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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. OMG, I think that is so cool! I'd take a picture of the sign and frame it!
  2. Ah Dot, believe it or not, when this started, we did have fun! We (all three of us) made snow angels, (Mick said of his, "Look, that Cas!) but Taarna's snow puppy angel was the best! We even had a snowball fight! But now Dot, it's turned into, "Oh HELL! It's snowing again!" The five foot wall the plows leave at the end of our driveway don't help... But we do have a nice fireplace, which makes our home feel so cozy, and we are enjoying just hanging out together. Cooking elaborate dinners have become our new thing, and I love that! Diane, 72? Really? I don't know what to say. I love the seasons changing, but I'm beginning to rethink winter!
  3. Okay, some of you may see me "liking" a post you made several years ago. Here's the deal, it's snowing here, AGAIN! I'm talking a foot on the ground, and I can't see out the window because the snow is coming down so hard, NO SHIT! Mick is in his recliner, watching "Justified" and Taarna refuses to get off the couch! So, I'm reading about past seasons, especially what's being run on TNT in the morning. Being retired rocks! But anyway, I'm surfing away on Supernatural, and loving some of your insights! Thanks guys!! I'm actually having a blast!
  4. Like many here, I go to childhood favorites. Elizabeth Enright is a favorite. Gone-Away Lake and Return To Gone Away are my favorites, but I love The Saturdays series too! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Enright Thanks for starting this thread CalamityBoPeep!
  5. Pizza is not a junk food!! It's a major food group! Demented, I know you know better!
  6. Hell catrox, I'd just share it right back at you and the rest of this community! The question is, do only good, kind people like Supernatural, or does liking Supernatural make you good and kind? Glad to see you back, how's the arm and eye healing up?
  7. Now Mick just chimed in. He wants a Bobby/Rufus spin off, the "Early Years" But they would have to have the same actors. Too bad they killed them both off.
  8. I've would watch a spin off with Sheriff Jody and Sheriff Donna! That would be fun! Morrigan2575, we posted at the same time! Great minds!
  9. Got it, as you know. Thanks Sue! Now in case anyone is bored tonight, check this out, but spoiler alert! It involves "twist" endings to movies. http://www.zimbio.com/trivia/gldlBOLuc4p/Spoiler+Heavy+Trivia+Can+Match+Twist+Ending
  10. Ah Jesus cartrox, can't you catch a break?! I wish I lived near, I come over and get drunk as hell with you, after taking you to the doctor of course! Don't you have anyone that can take you to the doctor? I know, it sucks, doctors keep the same hours as most working people, but FUCK! I'll laugh with you, but I'm worried too. Take care of yourself please, and screw it, get plastered! You better have a kick-ass 2017!
  11. It is? Can I read it, or is it too personal? I understand if it is, but I love the way you write! Again, is Omegamom MIA? I miss her, but maybe I'm not reading enough on other threads. Now I know how you all felt when I disappeared when I had cancer. Now I truly appreciate the way you guys felt. I'll never do that again, I swear! This is such a loving group, and I'll NEVER take you all for granted. Sounds sappy, but you all mean so much to me!
  12. Hey Sue! How've you been? I've been looking for you (and your Christmas letter!) and Omegamom. Anyone here heard from her?
  13. When you hear your friend catrox broke her arm and all you can think about is Sam...
  14. Ah, FlickChick! You're so lucky! Mick and I retired to Idaho, but my family is all on the east coast. One thing I miss is our twice a month family game nights. My baby brother has more games than Toys R Us (Or as we call it, We Be Toys) We had so much fun! I envy you! Happy New Year to you and your marvelous family!
  15. Awww! catrox, I'm so sorry! I just look for your posts, for me, you are Supernatural! I can't break an egg with two hands without getting shells in the eggs!
  16. Happy New year everyone! 7kstar, if you have the time, hit Katz's Deli, you won't regret it!! http://www.katzsdelicatessen.com/
  17. catrox, where the hell have you been??!! People here worry about you ya know. Check in okay? How's the arm?
  18. Sort of late, but I have a girlfriend named Sue, and she is the most wonderful woman I have ever known! In fact, because of her, when I meet someone named Sue, I automatically like them. My name is Nancy. Everyone thinks of Sinatra or Reagan. Live with that! catrox, how the hell are you? I've been worried. Check in please!!
  19. Long time NYCer here! Retired to Idaho. 7kstar, hit the Strand Bookstore. You will love it! http://www.strandbooks.com/
  20. Ah rue! That sucks! I wish I could give you a great big hug! I'm not going to tell you you'll find someone else, I hate people like that! But I will say, now's the time to indulge yourself. Do what you want, eat when and what you want, and binge watch your favorite show. Stay in your jammies and spoil yourself for a few days. You deserve it. Oh, and post here, where we love and care about you!
  21. Oh yeah, the road trips! I loved it when Dean said (paraphrase) "Remember when it was all about hunting Wendigos?" I love "Yellow Fever", I know, a cliché, but I still love it!
  22. Yes! 7kstar is getting her purple coat back! Now I feel okay about the coming year! I love purple! I knew you were a woman of fine taste, and it so fits you! A Drama Teacher and director in purple. I love this! Great news about your student too. This year may turn out to be pretty good after all. We just have to keep a positive attitude and find happiness in everyday moments. Now if only catrox would check in. A true classic Flickchick! The Red Hat Society is something I've been meaning to look into. https://www.redhatsociety.com/
  23. How about some good news 7star? How's your student doing? But I am sorry about your tires. Cars drive me nuts! The purple coat on the other hand, I love purple, and I'm delighted you have a purple coat! It just seems to fit you so well, as I see you. Go get it, or have them mail it to you. I want 7kstar in her purple coat!!
  24. I've been checking back looking for you, so thank you for posting! My God catrox, you've had a rough year. I wish I lived closer, you were such a rock for me this year. All your posts made me feel better! Hang in there, and know we're all pulling for you! I just wish I could do something for you... Honestly, could this year get any worse? I'm ready for it to be over!
  25. I actually saw "Star Wars" 27 times in the theater! I have a crazy brother-in-law who is a sci-fi nut. I was just a kid and he took his kids and me several times, and I went with my friends also. Such great memories! Carrie Fisher was a true icon of my generation. This loss really hit me. She was so young!
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