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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. Wow! That was eye opening! Reminds me of an article I recently read about NFL players and the franchise tag. Thanks catrox! You post some of the most fascinating stuff!
  2. Just read this, and I loved this Demented! It adds so much to the interpretation of the story. Thanks!
  3. So did I! I'm going to watch it tonight, after football.
  4. Thanks neverforgottenadam! (Could you have a longer name?!) I needed this!
  5. neverforgottenadam, if you like Omegamom's writing, check out Aweson04000's stuff, and 7kstar. They both are outstanding when it comes to fan fic! Watch out for Omegamom's past stories though, read them in daylight, trust me!
  6. Because I have a hair up my ass, I'm writing the CW tonight. Telling them Supernatural is the only "must watch" show for my husband and me, and we (as retired folks) have tons of disposable income. Advertisers next. I ain't hardly joking, as Mick would say.
  7. I can understand why you were reluctant to write this one Omegamom, but for me, it added so much to the story! I've always wondered what was going on in Sam's head, and I think you nailed it! Thank you! Oh, and thanks for not frightening me to death! Merry Christmas my friend!
  8. Okay guys! Gotta call from little brother last night. He and his son saw the new "Star wars" movie last night in NYC. They LOVED it! (David has an in, he knows the theater management) According to my sister-in-law, they've both reverted to eight year olds! (We have this theory, all men, no matter what age, act twelve or eight, depending on the circumstance) David is such a "Star Wars" freak he has about one hundred figurines STILL IN THE BOX! Now it seems the freakiness has passed to a new generation! Seriously, David told me it was as good as the first one. I can't wait to see it!!!!
  9. 7kstar, I remember reading a book long ago (I read too much and can't for the life of me remember the title) anyway one of the characters was a mystery writer. When ever she got "writer's block" she would practice murdering people in her town she hated, including a rich old family from town. The Mother of this family loved to needlepoint, and often stuck herself with the needle. So our writer had the daughter hide all her mother's thimbles, and than poison her mother's needle with some horrible poison! The death scene she wrote was hilarious! The writer knocked off practically everyone in town at least twice!
  10. Could one of you write a Christmas story for The Boys? 7kstar or Awesom? Not Omegamom. I don't want to find out Santa is Lucifer's evil twin or anything!
  11. "Like Don Draper, you are moderately nefarious. You walk on the dark side of humanity, but your ruthless streak may just help you get ahead." Well, I do enjoy a cocktail at lunch! Dot, you're a sweetie! Stop trying to deny it! The test is just afraid of Demented! Self-preservation and all!
  12. Well, sometimes I just get excited! But we could work out a way to merge Supernatural and Bates! The mind reels! Let's see... Rowena is Norma's sister, which would make Crowley Norman's Grandfather....see, it works!
  13. Hi Dot! God to see you here! Thanks for opening this thread for speculation radishcake! I'm gonna rewatch season three and be back!
  14. I'd like to know too! Are we getting season 4, and if so when?
  15. Ah, catrox! I didn't get to give you your count down, but you never fail us! Thank you My Lady! You are Supernatural!
  16. Aw hell catrox, you know we all love you! Things getting heated is half the fun of this place, and it is all just fun! . Stay crazy SueB! You give us all hope! So much going on in this thread these past few days, I'm having a hard time keeping up! But I'm lovin' every minute of it!
  17. Just go with it Dot! After all SueB is our resident "Perky" around here. She could probably use all the help she can get!
  18. Daisy, thank you for posting this! I have a lot to think about!!
  19. Solidarity sister! (I'm just catching up, can you tell?) But I had six brothers and a sister. And a dog. And a horse. Not much room left.
  20. If I didn't love you already SueB, this: would do it! That aside, I like your timeline. Better than the writer's managed. But that sadly doesn't surprise me! And the bus bugged the hell out of me!
  21. From the recap: Guys, our recapper isn't getting enough love around here. This is the stuff that keeps this show alive here! Show a little love!
  22. I'll lift you up catrox! I got involved in a "Big Sister" program through Mick's friend Hayward. I've been spending time with my "little sister" and having a blast! We've been shopping and horseback riding, and this weekend we're making Christmas cookies! Her Mom does shift work in a nuclear plant down in southern Idaho, so has little time for her. I feel like I'm making a difference, and it's wonderful! Now I'm going to turn her into a NFL fan!
  23. Just got here, busy days. Time with my little sister (Hayward got me into it. Good program, great kids!) But now I wish I had an imaginary friend growing up! I feel cheated!
  24. From a few pages back, but then I read this from EW: Ackles adds: “ ‘Just My Imagination’ is really fun. I felt like I was on a sketch comedy show doing the show. One week I’m having a fight with two people inside the backseat of a car, and the next week I’m killing ghosts or saving somebody from pending death, and then the next week I’m in a room with an imaginary guy who’s dressed up like Bert and Ernie and we’re just riffing and having these awesome funny dialogue scenes.” You two are connected somehow!
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