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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. I really like this Wayward Son! Great analysis!
  2. I'm only on page 7, but wanted to ask this. Mick and I just rewatched, and I was wondering; If the boys do manage to repair "The Lance", would Cas's wounds come back? Unexpected consequences and all, which this show loves!
  3. Thanks, I think! Heart of Haute has become an addiction, and it's all your fault! But in all honesty, I love that place, and several of my friends do too. I always credit you, so their husbands don't blame me! Mick on the other hand....
  4. Haven't thought of that movie since I saw the "Butters" episode of South Park! Demented, you deserve your name! If I remember correctly, so does your Dad! Ah...stay away from Awesom, okay?
  5. Good God, pretty soon they're just going to build a fence around this forum and send in the nurses!
  6. Did Caleb pay for Emma's surgery? I can't remember, I thought Dylan did, with pot money. Chick has got to show again! He's hunting Caleb, and knows about Norma, so maybe he spills the beans.
  7. Oh shit!! You and Demented together is my worst nightmare! *Huddles in corner, shaking*
  8. Stop posting Awesomo! Get to writing! Just... leave out the spiders!
  9. I loved it! Did Alex hire some guy to kill Norman? And how can Dylan not know Norma's dead? Social media was talked about, and hell I know when my friends make a good BM! (Nod to Dean Winchester!)
  10. This is the one where all Shakespeare's plays get mixed up right? I'd kill to see it! Good luck! Report back later, okay?
  11. Why don't we have an episode thread?! Can anyone here start a season 5 category?
  12. Welcome Clueless Drifter! This is the best group on PTV, you'll love it here! 7kstar, you have enough on your plate! Tornados?! I worry about you, but if I find your brain, I will promptly send it to you! One act? Your play?
  13. I'm here! Hi peacheslatour! Don't know if you remember me, but you sent me to a site where I could find dresses like Norma's. Cost me a fortune, but I don't regret it!
  14. This is one of the most outstanding posts I have ever read on this board SueB! As a mathematician, I love your logic, and appreciate your thought process. God Sue, you rock!
  15. Good Chuck, I'm still laughing at this! Mick keeps asking, "What's so funny?" but I couldn't answer...
  16. Mick, an old military man says "Age and treachery will always win out over youth and skill" I agree.
  17. What I don't get Rue, is why is she working for them?! Do they have something on her? Was this ever explained, I'm I having a brain fart here?
  18. THIS! Bothered the hell out of me. She should have lied and gave it to her sons. She knew how important it was.
  19. Wow Rue, I had forgotten that, and I think you've made a great point! Can't wait to run this one by Mick!
  20. God just reading this broke my heart SueB, and it's something I never considered!
  21. Oh man, Geordiegirl! Thank you, Mick and I just had a big "ah ha!" moment because of you! Supernatural fans are the best!
  22. This is exactly what Mick and I thought. Came back to add this on rewatch, but you beat me to it!
  23. I had to laugh at this catrox! At this point, we should just call it "CF", it happens so often!
  24. I've always thought that Crowley liked the "Balance" of the Winchesters vs King Of Hell. His motives may be personal, but also pragmatic.
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