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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! One very special thing I'm very thankful for is all the great friends I've found here, so I agree with Diane and 7kstar. I hope Omegamom checks in, along with the rest of the gang! Hey 7kstar, what play are you doing this year?
  2. Sorry Diane, I should have replied sooner, but between Physical Therapists, and Nurses, this place is crazy! But yes, I got it done, but to be honest, it was because Mick's PT helped! Thank you so much for checking in, you're so sweet! catrox, I hope the new year treats you better, you deserve a break, that's for sure. I'm never surprised when Demented does something crazy, I wonder why? Rue, I just "rediscovered" Billy Joel, thanks for the good wishes, back at ya! Mick and I did something crazy ourselves tonight, (channeling Demented?) Remember when you where a kid, and you would trace your hand and make a turkey? Well, we did that tonight! I had a box of Crayola's (doesn't everyone?) and we went to town. It was so much fun! They're hanging on the wall, and we've been laughing like kids!
  3. No Awesom, you and Omegamom (and everyone here to be honest) really pulled me through this cancer bullshit. You've been two of best friends I have ever met on line, right up there with Brenda, my BFF. Don't ever underestimate what you did for me, I won't let you, and will never, ever forget it! My fondest wish is that someday we will all be able to meet up for real. I want to give you all the biggest hug!
  4. Oh thank you Diane! I'll take advantage of that. You're so sweet!
  5. Thanks everyone! I have to put it off until Monday, Mick's following his Fantasy Football team and doesn't want to freak-out today! But he said "If your friends on PTV says go for it, do it!" He adores you all! I'll check in here, and let you know how it goes. I have a super fast internet connection so it shouldn't take to long.
  6. Okay Awesom, I'll PM you in the morning and ask your help, because I know you'll have the patience to help me through it! But honestly Awesom, you and Omegamom have been so good to me, and I haven't been appreciative enough. Thank you, I wish there was something more I could say, something that really shows you two how much you have meant to me. So, just thanks....
  7. Which leads me to ask...When does it start this year?
  8. Thanks ahrtee and FlickChick! If I have a problem I'm counting on you guys. It's great to be posting again. This place is the best! Thanks for the good thoughts! I mean it!!
  9. Yeah, but you're one of those computer geniuses, right?
  10. Ah that's so sweet! I loved getting updates with my old students! Snoopy? How incredibly sweet! And you know it came from the heart. Take some time for yourself, you deserve it! Post an update when you can, but just know both Mick and I have been praying for him, and you! Ah, you don't fight the Red Baron from your dog house, do you?
  11. I'm going to do Firefox Dot! It's just Mick hates change and I'll have to ease him into it. But lots of people have told us to use it, so I'm going to bite the bullet. Wish me luck!
  12. Oh good God Rue! House On Haunted Hill creeped me out as a kid! Now I won't be able to sleep!
  13. Hey guys! I have a request. Mods asked us to help with Twitter involved bugs (pinned on top of page), I use IE, and it's driving me nuts! It keeps me from replying on some threads, and I hate that! Thanks all!!!
  14. 7kstar, I know it's early, but any news?
  15. Not really commenting so much on this post, but I just wanted to say, Dot, what's up with you? Lately, your posts have been kicking ass! You've really added some fresh insight for me, and I truly appreciate that! Keep it up Dot!
  16. Demented, anyone who brings up South Park is in my cool book! I agree, plus she so damn beautiful!
  17. I totally forgot about these! Shouldn't every Hunter have one? Honestly, the writer on this show are driving me mad...
  18. I agree with Diane, you've shown yourself to be a wonderful teacher! I taught grad school for 28 years, and I have always appreciated the great teachers my students had early in their education. You 7kstar, are one of them! Prayers sent, for both you and your student.
  19. Mick and I loved it! I hope Dean's "I killed Hitler" lasts all season, what a hoot!
  20. Wow pixelcat, that is a seriously professional looking picture, it's amazing! Great job!
  21. That's one of the most fun parts of the show, along with figuring out what the room numbers mean!
  22. I missed the countdown! Physical Therapist here all morning with Mick, darn it! But as usual, you guys came through!
  23. I love checking out the motel rooms the guys stay in! We went camping once in Maine when a hurricane came through. We rented a room at "Jim's Oak Leaf Motel", that had lamps made of coke bottles and rented rooms by the hour! Always reminded me of where our Boys stay.
  24. My Mom told me that six toed cats were very lucky! So maybe you have a real "supernatural" Sammy! Do you ever call him Moose?
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