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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. Aw, I think about you often catrox! You remind me of what we used to call "The last of the big-shouldered broads", and trust me, hat is an extreme compliment! Very few deserve it!
  2. Good going 7katar! You'll love your trip to NYC! It will energize you, I promise!
  3. Hey catrox, how's the arm healing up?
  4. If they give us a cliffhanger of "Is He or is He not alive?" regarding Cas, I swear I'll have a heart attack. I've loved him and his interaction with Dean from the start. It would devastate Dean, and I don't want to watch that, even if it would be considered "daring" by some. TFW should be together to the end!
  5. Hey 7kstar, how did it go? How are you holding up? I feel so guilty now for not checking in more when I had cancer. I truly worry about you guys! While I'm at it, where the hell is Omegamom? Anyone know?
  6. Oh Bec! When I found out what it said, I never thought of him reading it to the engraver! Thanks for a good laugh!
  7. So do I! But the only exception is Supernatural, I just can't wait, and like to chat with my friends here.
  8. I did! Before I read your post! Great minds Sue, great minds!
  9. Oh SHIT! I surrender, I surrender! I'm gonna ask Dean for help on this one! At least he knows how to handle you ;) Piss off catrox at your own peril!
  10. Why does that sound so much like Crowley? If I never post again...!
  11. Were the hell is everyone? Even Mick loved this one, and he's not a big fan! What was the epitaph on the head stone? Would someone post it please? I was in the kitchen. Does Chick know what he's dealing with?
  12. *puts arm around Sue and gives her a big ol' hug* Ah Sue, we all love ya, you know that! catrox is the real trouble maker! We all know that! *ducks and runs*
  13. Wow catrox, that never occurred to me! Dean would hate to lose the Bunker! (It's memory foam, it remembers me!) I hope you're not right. The Boys need a home!
  14. I'm quoting this again because I want to add that this is a perfect analogy! Brings me back to my college days and the arguments we had about James Joyce. Everyone read him differently! Dressgate! Hee!
  15. I'll help you jump her cartrox! Honestly Sue, did you have to do that??!!
  16. Oh Chuck! I thought I was the only one! I LOVE Meg! "Moved some furniture with her" has became my new favorite line!!! You all are just...too much. No wonder I love this place! *move some furniture with her, heh!*
  17. I didn't think anyone remembered this band! Freehand! Great album. Bless you!!! Ah shit! I meant Gentle Giants. Fuck me.
  18. Oh, I'd love that! Always like to try something new! Thank you!
  19. I'm rooting for "Hidden Figures" When I was at M.I.T., I had a poster of Katherine Johnson on my wall. I'm a geek like that...
  20. That is one KICK-ASS post! I'm on my knees, really, on my knees!
  21. I've always heard from my theater friends that Macbeth was the unlucky play. I don't have a single friend that has done this play without "unintended consequences" So I guess it's true? 7kstar, if you can, take a year off and write. I taught for 28 years (Grad School), and it really wore me out. I cannot, under any circumstances, imagine teaching middle school! You're a blessing to those kids! You sure as hell have a ton of respect from me, and as Mick would say, "I ain't hardly joking" Let us know how it worked out. I thought of trying one, but we love to cook, and being retired, have the time to shop and prepare.
  22. For me, one thing is very clear to me about Dean. His first love is pie. All others get in line.
  23. Ah Wayward, don't feel bad! I'm just super sensitive because of my sister and her wife, along with todays climate. All's good here!!
  24. I agree. On the same note, Mick is a big old biker, (my avatar is actually him) and when he meets his "Bros" they hug like crazy. My sister is gay, and she and her wife are the two most feminine women I know. I find my sister's wife sexy as hell. What's the big deal? I'm kind of disturbed this is even an issue.
  25. Rue, this leads me to something that's always bugged me, "The Hunters Network" If John knew nothing of hunting before Mary died, how did he know about this aspect? When John first started hunting he knew enough to leave the boys with Father John or Bobby when needed. We see Bobby as the "go to guy" for hunters for everything from info on killing to having multiple phones marked F.B.I. ("He's one of our best agents") C.D.C. etc.. We even hear him give advice to Garth before the character is introduced. Yet this network is only used as a plot device. Do other hunters even know about the Bunker? Wouldn't the info in the Bunker be priceless to other hunters? And now that Garth is dead, who's manning the phones?
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