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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. I Know! This has bugged Mick and me from the beginning, but you just have to hand wave it. Otherwise, you will go insane. But I do love the "Mad clean up skills" line.
  2. Quit your job! Priorities my friend, priorities!
  3. Oh this so much! I'm so sick of Sam making so called "bad" decisions. Lather, rinse, repeat...
  4. Thanks SueB! I needed that hope! I can see them using "Is Cas dead?" as this season's cliff hanger, but other than that, killing him off would destroy a lot of the arc, including, (and perhaps most importantly) his relationship with Dean.
  5. I never considered that, but it could very well be true, and heartbreaking!
  6. Hey Awesom, are you working on anything now? I hate to be a nag...
  7. May I view your journal? If you okay it, can I get a link?
  8. I haven't been on Livejournal in decades! I see your point, especially the credit change, that's huge! I just hope you're wrong! *sigh* Nope, my Mom was British. I drink everything, including beer with my pinky out!
  9. Why do you believe this? Head to S&S, I'd be devastated to lose Cas!
  10. Thanks DeeDee79! For some reason I blanked that out, but after reading here went back and watched that storyline. Yes I have all the DVDs!
  11. I wish there was a way I could "unlike" your post! No offence intended.
  12. Awesom, I'm sick of "liking" your posts, but this has sent me down a road I haven't considered. I'm going to watch this season with a whole new perspective now! Sweet!
  13. I'm getting a kick out of your posts here Dot! I get your frustration, and I'm loving your repeating "forget it!" Don't ever change!
  14. This whole time travel thing makes my head hurt. Mary going "back" would screw up too many events that have already happened, sort of like Bradbury's "Butterfly Effect"
  15. Wayward Son, I love your posts, but I have finally found a point I disagree with. I love Crowley and Rowena! I'm very intrigued by Rowena's story this season, and I'm hoping for more development, especially what seems to be her growing "relationship" with Dean. I know he remembers their conversation in "Regarding Dean", and I'm waiting to see how it fleshes out. As for Crowley, I can never guess what he is really up to, and that's just flat-out fun! Now we have him saving Cas but at the same time keeping Lucifer his prisoner. Now he knows Lucifer's child is still alive, and I'm looking forward to finding out how he's going to use this to his advantage! Any thoughts? If you do, I'd love to here them in S&S!
  16. Halt the thread! Rue, I am so sorry, that flat out sucks! Good God, how awful!
  17. This so much! Really, someone should send these writers a link so Super-wiki!
  18. Quick question; Didn't Crowley say of his son, "I can't stand the little bastard"? Why did he even care that Gavin was willing to die?
  19. I'd forgotten this, I swear Awesomo, do you live to creep me out?! I loved this episode! Sort of a bottle, but did advance the storyline. Dabb does hate Sam and Dean, but he held himself back here. I've become a HUGH Rowena fan, and I'm glad they're using her more. I'm glad to see Mark back. If they're going to shove Lucifer down our throat, at least be it with him. Going to rewatch, and will post more after.
  20. OMG! I knew that, never watched it, but knew that! What a brain fart! Thanks Dot!!
  21. Go catrox! Thanks! Okay, I don't get this. Clue me in Sue!
  22. Family Feud - When Sam and Dean look into a murder at a museum, they learn a ghost from a merchant ship that sunk in 1723 may be at the heart of the mystery Cartrox in 3, 2,1...
  23. I agree with all of this Rue! What is Mary's end-game?!
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