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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. It also depends on when they died. While the concept of hospice has been around for a very long time, I don't believe it was routinely embraced as a 'thing' (or covered by insurance) until relatively recently. I couldn't exactly say when, but I feel like it as around the late 90's early 2000's when it was recognized more widely in the US.
  2. I had exactly the same reaction. the voice in my head said 'wait', isn't George Harrison dead? I thought I lost my mind for a moment. (That part still could be true).
  3. I'm right there with you. I tried it once and it was terrible. Too bad because it sounded like a good idea.
  4. I think I have that same sweater. It looks a little better in a small petite.
  5. The longer the season goes, the less I believe any of the emotions and interactions with any of these people. That being said, I still eat it up so I'm guilty of positively reinforcing this nonsense. Erika and Rose have emerged as the winners of this pitiful contest. Rose needs a victory parade for wiping the floor with creepy Ed, and Erika gets a medal for drop kicking the whiny-ass bitch to the curb. Oh, and there's an honorary mention for Erika's mom. She made me want a hug from her too!. I'm no youngster but I never tired of getting a hug from my mommy right up until she was no longer around. A Mom's hug may nudge out a pint of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream as the best way to get over a break up.
  6. Me too. I think she is very sweet.
  7. Oh my, I hope so too. Goddamn, when are the frogs and locusts going to show up? This is insane!
  8. Why did Teretha even call Dr. Now? That whole thing was completely pointless. I would rather have watched more of Charity gumming her breakfast of eggs and vodka
  9. Jerry Stiller will forever be the face of Festivus to me. Festivus for the rest of us!! RIP and thank you.
  10. I know, right? When I watch this show I suspend disbelief about it being a manufactured TV show so I can frolic in the shallow end of the pool. This was too, too slick.
  11. Don't forget though, she IS a picky eater.
  12. I agree completely snarkish, and if these people were normal they would do that. I always have to remind myself that when it comes to food, their brains are wired differently. Of course there are a gazillion other options better than fast food but they've justified it with whatever reason they have. After watching Intervention for what, 15 years? It's a common pattern. Addicts will do anything to get their fixes. They don't really want to stop and almost all have tantrums when they are called on their lies. This assessment is based on my TV psychology degree. It hangs on the wall next to my TV law degree.
  13. Don't forget, she's doing ALL of this for Landon. Dr. Now's give-a-shitter is clearly long gone.
  14. I can only speak for myself and say I'm new the whole franchise and don't have the slightest idea who Cesar is, nor do I care. If it wasn't for being in lockdown I would never have started watching and can't wait to return to that status. My life was better in SO many ways before the quarantine. As always and eternal, YMMV. When I read the litany of posts on here, I took it to be that most posters recognize she is not 'real', but were commenting on the scary reaction of someone who (maybe) thinks she is. No way am I opening up that can of worms again other than to say we DO get it. When my best friend came out and said he needed to tell me something, I said "No, you don't because I've always known". He was shocked. Shocked!
  15. Wasn't there somebody at the house watching the cat?
  16. I don't think his mentioning her breath was so much the problem as it was for him to imply that she doesn't brush her teeth or even know what a toothbrush is. My take is that's what she was most insulted about. Wow.
  17. John Krasinski had a great segment with Guy Fieri on his Some Good News show. If you don't want to watch the whole show, you can skip to the 8.10 minute mark
  18. It's different from Autopsy because that show, IIRC, focuses specifically on just the autopsy (which is also fascinating). This show looks more at all the surrounding, ancillary causes that led up to the death in addition to talking about the actual final diagnosis.
  19. I also liked Tim, although he may have been a bit overly protective. He has stuck with her, and they look like a happy couple. I love Dr. Now but was yelling at the TV for him to "stay in his lane".
  20. I never believed the words "You go girl!" would come out of my mouth in relation to Pauline. Maybe we really are in the apocalypse!
  21. Pulling the robot's finger and farting to make the giant lizard laugh made me literally laugh out loud. I rarely do that. Plus, Linda saying they will need to "drain the lizard"...how did they get away with that one?
  22. Seeing Ed scream like a little girl when that monkey stole the banana was totally worth the 3 hours of my life I gave up to watch this.
  23. I once hit a deer at 4am so yes, sometimes you need to speak to your insurance agent at weird times. ETA: I see some sad emojis so I'll add that the deer was fine. My car on the other hand was undriveable.
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