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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. rue, you are truly insane! One of the many reasons I love you! Loved the "tip of the hat" to Pulp Fiction! Just watched it the other night, so it really got us.
  2. Well, we did have the "Knights Of Hell", so why the fuck not? I agree about someone watching. Had to be Cas!
  3. I think it's five specific beings. We know Lucifer, so by extension Michael I would guess. But that would mean no archangels, and they're are several. Add Amara and God... oh Hell I don't know! Damn all of you for driving my crazy with this!! Loved this episode though! Mick called The Colt from the beginning, so I hate him tonight.
  4. I agree. The fans go nuts when Cas isn't in several episodes in a row, so I think killing him off would be a deal-breaker for the fence sitter fans. I'll stick with this show to the very end, Mick and I are fans from day one, it's "our" show. But please, don't screw with Cas! I want badass Cas back!
  5. Wow Wayward Son! Great list. I'm so happy you joined us here!
  6. I knew I recognized that line! Didn't know about the homage though. Thanks SueB!
  7. I always forget what they are on Thursdays! My Teddy Bear is very sick! Help!
  8. Honestly Rule, I have to stop reading your posts! You make some great points, but make my head hurt! The canon discrepancies drive me nuts enough, now you add a new one?!
  9. This is one great point! Ahrtee, you said what I've been thinking but couldn't articulate. Thank you!
  10. Yes! One of my favorite moments is when Bobby is dying and reliving his favorite memory, which is Sam and Dean bickering about "Chuck Norris vs..."
  11. I agree about the vent, but "Deviled Egg?" Won the internet for me! Thanks for the laugh Ruler!
  12. Rufus swallowing the ring constantly sends Mick into hysterical laughter! Depending on the day, Mick is either 8 or 12 years old, but I'm used to it.
  13. I agree completely! I rather have him Crowley like. The actor is just to fine to waste!
  14. Yes SueB! I love Meg 2.0! I saw "Reading Is Fundamental" today, and she was the best! Loved her connection with Cas!!
  15. Ah Rue! I rarely played for money, and if I did, it was for 5 bucks or so. I understand why you're pissed, but please, don't think less of me! I respect you a lot, and would hate to think I lost yours!
  16. Oh God! I had a spider crawl down my arm once though, and it was the softest, most feather light thing I ever felt. Fortunately, I was outside at the time, and just gently put him back in the grass. I'll never forget that feeling! On my face, not so much! I'd freak!!!! Pat's a big fan now, and I'll make sure she comments.
  17. I expected a reaction like Kevin's (in "Reading Is Fundamental") when the boys, Meg, and Cas were talking after Cas "woke up" and the demons and angels showed up, and Kevin screamed "What is going on here!?" or something like that...
  18. I've hustled a ton of people with pool! I've worked at stables all through my younger days, and they all had pool tables for the grooms in the break room, and I've spent may a rainy day playing pool, and became very good at it. For the boy's (and me!) that's not cheating, you just blow the first few games, than run the table. It's done all the time. I think Dean would love Rowena and her poker playing! I also think they'd make an awesome couple! I too want the "Mega Coven!" Rowena has become one of my favorites on this show.
  19. Anyone who hasn't read Awesom0400's fan fic, should give it a try! Start from the beginning, it's worth it! Not sucking up Awesom, but I love your take! Not enough are reading it. Everyone of my friends I've sent it to, love it! My sister just e-mailed me and said "Who is this woman? Has she written anything else?" Didn't have the heart to tell her about the spiders. She shares my terror!
  20. Ah, thank you lulu1960! I was looking for a thread "All Seasons", which we have for several shows. You're a life saver! Thanks again!!
  21. Thank you for this link amensisterfriend, I've been running into you a lot lately! Aren't you on Bate's Motel too? If you love mysteries, check out Martha Grimes. Next to Agatha, she's my favorite!
  22. I can't believe I just found this forum! I used to watch this show with my Grandmother, and when I saw it was on Hallmark, got hooked all over again! The best part is, Mick has fallen in love with it too, so I'm now watching it with my husband! He buys me a season on DVD for every occasion, and we love watching them together. It's so refreshing after all the doom and gloom on T.V. these days!
  23. Hey amensisterfriend! Tried to PM you but couldn't find the link. Where is the All Episode thread? Couldn't find it for the life of me!
  24. Thanks shron17! I can remember stuff like that about Supernatural, but GG not so much.
  25. What I first thought of, was Jackson and Christopher going out for a beer. Did they drive to Woodbury for that?
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