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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. I know her mind was deeeeeeeeep in the waters of Alaska but watching that whole egg mess was gross. If she had time to drain the eggs (ugh) and then fold and shape the egg slop with her fingers (oh my), she had time to fix it in the pan to at least get some heat on it. I know she added some dairy (was it creme fraiche or mascarpone?) and it liquified the whole mess in the pan. But for her to take both runny pans off the heat and try to finish it by folding and fingering it (blurrrgh) is unconscionable. Egg draining is disgusting. Handling the undercooked egg pockets is not even imaginable on the lowest cooking show. It looked like she washed and dried the normal sized nonstick omelette pans but then chose to cook in the high sided large pans...was that right? She should have just taken an egg and put it in the microwave and sent in her application for Worst Cook in America.
  2. The Le Bernardin chef from Le Bernardin isn’t making a good showing for the Le Bernardin level cheffery that one would expect from the technique driven Le Bernardin. I think it would be great for Chef Ripert to glide on out and eliminate her now. What to say about the French omelette? Tragic. And those 3 chefs wouldn’t be good at the “pressure challenge” on MasterChef either.
  3. I won’t dare click on that video because eye and brain bleach isn’t real but why is he dressed like Walter white? Please tell me he is actually cooking blue rock in the desert and not doing spoof videos?
  4. He looked better after they had sex in the desert. He looked like he had a day of hope. Where did it all go wrong? LOL Oh yeah, fat girl in the sand. Boy that didn't last long.
  5. Word to this. Our local Starbucks is filled with workers who are also working other jobs or going to school and most of them are sharp. The sheer volume and demanding nature of the clientele makes it a necessity. Plus you know....tips!
  6. I never saw their story before this season so this is an eye opener for me. She was so bubbly and giggly going into her first meet. It was clear that he was a personal trainer. I would have tried to get in my best physical shape before meeting him. I guess I should applaud her lack of body consciousness. Then they land and within 10 minutes of getting to their room she is hanging on him and wants to bang him? What about a shower? And I don't care how much skyping you have done, you are still sleeping with a complete stranger. Her family must be so proud to watch that display. She really has no shame does she? What was "reaper slashing gesture" horrible was her reaction when he pushed off on her hugging him when he was paying for her napkins at the market. She went batshit there. In a country where she knows this is not allowed or preferred, she is unable to reconcile her need to be constantly physically reassured with getting Azan questioned up by the police. She has zero impulse control. Which will be the theme of her life. This whole hugging thing was......weird. She is so needy. It was completely about her and her interpretation that hugging in public was showing her off? "HOW CAN YOU SHOW ME OFF??"
  7. It's funny how Nicole sees other's relationships clearly yet she is ass blind to her own.
  8. Aika looked like she gained considerable weight. Is she doing fertility treatments and they didn't want to mention it? Chris should be banned from ever using the word "posse" again. EVER. Libby's hair was a hot mess. It looked like she was using a broken crimper from the 80s. It finally died mid crimp so she threw it on the floor and kicked it across the room. Her makeup artist on her wedding day gave her that little lip bow to balance her face. She needs to go with that look. Nikki's blue smurf dress made of tinsel looked like a fire hazard. I also was mesmerized at how she was arm entwined with Chris the entire time. She was gripping him like grim death. She's such a confident speaker, I'm surprised she needed this crutch. Odd. Did I mention already that Luis is positively creepy in person? His eyes. Oh his eyes.
  9. Anyone else think the whole Azan thing was going to be a huge setup? Luis is actually worse in person. Nikki was a better show host....than the show host.
  10. According to TLC, even though Annie’s dress was capped at 320 or whatever she paid for it, David ended up spending more on his RENTAL tux. Asshole.
  11. David and Olive Oyl are so boring their segments are consisting of the groomsmen tux fittings, rushing to get dressed after breakfast ran late and losing the keys to the apartment in Ricardo’s car. This casting has been a miss.
  12. Mahammittttttt "I could teach a course on screwing over an american woman with no self esteem to get that magical green card. It takes less than 2 years if you do it right." Luis "Hold my cerveza."
  13. When Josh was having dinner with his parents I felt it was very odd watching him eat and drink wine. He kept rubbing his tongue between his front teeth and upper lip as though he was trying to clear a chunk of meat out of them (assuming he does indeed have front teeth). But he did it too after he took a swig of wine. Or maybe he has no teeth. Or an ill fitting bridge. Or a grill with a bunch of little low quality Aika disapproved diamonds. Josh is so blown away with the physical porn aspect of Aika that he creeps me out beyond comprehension. He is so blown away with her tits looks that he just reminds me of someone who watches a furious amount of asian porn on his computer.
  14. Bahtless David scares me. He goes to a very domineering unstable personality "If you don't come with me I'll never see you again!" "Do I need to contact your parents so that someone can pick you up in Thailand?" "Here take the keys and go back to Chris and Nikki's and talk to THEM" " Do we need to talk about YOUR past????" ..... like he's The Man. As if he is holding all of those cards. And then he storms off, comes back and goes into the weeping david spiel. His personality disorder is exhausting. That being said her desire for "stuff" and the fantasy life is also exhausting. I know the genesis of it and why she is so greedy in wanting a better life for her and her family. However it still doesn't make it less tiresome to watch. She accepts Chris' offer for a bigger more beautiful wedding because that's what she wants, desires and deserves. She says the words "When David get job I want him to pay Chris back." Which are lovely words but even she knows this won't happen. They are both users and connivers.
  15. I don't think the producers didn't know she and Luis were married.....but she said they filed the paperwork associated with the K1 Visa after it because it was on a deadline anyway. The whole fantasy show wedding part was the part that didn't happen. If Molly would have just waited to finalize the "luis" portion I think she would have been in a different position (needed) since even though they got married at the courthouse, she didn't finalize everything related to him such that he could just Mo his ass out of there. Can someone with more K1 experience weigh in on this?
  16. So..................... Chris has decided to pay for the wedding because if it is big it will say "Hey this is my new wife. I've reinvented myself. Look at me!" WTF logic is this? How is Chris' money a reflection on his success? Chris clearly hates David's family....that seems to be the only motivator for this behaviour. He knows David is on the fast track to Camp Nowhere. Who else laughed out loud when the dress shop lady looked at the card and said "Oh this is a foreign one." Hahahahahaha. Nikki should have whipped her card out and said "girl don't bother" and then speed dialed David and cussed him out. THAT would have been fine TV.
  17. I wonder when Nicole answers a particularly logical question with "ummm. I don't know. Like. I haven't really thought about it. Like, I haven't thought that far out......" she doesn't realize that she sounds like a particularly dim witted person. It appears to me that internally she has thought about it and shoved it in the pool of denial and doesn't want to get called out on it. She operates solely on the "feel good this moment" premise, much like a young child. How is she supposed to support Azan and May on a minimum wage job? Nope, eating fries, on TV, everyone fawning over me.....details later. Someone will bail me out. Fries good, salt good, lick fingers good, taco chips good, kid is quiet, ipad charged, good feelings....good feelings....
  18. Tying in my comments from the main thread, that eliminated chef was a hot mess. Salmon and potato chips and whatever else she put in there? I think a random home chef could have done better. And she hammered the salmon? And she cooks fish all day? Whatever. I would have asked to have my restaurant name ripped off my bio. She said she was so worried about the potatoes that she overlooked the salmon. Does she hear herself?!!!! Crayyyyyy. And she seemed so smug that she hated potatoes and that if you came to Bar Crudo there would be no potatoes. Perfect. The thought of that acrid burnt taste of an over cooked potato chip matched with the dry texture of salmon makes my stomach flip. Ick.
  19. Anyone work for a McDonald’s? I assume the fries were low temp fried once, frozen and then shipped to the stores that way. Then they got dumped in the oil, previously lard but now some vegetable concoction. Michael Symon restaurants deep fry in lard if you have a hankering. I don’t like his fries though lol. I absolutely did not recognize her!!! I saw an unfeatured blonde in previews and thought it was a guest judge. When they introduced her my mouth fell open. The horrible hair color, the sallow skin, the odd way her neck seemed saggy or wrinkling at such a young age. when they showed her clips on the show she seemed so polished....poised...classy. She was from the Eric Ripert tree and had credibility and authority. Then she went Concrete Blonde and flipped out.
  20. Poor magic elves. They had better speed show this series before more well known chefs take a tumble. On the rewatch the bio of the bald lady has a picture of her and Mario Batali together...not,something she’d want to use now with him looking particularly smarmy and greasy as well. The lady who went home lamented not being able to show her skills but the main challenge was as open as meat and potatoes. She made a braised pork (dry), puréed potato and fennel salad. This is boring food from the Cheesecake Factory. This is homestyle food. Pork is so fatty...hard to serve dry pork that has been braised. If she didn’t have anything more complex technique wise in her repertoire for a broad challenge, she doesn’t really deserve to complain about chances to shine. She was fodder.
  21. I don't think Nicole is motivated to change or lose weight or make a better life for herself because all of her lazy and selfish decisions has landed her on TV with a stipend, eating a bottomless plate of fries, snagging a fit guy who is otherwise out of her league, is able to manipulate her family into giving her what she needs without issue and a toddler who everyone fawns over and she only has to minimally care for and keep the battery charged up on her ipad. I'm thinking she has a pretty good life by her standards.
  22. I’m glad you are here. Not because I think you speak for all gays but now I have another perspective from the couple of gay people I know and I am happy that I can begin to see things from your vantage point. I didn’t realize the magnitude of the safe space. I feel like I grew up in an area that was friendly or tolerant of all so I’m probably more naive to those whose experiences are far more oppressed. I will think twice now when I see a pack of straights taking up space in a gay bar or even as it is portrayed on TV. its funny how all the penis trinkets annoy pretty much everyone yet they are a staple at bachelorette parties along with sashes and tiaras. Or is that just TV?
  23. I’m really pissed I can’t buy any more owls from pier one. And I have a beautiful woodland themed tree with lots of rustic accents, birds with feathered tails and cute critters and....owls. Yikes it’s a devils tree in the middle of the Christmas season.
  24. Well who cares about Luis and his voodoo owl fears. I like my owl decor. I know I don’t give a hoot.
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