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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. That's because at best they are going to have to host a traveling bbq show. /snicker
  2. Agreed. For one thing not only do they have to respond to these stupid challenges with dumb names but then they have to provide a dish that meets the challenge with their supposed POV all in usually under 45/30 minutes. And if it's a camera challenge they have to demo part of it , taste it, make a yum yum face, throw in a story about the culinary influence of a dead abuela, mention the challenge....all under 30 seconds. LOL Aarti - Not a fan of her anymore. She came up with a story after she won that she was diagnosed with something that made her go on a gluten free diet. Years later she popped back on the network and she is obviously chowing down on gluten. As someone who deals with the constraints of celiac lifestyle I find this annoying and disingenuous. Now I think she was just filling a slot a few years back as the Gluten Free authority on the network (let's make gluten free naan!). Sure lots of people feel better when they don't eat a lot of obvious carbs. But anyway, I haven't been thrilled with her ever since. And since the food network doesn't even acknowledge any type of asian cooking ,they can swap her out for Palak and I'd be ok with that! At least jet tila is starting to creep into shows.
  3. I'll stand back to back with someone if it will help. Totally! She's never had steak tartare obviously so why is she even judging the food? I prefer a quail yolk myself LOL. I've often wondered if the meat in the food network fridge is good enough for tartare. I only eat it at places where the chef is passionate about it and obsessed at sourcing the meat. Kind of like sashimi. Watching LBH opening her mouth to put half a tines worth of bread pudding on the edge of her lower teeth ridge was horrifying.
  4. Palek is coachable. She has her ups and downs but no less than Bobby etc when they first came on TV. Christian can also be edited into a decent network stooge. His hair was also tragic tonight. It’s like they took a dull razor and clipped his wispy baldness into an uneven regrowth pattern. What was going on tonight in hair and makeup?? I don’t like the blonde chicks voice. Fruit soup? Yikes. I make that on any given day with some protein powder in my vitamix.
  5. And her eyebrows. She went full blown since she knew she was leaving. Her lips always looked greasy to me and very unappetizing for a food show.
  6. I had a hard time watching Chantel speak. She delivered her words like she just came from the most painful teeth bleaching session at the dentist. It was full of measured over enunciating and lip stretching over exposed teeth. I was distracted. Azan and Nicole original document excuse is so poorly made up. The real Nicole would have done anything to get that document over including whining to everyone in sight...Morocco, Florida....any and everybody. For her to just say Oh Well we have to cancel....nope.
  7. Men don't seem that gullible?? I do get the winning thing....there are times I have felt they just want to win her as the prize ,devoid of that whole "marriage" thing LOL. But it seems inconceivable to me that you can just sit around in house arrest and fall in love with a woman just because it's the only thing to do.
  8. I'm still new(ish) to the franchise so for me to see these men articulate how they are falling in love with Becca just astounds me. They've spent so little time with her! I can believe that some of them might be interested to actually date her... or be fairly certain they would like to have sex with her at this point. To say that they can "honestly" see her as their wife etc seems....ludicrous. "I'm falling in love with you".....ridiculous. I would give any of these guys serious side eye if they said that.
  9. I don't begrudge Annie working in a dick suck bar and trying to get out of that life. But she literally latched on to such an unfortunate guy....he's the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the slap slap slap barrel. I'm sure she thought no self respecting guy could be as lazy as Lardo. Most people inherently feel bad about begging and grifting. He sees this as a plausible way to get through life. I'm surprised he bothered to pick one and get hitched....he could just roam through Thailand and just bed and blow forever. It's common and expected and no one judges. I wonder if he signed on to do this show and picked Annie to fill the storyline? That's the only thing that makes sense to me. He's such a loser...he'll never make it in America. He needs to go somewhere where his lies and stories will get him by, he can enjoy all the prostitutes he wants and what paltry money he beg borrows or steals will go a long way. Feels like when TLC is done with them, he'll be done with America. Ping Pong should stay here and open up a Thai restaurant when she gets her green card. She can make a great life for herself and find a nice man as well.
  10. I think she probably started losing weight from being in Morocco for 6 months. Just to shake her out of her sedentary routine and easy access to convenience foods was probably enough to knock 20 pounds off of her. It feels like Azan got what he wanted. He's good at manipulating her emotions enough to keep her on the line but then creating enough chaos to make her rethink her decision to actually get married to him. Manipulation, thy name is HassAzan. I don't know why the fact that she left the dress there makes me chuckle.
  11. Jason had rapidly gotten heavy. He'd better watch out...he hasn't been on the circuit long enough to enjoy longevity at this pace! I can't believe I'm suppose to take of these dessert judging shows seriously anymore. The next one is a wedding cake baking championship with the 2 figure skaters. Yikes. Anyone who has seen Johnny Weir on a food show knows he wouldn't let anything resembling white flour or refined sugar some anywhere near his mouth. The judges nowadays seem to be "characters" more than anything.
  12. Does anyone know how Johnny was even able to appear on this show from another network contract???? Or as long as CBS BBT signs off as OK they allow it? He’s not a reoccurring character, he’s a main character....seems unprecedented. I was amazed how his body language and dopey David voice came out...agreed he looked old and his face seemed puffy around his eyes. Still enjoyed their scenes...very rushed and to the point but well, obviously BBT. thought the cake punching was so Roseanne....I’ve never heard of this and it seemed so odd and random! I’m going to go punch a cake now LOL. Dad is confusing me and I have no coping skills....take that you stupid cake!!! Weird. The actress who plays Harris doesn’t have a lot of range and her posture makes me want to stretch her on a teeter.
  13. This is tough but I appreciate all the stories. Friends of ours have had rescue dogs their whole lives and ran into a few of those crazy rescue places and moved on. Similar to what was shared here...mostly because they both worked and didn’t have a fenced in yard and because the person interviewing them sounded nuts. I think in some instances the dogs coming from foster homes have owners who don’t want to let them go (also for fair reasons and stories shared here.) I only know animal lovers so I find it absurd anyone would be careless in their care...especially if they were seeking an animal to adopt! I researched my own adopt from foster (mostly) opportunity and was also put off by the process. An excessive application, phone interview, site visit, mandatory fenced in yard etc. I would think one google earth picture of my house should tell I’m fit to care for your dog that supposedly needs a home??? And it still was $450 which seemed outrageous. And quite frankly I’m going to need to see and copy some ID of you if you plan on casing my house. Turnabout is fair play here LOL. My current pup lives better than most people...I’d want to come back as him, that’s for sure!!! Homemade food, outdoor exercise everyday....sheesh!!! and I don’t have a fenced in yard, drats. He goes out on a leash in the yard and at any park when he runs for miles. Why this is a sticking point is beyond me. The lady wouldn’t let our friends adopt for this reason. Seemed baffling to me. Isn’t it a good sign if you already have a dog or dogs or have a history of owning dogs so can obviously care for them? Dogs are expensive....I can see how maybe a first time owner might need inquiry but existing owners are doing it because they love dogs. And would rather save them than buy from breeders.
  14. I'm shocked (and delighted) that David will be on a future episode. The other BBT actors aren't regulars so it makes sense but how/why would CBS grant an ABC show access to JG? I thought they covered a lot in the first 2 episodes. Darlene's adult voice has always bugged me. It was deeper when she was younger and it always sounds nasally and helium-y ( a little bit). I always assumed she had some kind of nose surgery that affected her voice. Agree that Becky's voice was low and glottal and distracting. I haven't noticed this as a phenomenon IRL people. I wonder if it's surgery or medications related to hormones from injury or some event that would be such a drastic change.
  15. I thought Steven looked attractive in a plain black T-shirt. I never realized that his bow tie schtick was such a huge detriment. this show would make more sense if the 2 recruits cooked the finale themselves and the mentors were part of the judging panel. Having someone shout out the order and measurements and walking them through things verbally is not cooking. It would lead to far more epic fails which would be interesting as a viewer and then they would have to rely less on casting stereotypes.
  16. Why bother when Whole Foods will do it for free? LOL I have them do the entire whole fish and then take the bones and head home to make fume.
  17. Lauren wouldn't know any of this before she went on the show but in the time it's been after the show she has had plenty and time and access to sites that lay out the sordid side of Arie's past. Of course she can claim that she knows the "real" Arie for whatever that would be worth but she should at least acknowledge the pattern. While Becca seems to have escaped him she fully admitted how she was willing to go all the way with Arie (kids) and make a life with him. She was all in. That's why she deemed the loss of Lauren and all of Arie's feels associated with that as a roadblock that they were working through. It made sense to her....Arie was invested in Lauren and it was hard for him to just shut off those feelings. Arie and his fake sad face should have broken up with her in private. And when he tried to sound magnanimous about doing it in person I wanted to crash through the TV. What a tool.
  18. I'm new to Bachelor Nation and I couldn't believe he told 3 women he loved them all. Imagine my surprise at this! However this is just further pushing the envelope of what's to come IMO. I would guess "most" couples breakup so now it pretty much will be caught on camera during the safe house visits after the season is over but before the season is cut and shown on TV to the public. CH wants this crap filmed....it's the potential juiciest part. In the future I can imagine very dramatic breakups, screaming , yelling, throwing etc. It feels like escalation.
  19. PREACH! Was texting with a friend during this disaster and the fact that Chris Harrison knew before Becca that she was going to get hella dumped and they all were rubbing their hands together with Mr Burns "egggggscellent" running a loop in my mind....SHEESH.....I would have gone epic postal on him. He had 10 seconds to get out the door before I went to find the knife block....maybe to throw some darts...maybe to cut off some parts....to send them to Lauren in a little ziplock bag. He was trying to squeeze every second of pain out of her! It's like he gets off on seeing woman fall for him and slobber all over him....(expletive rant)
  20. Add me to the group as well....as a gin drinker and French 75 drinker that was very odd. I don’t mind riffs on drinks just don’t confuse the general viewing audience that an iconic drink is something complicated when it isn’t. I too thought that Anne would stick with muscles, just because that’s the show this has become LOL. Tyler didn’t seem too impressed when the guy was trying to ignite the demiglace. now when I see Steve and his bow tie all I can see is him saying “you can do it put your back in to it.” And I hate myself for it.
  21. Krystal with the humblebrag IG pic I see? Her breathy post on how unfit she was at the peak of her competition circuit? LOL so obvious how insecure this chick is. When all 3 women lined up at the end and they are setting production for the rose ceremony, I would just turn to one and ask “hey has he said he loves you yet?”and get full disclosure there. Why are they miserable wondering where they stand when the answer is standing 2 feet away? If you don’t have a problem with their answer then stay, if you do then at least you find out before you make another mistake. I too was repulsed how Arie dispensed the I love yous from his emotional pez dispenser on turbo mode. It doesn’t matter who he ends up with because they should dump his ass after they watch this episode.
  22. More apple picking??? ”We’re going to pick apples!” ”Oh. Great.” ”Do you like apples?” ”I love apples.” real riveting stuff there.
  23. Arie usually reads Dull to me but tonight he inner con artist really came out. He said the same thing on every hometown date to the families... "I'm really falling for (insert name of girl)" The families are always looking for some information or at least a shifty tell when he answers the question but ol Arie didn't even miss a beat or bat an eyelash telling lies to mothers brothers uncles aunts. I'm so glad Lauren's dullard family trapped him to at least pause before he unleashed his inner fake soliloquy. It reminded me of that scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding when Tula has that awkward dinner with his parents!
  24. This is Top Chef, not Top Toast. That being said, it almost seemed like Carrie was going to be penalized for what she didn't do, versus what she did do. I thought Joe Flamm was going to get the win since Mustache Joe's profiteroles were hammered. They looked like cinnamon crinkles.
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