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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. No. Her response was that classic non-apology apology. Basically she is not at fault, it's YOUR fault for misinterpreting. (emphasis mine)
  2. Are you talking about this Dupixent commerical? If so, that's a Vespa or some other scooter and I believe they can be started without a key.
  3. And among the many things GIFs have given us, he shared the final word about how to say it. Thank you Mr. Wilhite.
  4. I get his POV. He went to his doctor who told him that while they could remove it, the tumor would very likely return and be even bigger.
  5. I liked the episode and think their new house looks amazing. No one needs a house that big, however it's a lot easier to build all at once if you have the money. As I see it, they live in it every day, they make a good living so go for it, Have fun, and make it what you want. 😄 Frankly, I'm totally jealous, especially of the back patio and the pizza oven.
  6. With her show's current popularity, I find that hard to believe. Trial balloon.
  7. His whole demeanor changed the minute he saw himself in the mirror post-surgery. That was positively heartwarming.
  8. I may be misunderstanding something, because I find this maddeningly outdated. What would it sound like if they said: "...and an Asian/Latino/Black person at the helm"? Are we really not past this? Might as well say "Hey look everyone! We snagged on of those non-white men to be the captain. We're so edgy." I'm sad.
  9. Cancer metastasizes through the blood and the cells tend to spread to internal organs and bones. That had to be the primary site. Likely it's an aggressive, but slow growing skin cancer like a a basal or squamous cell carcinoma. He's going to lose a big chunk out of that leg to get it all.
  10. No love for the Chewy cat commercial? "OK, now you can pet me that's enough you're literally so annoying. J/K"
  11. I feel so lost without her being on the air during this scary madness.
  12. I thought it was odd to sell electric cars with an electric dog running out of energy. Isn't that why people are afraid to buy electric cars?
  13. I like Tina as well, however I sense she would be upset about cussing, so that would make her a non-starter. I think I'd hang with Ashley.
  14. I get Tina being uncomfortable with Vanessa being so crude. It gets old. Then again, it's pretty complex with neither being right nor wrong. If Vanessa was truly seeing this all as a "rebirth", then let her have that symbolic moment and look at it that way. I don't think Vanessa did it to piss off Tina so much as she doesn't seem to have any impulse control. She didn't think beyond the moment. Tina of course has a right to her more conservative beliefs and they all know how she feels. I agree with @Scarlett45 in that other than Meghan and Vanessa who definitely are BFFs, the other two seem like convenient additions.
  15. Anyone else watching this season? She's very pregnant and I'm guessing had the baby many months ago?
  16. I would bet that she would think the 120lbs picture is what she looks like now, and would just toss the other one.
  17. I think the sister looks like a normal weight. She appears anorectic only in comparison to Vanessa.
  18. I looked up the difference for my own curiosity. Sushi is just the way it's prepared. Learned something new! Webster: Sushi is cold rice dressed with vinegar, formed into any of various shapes, and garnished especially with bits of raw seafood or vegetables
  19. Dr. G Medical Examiner, (the best show in the world!) just showed an old episode where the cause of death was a subdural hematoma from a slight bump on the head. She mentioned it happens more often than you might realize.
  20. Understood. It's memorable but that does nothing to change the annoyance factor. I thought it was an interesting take and it seemed like as good a place as any to share. 😉
  21. I just listened to a discussion of this ad from the marketing side. The take away is that they're trying to let people know that UberEats isn't just food anymore. Love it or hate it, many people will never forget that message now.
  22. She would have made him write a letter to his 13-year old cocaine addicted mother. That's all she ever did.
  23. Before an agency makes and releases a commercial, they test it with demographic consumer focus groups. If it doesn't score well, they look for a new approach. With that, I'll leave the second question to be answered by the reader.
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