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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. Vegas: You don't have to be part of a Bachlor/rette party. The prostitutes are everywhere. In the taxi line at the Bellagio, the hotel lobby, near the elevators etc. And it doesn't matter if you say you are married, they just say "oh that's even better!" And often times they offer up a 3 some LOL. Last trip we were waiting for a cab and the girl just sidled in line next to my husband. It was awkward. She pulled out her lip gloss, primped and primed herself and when it was our turn to get in the taxi she just stood there. The guy who calls the taxis just stood there like it's normal. You can "invite" her to come with you. Pun intended. If not she just goes back to the line. If you can get over the fact that these girls have a lot of miles on them, especially in the same night they are propositioning you, a lot of them are surprisingly beautiful and not rough and fake looking. For a normal guy you can get a spectacular girl way hotter than you'd ever get IRL. Cost ya tho. Male Revue: Went once....it's not as awkward as much as it's a weird waste of time. Helps to be drinking and in the right mood. If you have people who are going to be buzz kills with you, you'll be hampered because it's cheesy already without dragging people who are uptight to the venue IMO. The thing with guys is that no guy will ever "not appreciate" seeing well toned women parade around in a variety of non clothing. Women like to strut and men like looking. The male revue is "fine" it's just not all that stimulating in the way that female strip clubs are. I'd never a push a group to do it and it doesn't crack my Top 1000 things I'd like to do again any time soon. Fine if someone else plans it but it's kinda lame. I like that Molly & Company went to a drag club. That seemed fun. Being home by 10pm is weird. I'm not home by 10pm for regular girls DINNER outs, let alone a bachelorette thing. I think the show is pushing Blow up Doll mouth and sisters to go to a venue so they can parade themselves around in small clothing and the producers will get to set up a variety of awkward situations with men hitting on them and watch how she reacts to them. She might want to take everyone's cell phones away because from experience I know that the pics always look like the ppl were having more fun than they actually were.
  2. When Nicole uptapped Hassan's chin and said "look at me" in that TONE, my blood pressure jumped 100 points. That man is a saint to put up with that, even for his TV appearance. I can't even. Grrrrrr.....
  3. I'm so glad we have a forum now! I saw the first 2 episodes and thought the contestants seemed all over the place. It almost seems like they are still feeling out the casting level of the show, even though it seems like it would apply to almost anyone who bakes/has a bakery. I like the format and the challenges. I loved the episode where they had to make a cookie puzzle and that lady flat out forgot what her puzzle looked like. LOL I could totally see myself doing that! Ree's makeup is indeed jarring. And they never seem to fix it. She almost seems like she has a lot of scarring that needs covered up because it looks like old school grease paint. It's not the right color and it's so shiny. I would love to see a more flattering hairstyle on her as well. She's been on TV for some time now and has a nice trough of money (ahem) to hire a stylist. TV makeup should not be this hard. Do it Ree! I will say that Ree's reactions as she is tasting the cookies are very descriptive. She emotes as she eats LOL and that's nice for the viewing audience. I mean they are eating frosted cookies...they've got to be able to describe things pretty well, week to week. I like Eddie as the host. I think he will get even better as he does even more shows. The fact that he's been paraded around now on so many FN shows has been great for him. His delivery is very staccato and it has smoothed out quite a bit. Plus he's nice looking. And pleasant. Looks like I missed the last episode...y'all liked it so I can't wait to catch it on reruns. The single show is a good format for me. I don't have any more room to follow weeks of competition to crown some "champion" of The Next Holiday Food Network Cookie Baking Championship Showdown Star.
  4. I've run the Finale in the background a few times and I'm surprised at how many times Jenna was featured in the show. Even in the group performances the camera always seemed to find her. Huh. Seems like her relationship with Val has paid dividends. It's also going to be awkward when they break up and he gets her booted to the faceless back end of the troupe again.
  5. What we see about Aika is exactly what her situation is. The reason she has fake boobs, butterfly eyelashes, anime contact lenses and walks around with her netherregion hanging out is because that's the level she needed to do to snag a man/men to try to get a ticket out of her country. At some point it's just a matter of escalation to remain being noticed. I'm not sure the men are there to find a great conversationalist. The more obvious they are, the more likely they will get attention from the men who are seeking the foreign bride. It's up to them to try to avoid the endless string of foreign flings and end up spit out the bottom of the barrel. The reason they are demanding when talking about jewelry is because at least it has intrinsic value. If the relationship goes sour they can trade in gold and diamonds. Golddigger 101 Make the guy "show his love" for you by buying you things or paying off some of your debt.
  6. Greetings from the shallow end....I think the male eye candy dance should always be done to Ginuwine's Pony. I'd love to see Artem win next. If we were going to delete a performance I think we could have deleted Debbie Gibson, who I forgot was even on the show. I'd love to have just a few more minutes at the end for a proper celebration and a few words from both couples. It's always so abrupt. I thought that Nick Lachey sounded pretty good. I'd rather listen to him croon that boring song than any more lip syncing from Pit Bull. Excellent to see Frankie going on the tour. It will be good for him mentally to "continue the journey." He's joyful and that's wonderful.
  7. That woman is tough as nails. She was cleaning that suitcase till it looked brand new and didn't shed a tear until Annie was ready to leave. And she said the truest words of the whole show so far in that her daughter was going off to America and would be able to take care of her family as well. I find it quite touching that people view America as a pot of golden opportunity that many who are born here seem to take for granted.
  8. True to the whole post but that whole paragraph is what is wrong with both Nicole and Azan. They both are telling each other the truth and neither of them is believing the other. Which is why I called them famewhores. Azan is calling her a fat, lazy and only partially attractive (to him.) Like GIRL. Why are you settling for that shit??? Nicole is trying to make him an insta-daddy and she wants him to be more devoted to her than she is to him. Azan....she's so immature and is never going to change. And she's lazy and that child is going to soon be a not so adorable HOT MESS. Go find yourself a fit girl that you are 65% attracted to. EYE ROLL
  9. I almost thought he just used that as something to say to the Dad because he knew the question was coming. He was almost daring the guy to say something disparaging about truck drivers. He's very calculated. I still think he's going to keep his day job as every stereotypical assassin in a tom cruise movie.
  10. To the Pit of Misery!! (their wedding) Dilly dilly!
  11. When fake smiling Evilyn was spinning around her vintage kitchen, smiling and admiring her vintage appliances, smiling and imagining her dining room table and then twirling and smiling while putting a nice real evergreen holiday Claremontian tree in the corner, did anyone hear "be our guest, be our guest, BE OUR GUEEEEESSSSSTTTT!" in their heads? No? Just me? Nothing says recording studio like 6 inch wallpaper border.
  12. "And mind you....his family STILL DOESN'T SPEAK ENGLISH so I'm just here for him and he's going out with friends." Maybe Nicole could spend time with Rosetta Stone instead of sleeping so much. Nicole keeps saying "I want to talk. I wish he would talk. He should stay home and talk. We need to talk." Seriously talk the fuck about what?? He said he wants you to work out. This is important to him It's not important to you. You don't want to. You think he's trying to change you for the worse, you want him to accept you for yourself as a fat woman. He won't. You don't. Take May home. Famewhore. Azan. Things will not change when you get to America. She will tell you that working out is too hard. She will use her child as a pawn. She wants to talk to you is code for "I'm not listening to you." Send her and May home. Famewhore.
  13. 2 carat heart shaped ring for 12K? Typical....aika going for obvious rather than quality. And in one sentence she says it's not about the ring, it's all about getting married and having a family...having a baby...she's worried about his lack of action in getting a ring and following through....yikes whatever. LOL! Luis has a terrible swing. Shit. Nicole seems to have latched on to one mantra "you don't gotta change for no man" which translates into if relates to exercise or something you don't want to do, file this under "changing for a man." Eye roll. Hassan needs to stay in Morocco and find someone else. Please move on dude. You are correct...by your standards she is fat and lazy and has no interest in the paramounts of healthy living. It's pretty simple...she's not exactly hiding this from you. I can't get past Evilyn's pasted on smile talking. Somewhere along the line she was praised for this. She has an annoying way of saying something glib and condescending and then smiling really big like she pooped in the toilet and wants praise. It's ridiculously annoying. Blowup sex toy mouth and Andy need to elope at the town hall and then have Moldovian monkey sex on the bed daddy bought. Yup. And Daddy outted her by saying she's a part time employee that makes shitty nepotism wages and has no real job skillz. Whoops. Andy seems like a take charge kind of guy....good for him.
  14. OK I finally got to see this episode. I'm going to go against the grain here. Erp. So here it goes. Could be because I'm foreign too but I think Luis is getting the short end of the stick here trying to communicate in English because for whatever reason I "got" what he said. Coupled with the fact that this is scripted AF and the words he does say are edited and chopped together (and hers as well...that was bad splicing there for the last segment), I think the daughter pearl clutching at the word "fuck" is ridiculous. She was happy when he said he would be on her side about her boyfriend staying later than her mom wanted but then when he called her out on basically sleeping with her boyfriend with no intentions of marrying him then she gets all "this is so inappropriate." Didn't understand the double talking head at the end either. "this is not how we parent in america" seems like the incorrect angle for me. Since he's her "friend" or "stepdad" or whatever we are calling this, he basically just talked to her like that. "so you aren't serious with your boyfriend and you are just fucking? Oh well. You can do whatever you want anyway." Which obviously she does and she will. His whole other babbling was explaining to her the way they talk about basically "friends with benefits." Would this have been less jarring if the translation would have come across that way? Or "one night stands?" Or "guy you are sleeping with but you are too young to get married so it is just transitional sex?" Well Luis doesn't have command of the english language for that. If Molly wants to be pissed at anything just go with the blanket "i'll do the parenting" angle instead of the "Luis has a long way to go to learn about parenting." I'm not thinking so Molly.....he seems WAY more pragmatic than you honey. What if we actually assume that Luis isn't a child predator and he actually does love Molly and a green card and actually give zero fucks about her teenager daughter..(as in he doesn't remotely want to bang her because she's 17)...... because he likes older women and curvy girls.....so he just does want to form a reasonable friendship with her daughter? So he can't ask her about her boyfriend that she is sleeping with that she wants him to not tell her mom about so that when she appears on another TLC show about getting pregnant and not knowing who the father is, Luis will be like "welp it's apparently american culture that I absolutely don't have a conversation with a 17 year old about any boyfriends or sex so what could I do?" Molly pick a side...you can't have it both ways. Luis was explaining his angle perfectly...people have to grow up fast in poor areas....it's no different than the poor areas of the USA. If you are watching Before the 90 days.....see ABBY. Where he's from a 17 year old is an adult....I'm sure 11 and 12 year olds get pregnant and sex conversations happen way faster there. He's right that the Molly areas of the world have very sanitized lives. So he's not going to freak out over her 17 year old daughter having sex with her boyfriend. I wish we would just get off this angle altogether and manufacture some drama between Molly and Luis and let's see where that goes. I don't like Luis being painted as some child predator and this On Demand step parenting sans english sucks. If he's going to be an epic douchenozzle then let's expose him for wanting a green card and taking Molly for a ride. Anything that has to do with her kids is a bad angle....if NOTHING happens then he's being edited like a shady ass and it's undeserving. He has a different perspective from a poor country. His opportunistic nature may come from seducing this older lady with money. If something were to happen and Luis was a predator then TLC is just documenting doom and that's truly ridiculous. Of course this is TLC so...... Moving on.....Aika shocks me. I stare at her and wonder someone can appear on TV to be wearing so much makeup it actually looks excessive ON TV. If you've ever been on camera then you know how much it sucks the color from your face. Sheesh. That being said, she's so keeping it real I am proud of her. She knew that modeling agency would drop her if she mentioned kids and they did. She knows exactly what Josh wants and is parading her around for and she's annoyed. God Bless Aika. I hope that someday she can wear some sweats in public with some nikes. I'm starting to really loathe Josh. BahtlessDavid.....yeah. Well....um....yeah. And the last grenade is the sheeps head. Not my preference and I don't like brain and tongue and Kill on Demand pollo for tonight but this over dramatic hysteria over eating food seems ridiculous. It's almost like they hype it up in their brains (hahaha) and it makes the anxiety even worse. Part of me wonders if people do this to exert a weird control over themselves because it doesn't seem like it's worth it to freak out over pea sized pieces of meat. Or brain. Or testicles. Hell anything tripey or in that area is far worse since it still tastes like the shit that is in it. Gross AF but the hysteria seems immature and insulting. Why the stereotype of the ugly american who can't blend in foreign land?? Gah. It's not like they were making you eat LIVE SPIDERS. That head was overcooked to hell...there wasn't anything scary about it. Scary is raw brain sitting in a pool of coagulated blood and them using some bread to sop it up and they hand you a big piece that looks like toast with placenta and tell you to eat it. THEN YOU BLINK. You don't blink over boiled meat. You find the cheek, it tastes like lamb (cuz it is) you smile and make a joke..yell "OPA!!!!" (opa works in EVERY country and it's distracting and celebratory).... and send mamma to the kitchen to make you a big pot of honey tea. I guess she can get back at Azan in Florida by making him eat a plate of fried chicken nuggets. OK I'll pull that pin now and walk away.....(sorry to be antagonistic to the rest of most of posts here....I didn't think i'd be in abject disagreement!!!!)
  15. I wonder why Evelyn's aunt didn't volunteer to take in the groomsmen? Nothing wrong with a little eye candy for a few days. She seemed wholesome and well wishing.
  16. When Alfonso did the finger wag during the trio I thought that meant "no no this ain't the carlton thing, this is frankie's thing." Alfonso during the judging made it seem like it was depriving us (the audience) of homage to the Carlton again. Which I found kind of arrogant. LOL
  17. Agree. He makes me so uncomfortable because he is gullible and really overanalyzing "what it all means" for him. The smallest gesture gets magnified in his mind as some grandiose gesture of love. He's constantly moved to tears. Give it a rest guy. She is just a pro upselling him at every turn....at the strip club she makes the guy who pays for a song, pay for a dance, pay to dance close, pay for a private dance in the back room, pay for a touching dance in the back room, pay for the dance with no pants in the back room....etc. etc The list goes on. At every turn we see her asking for more more more in that whiny forlorn beggar voice of hers...11 magical gold, bahts and bahts and more bahts....she's a PRO. I didn't think anyone could make Larry look like a financial powerhouse but he has a management job at McDonalds and lives alone! Sadsack Larry and his dumb white hat!!! (see Before the 90 day cray) How is he supposed to get a visa for her anyway since he can't even support his broke ass self with more than giant red scrubs and white clown shoes? He'd be better off just living in Thailand and being revered by a certain strata of the population that thinks he's amazing for being a large American. He can grift to exist or find a nice little job in a remote village that pays well and has a 401K Buffalo program. Good things.
  18. I took it more to be that when she saw Laurie win she used it as her own inspiration that she could win too or at least do the show. Mostly because that song is so ingrained in my head from Pitch Perfect and it was kind of his moment too that he took to shine (he finally got to sing in the acapella group). I didn't think the song was by accident. I am a Frankie fan and enjoyed his trio as well. I root for him as the "everyman" who is improving and just having fun with this. I appreciate Jordan for what he is....his other dances didn't necessarily resonate with me but I was blown away by the trio. Where I thought Witney did a great job of being the glue in her trio, Lindsey (the pro) was almost outdanced by the 2 guys, which was fantastic to see it being on the edge of that.
  19. Dang that trio with Jordan and Corbin was incredible. Y'all didn't rewind that a few times??! 9 years later Kristi Yamaguchi is still in that kind of shape? Good for her.
  20. She's confusing it with Narnia. Luis and Kensley did a nice recreation of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker I am your Father/you are Not my Father tonight. All it was missing was some light sabers and dramatic music.
  21. I thought I'd get used to the tongue-trilling over pronounciation of Andrrrrrrrei's name but I haven't. It grates. I'm exercising my right as a Merican and annoyingly shortening his name to Dray. It will look more menacing on his Americas Most Wanted poster anyway.
  22. And I don't care how scripted or producer manipulated the topics of conversation are, when El David decided to make a snarky remark to Mikayla on her dating status knowing it was a sore spot for her, he showed his ability to go for the jugular in a fight. Very very very telling sign in how successful a relationship will be is how someone fights. When faced with a verbal challenge, if the person uses your inadequecies against you in a fight, it's a high indicator of divorce. since mikayla was crying and Evelyn was crying I'm hoping that the unedited version has David apologizing quickly and profusely when he saw how cutting that remark was. I can see how Evelyn saying "she shouldn't judge us, she doesn't even have a boyfriend or ever had a serious one" could turn into the producers telling him to go with that angle. Even my black heart has to tell me no one would ever want to make another person cry like that. It's so heartless. David is stupid and Evelyn is a brat but if they are really like that to someone as innocuous as Mikayla then they are going directly to hell without passing Go, collecting 200 dollars.
  23. Evelyn is a smile talker. Even when she is saying something demeaning, inappropriate, insensitive, rude, unsympathetic, dismissive or petulant, she just has that chilling pasted on smile through it all. I want someone to wipe that smug grin off her Veruca Salt face. Pronto
  24. I like Jason as a judge here. Thiago needs to learn how to edit himself. He has a great eye and ideas but that final cake was a cluttered mess. Delicate flowers and a clunky chunky bottle? nope I didn't care for Dwayne final cake aesthetic. It must have tasted great. All in all I thought the finale was a let down. I did enjoy the simply soufflé challenge. Reminds me of the pressure tests on the Ramsey show. Nothing too kooky and results speak for themselves. this show format is good though. I agree with other posters that it was aired with a bunch of similar shows plus Halloween shows. Kind of confusing!
  25. Well they aren't fake virgins anymore! Let the marriage begin! Can't wait.
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