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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. This drove me crazy. Why do people react so differently? Did I miss something? Everyone we've seen lose a soul has behaved in a different manner.
  2. Got your back SueB, I totally got that impression. Freaked me out. Love Cas in the bunker bingeing The Wire. Great show! So catrox had it right all along, there is something wrong with Dean! Girl knows her Dean!
  3. Just caught this, and went to youtube to see it. Found several of them, but I loved this one best! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvvYuMYVSoI Oh, and this one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUVqU06_lsQ The song choice is perfect!
  4. Now I'm going to have to binge-watch this arc. I swear this site is driving me insane. This is the only show that has ever involved me so much. Even Breaking Bad was much more straightforward!
  5. I too would hate for the Impala to be anything other than a car. Plus, I'm too invested in Chuck being God. Mick would fight you on the Mustang part though. He loves Chevys above all, except for Harleys. Those he believes are God!
  6. I love this! I've been to Lizzie's house and the murders have always fascinated me! Don't let me forget! catrox in three, two, one...
  7. Great, everyone disagrees with me! I have an unpopular opinion! I just always felt for Adam because he was thrust into something our Boys grew up with. I don't know how I would react if I found out about all this at once! As for the family thing, I'm probably a bit too personal with it. I come from a very close family, and we would do anything for each other. Especially after our parents passed away. Took awhile for Mick to get used to!
  8. No catrox! While I think Dean would like Seger, when it comes to "all things Dean" I readily bow to your superior knowledge. Mick though, would love to go head to head with you. He's such a Deangirl! I wish we had an appreciating thread for PTV. Theses recaps are truly hysterical!
  9. On rewatch, you can clearly see the "valets" girlfriend had a Hello Kitty purse, which annoyed the hell out of me! She's too much of an airhead to find it ironic. The hairpin came from Sam's conquest. She even asked if he had seen it.
  10. I agree trxr4kids! I so hope this is true, it never felt right to me that the boys left Adam behind. That's not how they treat family!
  11. rue721 nailed it! But it would probably go over his head. Kids these days! On a lighter note, no Trick or Treaters here either! Our nearest neighbor is 1/2 mile away! I hate not seeing the kids! Our town has a party for the kids in the town square. Safer, and more profitable I guess!
  12. Yeah, where do you find parts for a classic Impala? The hood and grill alone will cost a fortune, and they don't have Bobby's salvage yard anymore!
  13. Great episode! I'm so happy Dean likes Seger, it fits! Both Mick and I thought Dean seemed so much more, I don't know, human in this episode. Can't wait to re-watch! Love SueB for using awesomesauce! You rock in our house!
  14. I have been so excited waiting for this one! Is it Wednesday yet? catrox, in three, two, one...
  15. I'm pretty sure Mick thought it was different, he would have said so otherwise. He's a gun nut! But I notice too. I carry 24/7, not because I'm a nut, (our neighborhood has a, I don't know, zero crime rate) but because three times I stepped out of our back door on to our deck, and confronted a bear! Twice Black, and once a Grizzly! Scared me to death! No, I didn't shot them. But a shot in the dirt sent them running.
  16. Heh! You'd love for Dean to come "punish" you! Let me know if it's the same gun.
  17. First thoughts: When the boys asked Cas where Metadouche would be, Mick said-"A library, like the" Library of Congress" Second, when Sam held a gun to Rowena's head, he said, "A Taurus Judge?! Really? It holds .410 shells or 45 long colts. A gang banger gun. Nothing the boys would use!"
  18. Thanks! I didn't know there was a Lizzie Borden episode. I love that story, and even went to the Borden house when I was at school in Mass.
  19. So, sort of like Clue huh? I loved that game, and introduced it to Mick. We play board games in the winter with friends. This is northern Idaho and our winters are brutal!
  20. Filling my role- catrox in three, two, one...
  21. Alright, this made me laugh! Years ago, Mick bought me a blanket to use on the couch. I have several pillows and lean back on the arm, stretch out, cover myself with the blanket and watch TV. Taarna, our "orange" lab started calling it my Blankey! So that's what we call it now! And yes, she talks. A Lot. None of you can say a damn thing, because I know you!
  22. Okay, I live and die by the Giants. Maybe we could bond and, I don't know, go get drunk? I'm NOT watching ESPN for a few days. Highlight of the game! I'm a total Star Wars geek, saw the first one 12 times, in the theater! The first 6months it was out. Heh. No but teaching is a calling, and you've obviously been called. Take pride in that! What play are you guys doing?
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