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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. Wow. I saw "Into the Woods" on Broadway, (I went to Broadway about 3 times a month when I lived in NYC), and this really adds depths to this episode! Sue, I've become so redundant telling you how much I enjoy your posts! You've made me see layers I would never pick up on. Thank you!
  2. Walked right into that one didn't you Dot? You gave me a good laugh, and I thank you for that!
  3. Thanks Omegamom! I don't know what's going on, if it's the site or my computer, but it usually links to your next story. I can't wait to have this damn thing de-bugged!
  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again! I want a spin-off with Jodi and Donna!!
  5. Hee! "Shithead on principle" is now an official part of my vocabulary! I know so many people...
  6. Omegamom, I need a link! This computer is screwy tonight, and nothing is linked from "In the Mist"
  7. Thanks Omegamom, I'll check it out! Just hope I don't get scared to death, again! Hey 7kstar! you got me when I read, "What if only a loved one can rescue you?" Man, I am becoming a junkie for this stuff!
  8. Zanne, this made me laugh like hell! Mick loves the cowbell and made his drummer get one! Great way to lighten the discussion! Sometimes, I think you give the writers too much credit. As much as it sucks, I often think they don't have the depth and insight we do to the characters.
  9. Not that anyone would miss me or anything....but this computer is acting screwy, and on Monday, a super geek friend of Mick's is taking our main computer to de-bug and clean up. He's done it before and it gets lightning fast when he's done. He's also going to install a virus program he wrote. I'll be here until Sunday night, but if I vanish for awhile that's why. Our laptop is all football, and don't even mention the phone! I'm lucky I know how to use the damn apps!
  10. I'm all over it 7kstar! Thanks!
  11. Checking in to ask- What the hell are you doing Awesom0400? Omegamom too! I'm waiting for some new stuff. Awesom, put down the spiders! Write damn it!
  12. As usual, I bought this discussion to Mick. He said, "It's a little uncomfortable, I don't know how else to put it." So he hates the vibe between Amara and Dean too. As he said, "He's biding his time, and waiting for her eighteenth birthday" but he does believe Dean could and will control it. I still like SueB's point of view better.
  13. Damn it, SueB! Where were you when I was forced to take literature classes in grad school? I love to read, but I was forced to take the classes because my advisor said I was too focused on math and science. Your post is so thought provoking and insightful. I'm damn impressed!
  14. Guys, and Mods, I know this site is a politics free zone, but I studied for a year in Paris, and have friends and family that live there. I spoke with 23 people tonight. They're all fine. But my heart is broken.
  15. First off, Babblesmuch, I love your screen name! Mick says I blab too much, so we're sisters! Second, I hate both you and Awesom0400, (Awesom's used to this) because now I'm going to have to rewatch the entire series to figure out the "hand wave" thing! Unless of course, catrox chimes in. She would know!
  16. Rewatch thoughts.... When Crowley said to Amara; "You're strong, but I'm stronger." I wanted him to say: "You're strong, but I'm Crowley." Dean knew Jenny Jones from hearing a bit over the phone! Mad skills! Plus, he's spent too much time watching T.V. Cas sure as hell mastered that remote fast. It takes us weeks every time we get an new DVR! Dean seamed very happy to finally be able to kill something. I'm referring to the demon that came after Goldie. I agree with Amara about memes! Legalized pot brings down souls in hell by 40%?! I buy that! So Amara is waiting to settle an old score. Is she gunning for God? Didn't get Cas doubting that Dean couldn't kill Amara, or believe he hesitated to. "What part of God's friggin' sister didn't you understand?" did it for me. I think Sam was more concerned with the visions he's been having than Dean and Amara. I'm convinced now we're going to see Lucifer.
  17. We will miss you Daisy. All my love to you and your family
  18. God catrox, THANK YOU! (again), you saved my life! I'm getting the DVD from Amazon right now. I know Mick wants it, and couldn't remember the name.
  19. Quick question, off topic (Mods, please be kind!), but Metatron made me think of this. In the past year or so there was a movie out about a videographer who went to crime scenes at night. Anyone remember the movie? I can't remember the name and it's killing me!
  20. Loved this entire post! But on a side note, when I read " but this one did a good job of being a mercurial teen." all I could think of was; 7kstar would know!
  21. Oh Christ! This sucks, but you are doing the right thing, so hold on and... shit I don't know. Last time Mick and I had to put down one of our buddies, we took everything out of the living room, buffed the floor, rotated the rug, shampooed it, polished all the furniture, took all the books out of the floor to ceiling bookcases, dusted them and then put it all back together. We drank about 3 full fifths of whiskey during this. After we were done, Mick said "Kitchen next?" We did this for three days, no sleep. Then we just lost it.
  22. I can see now how this season is going to pan out. Sam is bonded to Lucifer (Light Bearer) and Dean to Amara (The Darkness). Damn it! We're going to have the brothers at odds, again!
  23. Lucifer=light bearer, or light bringer. Is this why we're seeing The Cage?!
  24. I never got Sam and Amelia, and can't figure out why they got together. The only bond I can come up with is dogs, which we were shown in the episode "Dark Side Of the Moon.", when one of Sam's "heaven" memories involved a Golden named Bones. (I remember stuff like that because I'm a dog nut!) But this doesn't explain it enough for me. Sam's resentment of Dean took me aback too. The Boys have always been about each other. I chalk it up to bad writing and directing. I'm disappointed the actors didn't correct it, they know these characters!
  25. This has me so disappointed! TFW is a small bit of hope for me, and while Cas and the Boys have had their falling outs from time to time, they always seem to come back to each other. Trust is such a huge issue in this show! Why can't these three figure it out?
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