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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. When we had to put down our first Golden Honey, I never wanted to get another dog. Mick said to me, "If we don't, Honey will think she did something wrong." That did it for me. But take your time. You have to grieve.
  2. On rewatch; Made me think of "Jefferson Starships" Not the same but shows a wonderful humorous side of Dean! If anyone cares, when Dean asks the football player what he lifts, he said "four plates" A plate equals 45ibs, (to serious lifters) plus the bar which is also 45lbs. Mick is a serious lifter and goes to the gym 7 days a week. He says its not how much, but how many lifts in a row you do. He wanted me to add he does 250lbs 25 times in a row. Men are such children at times! I Know many have referred to "Chester" but I think many here are too young to know Hustler's "Chester the Molester" Why does everyone have a bottle of sea salt in their kitchen? I do, (I recognize the canister ) but I thought I was a freak. Sam says that maybe his visions hold the answer how to "Beat the Darkness". I maybe going back to my Lucifer is the answer theory! Lastly, I love Doug (Lonnie)! He may be simple, but he's one of those honest, down to earth "what you see is what you get" guys. Far and few between and well worth giving a second look. Donna could do a hell of a lot worse!
  3. Because we check every damn day Spiderlady!
  4. 7kstar, why do I think of Miss Patty from "Gilmore Girls" whenever I read your posts? I bet you have a blast teaching these kids!
  5. This is Mick's clown story. He was an army brat, and when he was in Germany he went to see a clown named "Bobo" that had a TV show with his army base cub scout troop. There was this contest where the kids had to write a song. (This by the way, was on live German TV) Mick wrote a song, "Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Ha, ha I fooled you, I'm a submarine!" He won a flashlight! During a commercial break, he went up to Bobo and said, "I like you Bobo!" Bobo replied, "Shut the fuck up kid. I'm busy" Broke Mick's heart.
  6. "Coulrophobia?" Who knew? I've had it for years. Ringley Brothers freaked me out as a kid. I am so in Sam's court on this one.
  7. Daisy! I'm so sorry, I've been such a selfish bitch wrapped up in my own theories, I haven't welcomed you back! I have thought about you and your family everyday, and I'm happy you have such a crazy and friendly place to come back to! But enough about you, what do you think of my theory that Lucifer is the answer to he Darkness ; )?
  8. Omegamom and Daisy have just made my night! I love Gabriel! Which I needed because I had this great long post on a theory I had, and than Rue and Awesom ruined it! Just when I start to think I'm awesome, I find out...not so much.
  9. I get this great theory going, and Awesom0400 shoots it down perfectly! Awesom0400, you bug the hell out of me sometimes! How did I not see your excellent points?
  10. Sam's visions started after he prayed, to God, in a chapel. I doubt even Lucifer could interfere with that. I think these visions come from God, and Lucifer (bearer of light) is the key to locking up Amara. That's what God is saying. Dean should respect this, and try to help Sam figure out what's happening, and why. At this point, they need all the help they can get. The problem with this is that they cannot release Lucifer. The ramifications are too horrible to the world, and God help Crowley! I'll take this to spec.
  11. Aw, hell! Guess I cook my Thanksgiving pies that night instead of during the day like I originally planned.
  12. Have to ask, is there an episode next week? No previews shown here. Are they doing a holiday break?
  13. Catrox, Mick and I agree. You're on to something here. Dean getting on Sam's case for praying was way out of line. We hated it! As for the cage vision, Dean would know it was valid! WTF? I now believe Dean is under the influence of Amara. I had hoped you were wrong, but now I wonder. Other than this, I loved the episode! Donna's reaction to being called "A Hunter" was priceless!
  14. My problem is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAkFJnRyaVI Not usually into slash, but this one is just too perfect. I won't say how many times I've watched it!
  15. Love the clips! This episode is going to be fun! I'm ignoring Dot's post. I get too many puns from Mick! As for Shatner, I love him! Not on this show, or as an actor, but I've met him on several occasions at horseshows, and the man is a sweetheart. Knows his horses too, and will talk your ears off about them!
  16. Deal. You can have Dean (I think you two make a good match), and I have these sons that make this just a bit too close to home for me...
  17. You're just lucky I like you so much! But you have an upper hand, you write some scary stuff! Crowley's influence? Bitch.
  18. Why thank you SueB! I am too, and I appreciate you saying so.
  19. Have to add...catrox, I want to see that list!
  20. I agree with Omegamom, Crowley is off this season! I would know, he's my pretend boyfriend. catrox, I can't see Dean with Amara. His anger at Sam when he teamed up with Ruby was just too great. I don't think he'd go down this road. Donna on the other hand, I could get into!
  21. Love Donna! catrox! This is your cue! It's Wed somewhere! Three, two, one...
  22. catrox, I'm not a big fan of Dean/Cas, but this one grabbed me! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAkFJnRyaVI
  23. Yeah, leave it to the drama teacher! I'm lovin' this discussion! Just wish I had something to add!
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