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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. I have a friend that is probably a lot like you. She trains horses (hunter/jumpers) and wrote an article for Professional Horseman, and from that got asked to write others. Her real money comes from seminars she's asked to teach and lectures. She's always flying off to somewhere! I can't see that amount of interest in something Rory would write though.
  2. Just got around to watching, late to the party as always! I have two trust funds, one didn't kick in until I was 35, the other when I turned 40. Maybe Trixie and Richard were smart enough to do the same thing? I know in my own case, I never would have made anything out of myself if I had received the money earlier. Who am I kidding? This is just shitty writing, I should just accept it. This entire episode bummed me out. I won't even comment on the fat shaming! That infuriated me!!!
  3. AngelaHunter, your post gave me a big laugh! Thanks for that! I'd watch it too. I only catch it because Mick is still such a fan. Me? Not so much.
  4. I gave up on WD after the Governor, worst villain ever! Watched the first half of this season because Mick still watches it. Reading the spoilers, I think I'll take this for my reading time. Really, this show is; lather, rinse, repeat.
  5. Hey tarotx, thanks for the links!
  6. Thanks FictionLover! I'll look for it.
  7. I've been here and on Mighty Big TV, and TWoP, but I still don't know; who are the Gilmore Guys? I hang on Supernatural and Bate's Motel, so I'm out of the loop here. Help?
  8. Working my way through this thread, but this I had to comment on! My husband Mick and I have watched this entire show multiple times, and we both mention the lack of affection. God we've been married forever, and maybe we're weird, but we hug and kiss each other multiple times a day! The one scene that always gets us is when Lorelai sends Luke camping while she goes to Miss. Patty's show. When he comes back, they never even touch! Good God, at least a good-bye kiss! Okay, after finishing this thread, I understand the reasons for this, but still! ASP should get off her high horse, and let the relationship develop. As for the acyors, hell, you're paid to act, put your differences aside, and give us a relationship we can root for!
  9. I've always loved Logan, I know lots of guys like him, including my brothers, but they (and Logan) grew out of it. The revival destroyed him for me.(Thanks Amy!) I've always hated Jess. I know he's gone through some tough times, but damn, he treated Luke like shit! Even managed to turn the town against Luke! Add stealing Dean's bracelet, not taking Rory to town events she wanted to attend, stalking Dean, his total contempt of Rory's family (dinner at Emily's!), what he did outside Taylor's market, leaving town and not telling Rory, I could go on forever! He did improve after a time, but he made me hate him at first, and I never fully got over it. Nope, didn't change my mind on that one.
  10. Thanks Awesom! (It's about time! ;) ) I miss Omegamom too, where has she been?
  11. When through the exact same thing MysteryGuest. I wish I could give you a great big hug! No one understands what this is like, unless they've lived through it. Bless you.
  12. Awesom, you rock! Love Bon Jovi, seen him many times, including once at The Stone Pony. When Sam asked Dean that question, Mick immediately listed everyone in the band. I love that about my husband! He also said, "Why didn't he ask about Zeppelin instead?"
  13. Demented! Don't you dare give up on this show! I forbid you to give up on this show! You have added so much to this forum, we can't lose you now. Don't make me stalk you....
  14. At one point, Dean better be able to use the damn thing! Maybe to kill Hitler...oh, wait!
  15. "No!" on the grenade launcher had to be Sam!
  16. I still love this show, and will never stop watching! 12 seasons, and it still can find a way to delight me. Few shows can match that! Sam and Dean's relationship is one of the most complicated ever shown IMO, and provides us with endless debate. That in itself is worth the price of admission. If you've watched from the beginning, it's endlessly fascinating.
  17. Oh my God ahrtee, you're as devious as Rowena! That's a complement by the way, I love her!
  18. I loved it! I'll rewatch, but I know I'll still feel that way! Mick and I said to each other half-way through, "catrox is gonna love this one!" Question, why did Rowena give the book to Sam in the end? She just handed it over, why?!
  19. I swear that makes me want to get a Teddy Bear and hope it gets sick! I'm shameless...
  20. Old friends are the best Diane. The shared memories alone are so dear to me. I met Liane when I was 13, I'm 58 now, and even though we now live on opposite side of the country now, we see each other several times a year, and talk on the phone almost every night! You and I are both very lucky!
  21. Oh my GOD Diane! You lost your sister?! I am so, so profoundly sorry. What a horrible thing to go through at that age. I have no words.
  22. Watched "Slash Fiction" this morning, one of my favorite episodes of the whole series! I will never get tired of Dean lovin' "All Out Of Love!" When that song first came out, I was a teenager. I remember lying on the beach at the Jersey Shore with my bestfriend Lianne when that song came on the little AM radio we had, (station, 77WABC). I swear to God guys, almost everyone on the beach started singing along! It's one of my fondest memories, so that song means a lot to me. 40 years later and Liane and I still laugh about this!
  23. Welcome @Wayward Son! Everyone on this site is insane, so just be informed! I too, am super excited about Bates Motel! I've missed that show so much! Awesom and 7kstar, I get so much of what you're saying concerning teaching! I taught for 29 years, and every year I had "Helicopter Parents" coming into my office to pressure me to ease up on their kids. The kicker is, for the last 27 years, I TAUGHT GRAD SCHOOL! For Christ's sake, these weren't kids, they were adults! My class was mandatory in several fields for a degree, it's not like they were blindsided by the work. I just don't get it. My students were mostly, to their credit, deeply embarrassed by their parents behavior. I always held my ground. I'm not talking about the SB. I hate Brady/Belicheck with a passion! But I liked the Skittles commercial!
  24. As long as I'm posting, I agree about books! I always carry one with me, because, you never know. Right now it's "The Portable Dorothy Parker" Man does not live....
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