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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. Norman discovers who he can rely on as he attempts to protect his secrets. Romero struggles to find safety.
  2. I hope you're right ganesh! It's not at all satisfying if they kill off Romero this way! I just wish they showed guns in a more realistic light in T.V. They're not toys.
  3. What a wonderful thing for you to do! I've always liked you Sue, and knew you were a nice person, but this has just blown me away! Congrats to your daughter. I'm sure she's a lovely young woman, given her Mom! Thanks for sharing Sue!
  4. Stop spending my money Peacheslatour! Now I have to get the third movie! But, in your favor, I did like the sequel, so thanks!
  5. I couldn't believe this when I read your post! Good Chuck, in this time of "Binge watching" you'd think a writer could invest some time in getting to know the series. Watch at least the last three seasons for cryin' out loud!
  6. It's strange TripleD, because I have never paid attention to the writers before Supernatural either! Now I have just as much fun as you, and I too can guess the writer based on just a few scenes. I miss Ben Edlund.
  7. He's dead, even with birdshot. # 8 bird shot has 1 1/8 ounces of shot moving at 1255 FPS and holds a very tight pattern at short distances, as does #6 and #4. That is a lot of lead hitting all at once. A well aimed shot to the belly or crotch area at 10 yards or less would most certainly sever an artery and or cause a tremendous amount of damage I know a bit about guns. I don't want Romero dead, but if the shot didn't kill him, peritonitis will, unless he gets immediate help. But on T.V., who knows what they'll do?
  8. Oh My God! (Yes, I spelled it out!) Another Opera lover! And Wagner! Airmid, I so glad to find you here! Welcome to our crazy gang!
  9. On rewatch, this episode is the one that made me fall in love with Rowena. This exchange did it! Rowena: You do recall our deal, eh? First I de-spell the angel, then I go free. Dean: Mm, except for one thing. Rowena: There were no exceptions in our arrangement. Dean: The book. Gonna need that baby back. Rowena: The book was never mentioned in our negotiations. Dean: Well, now it is. Rowena: Our deal says -- Dean: Our deal says whatever I want it to say. You're gonna play by my rules because I have your son on speed dial. Rowena: Call him. If I'm dead, you've got a big fat pile of nothing. No book ever. And your friend with the bent halo? He goes foaming-at-the-mouth mad and dies. Your turn! The way she say's "Your turn!" I laughed like hell!
  10. Or the interest of the vessel they inhabit. Gabriel's sexual interest was on a Dean like level. Gabriel also enjoyed food, which always confused me. Cas never did until they were dealing with Gluttony. Now I have to go check Super-wiki. Another night spent in that endless hole! I had to add, I always "shipped' Cas and Meg! I love Meg! And Rowena, so what does that say about me?!
  11. This was something I've been thinking about since I read Wayward Son's first post. A shower is a physical pleasure, so is sex. Hannah experiencing this is just the beginning, IMO, of what happens when they inhabit a vessel for a period of time.
  12. You must have been the one who gave me that link! Talk about a black hole!! Belated thank you for the link! Mick and I have used it countless times for our road trips on the Harley! I can't tell you how much fun we've had! This is the bike we travel on. Oh, and Mick.
  13. Do you know about this site? http://www.roadsideamerica.com/
  14. I'm so glad someone else knows it! We have the DVD and the CD soundtrack! Several of the songs were written by Meat Loaf's writer, Jim Steinman. This is what happens when you marry a musician!
  15. This is really off topic, but does anyone remember Grind House Movies (Not the horror movies!)? They were just off the wall movies, that almost no one knew. One of our favorites was Streets Of Fire, and this cool song is from it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-57gtQk1lig I don't know where my mind is tonight guys, but I wanted to share!
  16. Hey DittyDotDot! Just saw a preview for a new movie entitled "Terrifier" about a killer clown.! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DotHFemS-kg
  17. I'm going to check out that album right now! Mick by the way, calls you "Triple D" He thinks your "A hoot!" You're one of his favorite posters.
  18. This is a "Good Thing?!" I'm done with Luci. But I'm down with Crowley! Love that man!
  19. I was wondering where the hell you were. Looking forward to your thoughts. We need the icon of dripping sarcasm! But, I love this show. I'm in for it to the end. I've said it before, 12 years and I still never miss it! That's got to say something!
  20. Mick (my husband, not the character) is driving me nuts! He keeps asking, "What's Gwen's story?" He's right, when she was in the Impala with Sam, she seemed to imply she knew why the hell hound went after her boyfriend. Any ideas? I gotta get him off my back!
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