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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. What were the undercooked sauteed red onions for? Did they have cheese and onion quesadillas? These are important details in the Lifestyle of the Aproned Yodeler.
  2. That's what she said. She said she wasn't worried about it because it could be easily reversed. While it can be reversed easily, it doesn't mean that all the plumbing will work at top rate again. She may have heard or believed only what she wanted to hear or whatever lies he was telling her at the time. Now Josh is complaining about the money for the surgery.....if he didn't have the money etc. to do so he should have told her that. No wait.....now I'm trying to project reason, logic and maturity on these people. My bad
  3. Don't forget Libby's part in the whole "shock of the quick wedding." Her initial reaction when he brought it up after their knock knee gallop was that being married in 2 weeks instead of her snowstorm wedding was not what she wanted either. Andreii told her they didn't have any money for her fantasy. She meekly said "You want me to ask my dad?" And then Andreii shut her down and said "No I do not want to ask your dad." Then during her talking head she said that they were going to get married now and then have the wedding of her dreams later.....which she slipped in "well by then maybe my dad will have come around" which I interpreted as "with some money to pay for the Snowstorm In Tampa Extravaganza that I deserve as a member of this household." She works part time for Daddy.....she's not exactly the pillar of independence here. Her first instinct is to run to Daddy. It's weird they seem to be having a small "full" wedding now though. I would have just done the JOTP and a dinner.
  4. Agreed. However I think the father's point was that (in his opinion) Libby was used to/expecting/aspiring to a certain level of lifestyle so using that Mercedes as an example, he was almost taunting poor Andrei with that fact. Good on Andrei for thinking so quick on his feet to say that those guys were older than him and he had time. I'm sure even he didn't want to get into a discussion with the jerky father about "who cares what kind of cars we drive??????" Andrei is more level headed than the father. Sheesh I never thought I'd be typing THAT.
  5. Annie just lives in a different emotional world. She seemed perfectly fine and with lots of energy when she got to dress up and go out with Nikki for Girls Night. She has no empathy in her body because she's led a life of being in 24/7 survival mode. When she saw that she blindsided Nikki on the news of the length of the cosponsorship, she went into "well I'm sure Chris knew what he was signing....I'm not worried and I don't feel bad about it." She got her signature and that's all that matters for her.....her survival. That's a lifetime on your knees or your back. She couldn't even muster up any fake sympathy for Nikki like "I'm so sorry you didn't know. I thought he told you. Well don't worry....my goal is to never rely on you guys. I will always work and help to get us on our feet. You have done so much already!" But she couldn't say those words because she doesn't believe it. She equally wanted to stay in LA and live the LA life being funded by Chris and Nikki with no shame. She was pisses they were getting kicked out too. It's clear David has no savings and no money. She was just told that he borrowed more money from Chris for her jewelry and engagement party. Exactly what was she expecting? To continue to live off of them in LA like it's a paid vacation? She doesn't feel the least amount of remorse that she can't even pick up the check for Girls Night Out because she has NO MONEY? This is why Andrei looks respectable on this show. At least he's bucking up and finding a way to work and contribute. It may cost the snow angel the wedding of her dreams but he's not going to let her Daddy continue to lord over him with the financial help.
  6. This for sure. We buy up properties and business opportunities as well and I can't see a situation where I could rely on David in any capacity. He isn't qualified to run anything business related and he's not fit enough to do any of the labor work. He can't manage people or a crew, he can't be a crew member....he needs a very basic job with supervision that I can't provide. What was his original job again?
  7. I'm confused....even if the 2 virgins aren't having sex, can't they be getting...closer to it? He greets her with a kiss on the cheek and she leans in for a mouth kiss with a terse pucker reserved for relatives from the motherland who insist on mouth kisses. They are 4 weeks away from getting married...quite frankly the exact day they tip the scales is irrelevant. And they can still keep the big reveal for that night if they want but other than not having it look like they are shacking up and screwing like rabbits every night, I don't know what the deal would be to messing around and closing the gap! maybe then Evelyn can imagine why she'd even want her clothes to come off and why she doesn't need to wear vintage dresses and a chastity corset to make cheese quesadillas.
  8. Annie and Bahtless are perfect for each other. Bahtless said he expected to stay with Chris and Nikki for a "few weeks." Who thinks this is a good idea? He's a grifting jerk. Nothing like putting people out and not thinking anything about it. Annie said she didn't want to leave LA because Chris and Nikki were her friends and she didn't know anyone in Kentucky. LOL. She is already on the Chris GIMME$$ Money Train. Chris is not her friend....Nikki is certainly not her friend. She has no friends. She thinks it's ok to live the high life with them in LA as well. Nice girl. She also whined that the reason they got kicked out early was because Bahtless got in a fight with Nikki. Well certainly her part in Girls Night Out and gleefully telling Nikki that Chris signed her cosponsorship papers for 10 years was not something that made Nikki feel comfortable. Her smuggy oh well attitude contributed to them getting shown the door....she needs to take ownership of her shitty behavior as well.
  9. Inorite? That's pretty specific to see glittering snow falling through your hair at your wedding. If she is staying in the USA I would suggest Buffalo NY. If she is adventurous try Japan in the winter. Else a ski resort where they can blast the fake snow machine???? It doesn't cascade though...it's more like icy pellets LOL.
  10. Hassan. HASSAN! ::uptaps him like a child on the chin:: SHE IS NEVER GOING TO CHANGE NO MATTER WHAT WORDS COME OUT OF HER MOUTH IN A BABY VOICE. never. Sigh
  11. So the voice afflicted yodeler went to try on lingerie for Sex. She picked out a baby pink bra with matching underwear and then a one piece vneck slip in a stretch lacy material. Ummmmm.... Why did Mikayla need to go in the dressing room with her? And then what was the extended discussion about putting her arms in first and then something about going over her head garbly nonsense???! She needs help putting on a bra or the equivalent of a vneck long tank top?? I don't need help putting on lacy underwear. Being a virgin doesn't make you stupid, clumsy or unable to try on underwear made of lace. Lace and mesh isn't tricky. I hope Mikayla gets her a gallon of KY and a massive vibrator for her wedding gift of spite. Provide something useful and then maybe some comparison .
  12. Well Elizabeth's dream wedding is to get married at the top of a mountain, in the snow, while it's snowing...yes...WHILE it's snowing....and then to arrive by horse and carriage. she lives in Tampa.
  13. What's odd is Libby's face doesn't match her body. She is not telegenic at all. She has a double chin and looks quite heavy from the neck up but her body is quite thin. IRL she might look like a rail! I'm over Azan and Nicole as well. They are unsuitable and miserable. If they continue then they deserve each other.
  14. She can always go to the zoo. Visit some water buffalos.
  15. So Ol Girl sleeps on a dirt floor and was given a ticket out of a life of servicing men and she is picky about a free place in Kentucky? Bitch please. She should be grateful because her deadbeat 90 day fiancée is a fucking loser and can’t take of himself, let alone her. She sure turned into an independent LA woman really fast hahahaha. I guess suddenly she feels like she deserves more. Hmph Glad Nikki kicked them out. Keepin it real. Annie looked smug like “yep, hooked my star up to your husband’s gravy train! Deal with it” Nikki realized she was paying for everything and took the “Girls night is over. And GIRL, BYE.” She is the voice of reason representing the rest of the real world. I’m not from Kentucky but if this turns into how inadequate Kentucky is compared to being on your knees on the dirt floors of Thailand, then she deserves David Poor and all the bahtlessness that comes with him.
  16. I'm impressed with the challenges in this show. I thought it was another typical formulaic FN show but that cup making challenge was pretty clever. And the challenges aren't set up so it brings out some fake sob story of the contestants (well not each time LOL).
  17. Did this conversation start based on David Spain being critical of the food in the restaurant or just the fact that the owners were not Mexican? I remember the initial comment of being taken to a Mexican restaurant as if that was the same as a Spanish restaurant. (which he has a point only if they said "hey we would like to take you and Evelyn out to dinner and we are picking food that should remind you of home!") Or is the point that food in that region can't be authentic? I'm confused. If I live in the Midwest or East Coast and the mexican restaurant is run by mexicans and is well...."authentic" does it matter where it's located? Isn't it owner driven? The guy making Oaxacan food doesn't make food that tastes like Rick Bayless' Oaxacan food...while both being delicious and authentic. The guy who runs every major city's "Mi Pueblo" who is serving birria and you see the goat being dragged in....does it matter if it's Dallas, Cleveland, Philadelphia or Oklahoma City? Every major and mid market city has a latin based area with restaurants. Or dives. LOL I agree with you that the type of food shown was not appealing to me either.
  18. Is there a reason (besides planned Production) that Molly doesn't have Luis at the store doing stuff like unboxing crap or moving stuff around? He's basically free help. Would that be too boring? I guess there is no drama because anything showworthy (Let's have sex in the dressing room!) would be a detriment to her business.
  19. Agree wholeheartedly. I'm trying to imagine the situation where Evelyn is just trying her best to convince David Spain that Claremont is amazing. Her approach is tiresome. If all she has is waxing poetic about mountains and apples then at some point he has to look at her, sigh and say "Hon, there are mountains and apples in other places." I think they both fundamentally get each other...he wants to travel and see the world, she is scared and wants to stay home. She naggy and passive aggressive. He's a condescending ass. They'll have a nice life together until one of them snaps.
  20. I also thought it was lolzworthy that David Water Buffalo took her to "hollywood thai." Eye roll. At least she didn't get all David Spain about it and say "we have betta foo in thailann." Screw you David Spain!!!
  21. David trying to plant a baby in Annie every night is a big bowl of Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Jokes on him though cuz Annie is chewing on birth control pills. Girl ain't gonna succomb to the anchor baby until it's on her terms.
  22. The most disturbing thing about Joe was the size of that goldtone watch.
  23. I think David Spain is the wolf in sheep's clothing in all of this. He looks normal, appears educated and well spoken but at the heart of him is someone who preyed on an underage girl online and now is a raging dismissive twatwaffle when he blows into town. His mark is decidedly naive and that's a good scenario for someone who is controlling and wants to make sure she stays under his thumb. He'd be a good cult leader. Too bad Family Fundie is equally as naive and can't see what a jerk this guy is. He's evil and he looks like nice God loving Virginal Spanish dude.
  24. I would like to challenge Nicole to attempt to express herself without using the word "talk." And the second......SECOND.....Hassan opens his mouth to say anything to her, she just gets shouty and repetitive at him. He's damned no matter what. She switches from a low....gutteral voice that is trying to scrape her teeth across his forehead to a passive aggressive baby voice. She made my ears bleed.
  25. Your post made me laugh! I think Molly thinks she can have it all. She really does. There are *times* when I'm impressed how patient she is with him and understands his frustration. There are other times when it's comical to listen to her try to get this young guy to be a stepdad to her daughter. How she really thinks this is going to work is beyond me. Maybe things will be better when he can get a job as a bartender again and get out of the house. The whole step dad thing could be producer driven. It's the only thing that makes sense....these 2 are living in 2 different worlds, even in America. Cougars and cubs. LOL
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