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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. I know I'm reviving a thread, but I have to say, the one and only befit of Chemo (Besides killing cancer of course) is that my leg hair never grew back! (or my pubis hair!) You have no idea (But, you probably do, thinking of it) how much easier it makes showers and just general maintenance!
  2. Hate the Pats, but today I'm rooting for them! Why? Because I want my beloved Giants to be the only team to beat them (Twice!), in the SB during the Belichick/Brady era!
  3. Yeah, the revival ruined the character, and that's a shame! I also don't get Rory in the revival, did they want to make her so unlikeable? I live in a small town. We have a Taylor, and he's adored here! We don't take him too seriously though. But he's a kick, and honestly cares about the town.
  4. I loved my Mom very much (she passed several years ago) but when this show premiered, I had four girlfriends call me and say "Your Mom is on T.V." I have such a love/hate relationship with Emily, but the last few seasons made me understand her (and my own Mom) better. She loved her daughter very much, but just couldn't connect with her. Gil is another one I changed my mind about. At first I saw him as just trying to be "cool", but he was so accepting and open. As an example, when he went to the Kim's for a wedding and honestly enjoyed himself! I found him and Mrs. Kim to be a riot together! Or when Mrs. Kim was putting together Hep Alien's road trip, and giving him instructions on Van maintenance, he was completely into it!
  5. Diving in! I hang on Supernatural, but have always loved the Gilmore Girls! Even got my husband Mick hooked on it! I have UP's galore! First off, on multiple rewatches, I really don't like Lorelai. She is too self-centered, and her endless quips drive me nuts! She's just not that clever. I did love her with Digger though, but I also love the actor, so that might have influenced me. But Digger, to me, just seemed to "get her" I love Kirk, and Taylor, and Mrs. Kim is my favorite character! Have I pissed off enough of you? Oh, if that isn't enough, I adore Logan! He always supported Rory, and encouraged her in her career.
  6. Thanks Dot! I'm looking forward to this season!
  7. Hi Dot! I know, I'm late to the party, I used to post on Bates, but got distracted with other stuff. Dot, you said you saw the movie recently. Isn't it stated in the movie that Norman's Mom and her sheriff lover "disappeared" at the same time? I also read somewhere, I can't remember exactly, that the murderer that Norman is based on first victim was his brother. Can anyone help me out with this?
  8. Was the actor that played Ishim on the show before as a hunter? I'll have to go check....
  9. Got my computer back up 5 mins. ago, after being down 6 days!! Go catrox! Missed you guys!!!
  10. I just tried to "Like" a post from catrox, and was told: "I'm not allowed to like a post fro this user" What's that about? Am I kicked of this site? Okay, but I wish I had been PMed.
  11. Thanks guys! I'm getting the feel of this! So much Supernatural stuff! I'm liking it!
  12. And what else happens on Thursdays catrox?? 3...2...1...
  13. Oh no Dot! You took the time to reply, and that is important to me! I hate social media too, Mick does Facebook, but doesn't keep up with it which pisses off all our friends and family. Question: What does "retweet" mean? Is it a "Like" or do you have to send it to someone else?
  14. Thank you ratgirlagogo! But just wait til I get on my Bette Davis roll! I worship at her feet!'
  15. Good God! Years on this site and I just found this! So much to comment on, but I'm going to read every single post first, you all deserve it! I just have to thank you all! What a great bunch!
  16. Also want to ask, off topic. How you doing 7kstar? I hate it when great teachers burn out, and you sound close! PM me if you need to. We teachers got to stick together!
  17. No worries friend, you're just way smarter than me when it comes to this stuff!
  18. Wow guys, thanks! I'm going to join and follow all the Supernatural ones I can find, and any Giants that tweet. This should really help! Thanks! catrox, I'm so new to this, I didn't understand a word you said!
  19. Guys, I have a question, and you're free to laugh at me! I have never been on Twitter, but decided to check it out to see what the Orange One is up to. Will I see more content if I join, or can I see everything without signing up? And how the hell does that place work? Does everything expand when you click it? How do you keep these conversations straight? Any tips for using it? Thanks guys, when you finish laughing, I'd appreciate some help!
  20. Aw, 7kstar! You are far too hard on yourself, which just shows what a wonderful teacher you are! Don't give up, I'm sure there are many of your students that will think back on you as their favorite. Your posts show how much you care, and trust me, many of them will remember that! Dean and you related? How? Care too much? Take on too much responsibility for things you can't possibly control? Feel too deeply? Too hard on yourself? Well, okay, you got me. Channel your inner Dean!
  21. Thanks! Just ordered it, after all, it was Prime! Only one left, hope I snagged it!
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