlfriend hadn't just stood between the two men looking like she didn't know what she wanted. Even moving next to Luke and taking his arm might have been enough, but she waited until he left to decide. Lorelai's love life often seemed to be about trying to keep them from leaving her rather than expressing (or even knowing) her true feelings about them. Whenever she was dating or engaged it seemed like her fear of that was always there. Even when she was sobbing over Luke she said "he could have been the one." Maybe that's why despite a few nice moments things weren't that great between them for the rest of the season.
  25. Sad but true. She tells Luke about Chris saying she didn't want him to get shanghaied, and then does it herself. Chris totally knew what was going on and dug in to make it worse.
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