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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. I gotta ask! What are the first two? I can guess one...
  2. I agree. I don't think we know yet the consequence of killing Death, or Billie. I can see both killings coming back to bite them in the ass. Personally, I'd worry about Death more. But I don't believe he's truly dead.
  3. I agree. They're human, and complicated. If they were just straight up heroes, they'd be boring. In my opinion, the show is much more interesting because nothing is black and white. The guys make hard choices, and they're not always right, but they always have compelling reasons for their choices.
  4. Oh thanks companionenvy! Now you have me thinking the BMoL will try to kill Crowley! I don't need that! *goes into corner to sulk*
  5. I'm off to rewatch. Too much to think about!
  6. I'm just spit balling...but the BMoL went after all vamps. What's up next, Werewolfs? Will we see Garth again? How will the boys react to that?
  7. When Hayward comes over Sat. I'll have him take a couple of pictures of it. He can post from his phone, I can't. But it came out really good! I'll put it in Small Talk. I'm rather proud of it! Mick thought I was nuts, it took me about four different experiments to get it right. It looks exactly like him! Heh! I have a secret life....
  8. Oh good one! I actually made a Mr. Fizzles puppet, because I weird like that!
  9. I was wondering the same thing. They tortured Sam to get the names of the other hunters. Why?
  10. Oh wow catrox! Never thought of it that way. Really fine analysis!
  11. Aw hell catrox, it's been a rough year for you! I sincerely hope thing start to improve, soon! Wish tonight was a Dean centric episode, that would cheer you up!
  12. I agree with Georgiegirl, I too think the brothers are the heart of this show. Carver's decision to have Sam not try to save Dean from Purgatory was so unbelievable! What show was he writing for? If Dean goes along with the BMoL, I hope it's only to protect Mary. I just can't see him joining them, he's always been very sharp when it comes to seeing through people. He knows this group is corrupt! I'm still not convinced that Mary is hunting with them to protect her sons. I think there's another motive that hasn't been revealed yet. I have no idea what, but there has to be another reason. Ridding the world of all evil is just not possible. Crowley anyone? One more thing, if they kill the Alpha Vamp I will be all sorts of pissed off! And if they have to give us some endless dialog tonight, it better be from him. Love that voice!!
  13. Just watched this episode this morning with Mick. As many times as we've seen it, for some reason we've always missed Crowley's line: "We were wondering if you hit another dog" Good Chuck, we were on the floor! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!
  14. I fear you are right Rulerofallsurvey. I would think that after all this time the Boys would stop keeping secrets from each other. Just another reason I'm starting to dislike Mary. Rather than helping her "boys", she's going to drive them apart. She knows about the BMoL, but still trusts them over her own sons. I just don't get it. But then again she has no relationship with them, as others have said. Sam is so desperate to have a relationship with her, I genuinely feel for him, but does he have to be so blind? Makes me miss Crowley!
  15. You're a director and writer, so thanks for the insight! I've always been impressed by how well Larry McMurtry writes women.
  16. "Era of the Pretty Little Jerks" sums it up perfectly! Don't know what I hate more, this episode, or Carver.
  17. Well welcome Geordiegirl! The understatement of the year!
  18. Sorry, my husband! Most here know this, and I forget some don't. My bad! He's my avatar.
  19. Spot on Aeryn13! Mary makes no effort to get to know her sons, and they're NOT BOYS! They're grown men, and can take care of themselves. Now she'd going to drive a wedge between them.
  20. I get Jensen for feeling this way, I honestly do. I've said it before, Mick's a biker, a 1% but he never patched. When one of his best Bros died, he buried him with a guitar of Mick's he loved. Mick's friendships are very deep, and I don't understand why some people can't get that straight guys can love their friends very deeply.
  21. I'm sorry, this just sucks! Mick is the most "manly" man I have ever known, and he's also the most sentimental. This whole thing pisses me off to no end! I've always seen Dean with a lot more depth than this. Bitterness thread, watch out!
  22. It's on the DVD, and I'll never forgive them for cutting it. For me, it was an important line. Looks like Dean is heading down the same road. In the clip goldy provided, (Thanks goldy!) Sam says to Dean; "Good morning to you too" at the end of the conversation Dean says; "I need a drink, several" Not good. I would love this! But you know they won't. Fortunately, we will! Another reason I love you guys! This so much! We may disagree, but I myself love hearing different takes on this show, and it's the best thing about the people here. You all make me think and see so many different points of view. It's fun!
  23. And we look for catrox, in 3,2,1...
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