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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. Laugh it up Chuckles. You don't have to live with him!
  2. "Make myself feel better"? How about the rest of us?!! I wasn't gonna say a word, not a single word, but you brought it up. As to Sera having no idea of Carver's plans, okay, but that's piss poor writing and development for these writers. I know there are tons of Samgirls out there (including Hayward, Mick's bass player) that are truly pissed off, (still) about this! As for understanding the audience, you would think after all this time they'd have this down by now. I especially love Kevin myself, and will never stop laughing at him saying to his girlfriend (when Crowley released her temporarily), "You're going to your safety school" I spent five years of hell on an admissions committee for a grad school, and I could tell you some great stories for hours about students (and their "helicopter parents") that didn't make the cut!
  3. Daisy, I know you're stressed, but could we get an update on Loki? I worry....
  4. The thing that pisses me off SueB, is that this seems out of character for Sam. In season four, when Dean returned from Hell, and thought Sam had saved him, Sam said to him; "Look, Dean, I wish I had done it, alright? There's no other way that this could have gone down. I tried everything.That's the truth. I tried opening the devil's gate. Hell, I tried to bargain, Dean, But no demon would deal, all right? You were rotting in hell for months -- For months -- And I couldn't stop it." So why now, did Sam not look for Dean, let alone abandon Kevin? I'm I Deangirl, but even I know Sam is better than that!
  5. Damn it SueB! That's exactly what Mick said, and I didn't post it because I didn't agree, but I've been (very) wrong before, and now you're on his side!
  6. You go girl! You even have Tuesday down! I bow down to your greatness!!
  7. This is one of your best posts! I agree with this so much and you have articulated perfectly what I have felt for years!
  8. While the rest of you argue Dean's motives, my question is, what the fuck is it going to kill The Darkness? Killing "Mother" took a lot of research and work, and The Darkness is a hell of a lot more powerful, right?
  9. Love the painting behind Dean! It's so Supernatural.
  10. Aw fuck Daisy! I know how you feel, and I wish I lived close enough to come over and give you a big hug. Nothing hurts like losing a beloved pet, it's a special type of pain. I'm profoundly sorry is happening to you.
  11. I started it, than gave up after the three episode devoted to "The Governor" Mick never stopped, and keeps me updated, but he watches our recording because of football. I will not watch Dallas!! I did cheat and read some of the thread though... Supernatural is my only "must watch in real time" show right now. I want a spin-off with Jody and Donna!
  12. Thanks catrox! We just rewatched the episode, and you're right. Of course, we should have trusted you! Walking Dead is on now (Mountain Time) so I'm watching on your recommendation.
  13. Okay, this is killing me! When Sam and Dean met Donna in "The Purge", she knew them! Mick remembers it the same way. Do you have any idea what we're talking about, or are we both crazy?
  14. Thanks catrox! I guess I'm losing it. I did find this on EW concerning "Just My Imagination" So how did Sam fill all that alone time? He created Sully, an imaginary friend, to help him pass the time. And now that Sam is all grown-up, it seems that Sully could use his help. (Only in Supernatural could your imaginary friend be not-so-imaginary.) EW has confirmed that Nate Torrence — most recently seen in the comedy Weird Loners — has been cast as Sully, who’s set to appear in an episode titled “Just My Imagination” this season. http://www.ew.com/article/2015/09/25/supernatural-season-11-nate-torrence
  15. Another question! Wasn't Donna in more than 3 episodes? IMdB says 3, and so does Superwiki, but didn't Sam and Dean know her before "The Purge"?
  16. Okay, I asked this somewhere else, but I'll ask here too. Are the Ghostfacers broken up? I seem to remember they did from Thinman, but they were referred to last week. Any info if they're coming back? I enjoyed them, and wouldn't mind seeing them again!
  17. You made my day Demented! Thank you sooo much.
  18. Hey Awesom0400! Thanks for replying! I look almost everyday for your stuff, and I miss it! But I understand, and SueB is right, your last 24 hours sound like hell! Good for you for getting through it like a pro! I'll never write fan fic! Between you (who has characterization down pat!) Omegamom, (who would give Stephen King a run for his money) and 7kstar (who writes some great dialogue) I'm too intimidated! But I'm hooked on it, and I miss you! You introduced me to that world, and your writing is, I don't know, special to me!
  19. Awesom0400, you are my sister! My purse weighs a ton! Are you ever going to get to writing fanfiction again? Huh?
  20. Where the hell were you when I was younger?!
  21. Oh Jesus cartrox! The Greeks and Shakespeare have nothin' on you, do they?
  22. I'm rewatching.... Loved Dean's "Let's grab a beer and a lobster roll" We had a place in Maine for years, and I miss the lobster! We're in Idaho now, but I have a friend that send us lobsters (She works for LobsterGram) a few times a year. Second, anyone else notice how Large Amara's pupils are? I get set lights and all, but none of the other actors have pupils that large. The babysitter has the same eyes. Does this mean anything?
  23. Yeah Daisy! I loved this, and was hoping to see Ghostfacers show up at the Inn. But they broke up, didn't they? Why am I totally unsurprised you get that compulsion Dot?
  24. I swear catrox, I hate that you got me on this roll! Check out this one; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FneoV7XuBI 101 reasons to love Dean and Castiel.
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