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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. I wish nothing but the best for whatever is going on with Giada. This is either her idea based on what she wants her image to be or she is turning a blind eye to what the producers have reduced her to on the Food Network which seems to be #WhenWillGiada'sBoobsAppearInTheEpisode?BooooooooooooobsBooooooooobsBoooooooobs I'd rather it be the first because it would at least be her story to tell but this lady is actually a trained chef....it's sad if it's the latter.
  2. oh this. I thought he was going to do something really violently inappropriate with what I first thought was a skinny japanese eggplant but what turned out to be a pepper....right before he held it up to his face like a telephone....my brain went "oh no. NO. NOOOOOOOOO.....whew"
  3. You guys. This episode was AWESOME. Cao rolled into the Food Network studios in the clothing she slept in. Hawaii lady's hair was sooooo greasy and suddenly not blonde that I don't even remember what she cooked. The 2 of them looked like hung over college students. I laughed. At Sunny's, Cao went radio silence staring into the audience and then started babbling while trying to blend her finger in a shallow dog food bowl. I laughed. She didn't cook anything. I laughed. She was soooooo bad. I laughed. And yet, she would not be the worst of her segment. Hawaii lady tells the stage guy she isn't even going to turn the food pro on after he warns her about the lid???????? ...and then decides to turn it on? I laughed. Oh and she keeps showing up with a cotton shirt and NOT a tshirt bra on...you can always see the outline through her shirt which after 6 weeks seems absurd. She can get bras using amazon prime in Hawaii and maybe some shirts that don't look like she slept in them. She shows her lack of poise when she goes from "hmmm my machine is not working" to "ALL HANDS ABANDON SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL HANDS ABANDON SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Her tip is to starve your kids, no wait don't call child protective services then the epicFucccccKItttttttttt moment of shoving sloppy food in your mouth and then letting us see it hanging out of your mouth like you are stoned, drunk, hammered, hungry and shoving food in your mouth at 3am to stave off puking. Add greasy hair, buggy eyes and batshit nervous laugh....that was the best trainwreck 20 minutes of TV I've seen on this channel in a long time.
  4. Dating Naked? Naked and Afraid? she already did Dating Naked and Afraid I'll see myself out....
  5. What a bunch of buffoons behaving badly. This was not a good episode, save for the singlets. This is my first season of the Bachelorette....i have no frame of reference but this isn't a stellar crop to choose from.
  6. Has he reported in? Did he find it? Did he get lost in the giant vagina table? OH word, word, word ( I met him too!!!!) and word. And I'd cry if any of them went on this game show LOL.
  7. Totally agree. At the same time it just takes a certain confidence to be a food authority on TV. Cory's confidence comes from his actual food skill. Mini Martha's comes from her experience in being a practiced perfect spokesperson. Which is why neither would take being run over by Matthew regardless of their gender. My guess is that Amy rides that passive "im just a mom with a blog" just as Hairpiece was "confused dude with a blog" and both would be run over by big mouth Matthew, again not specific to gender. I'd love to see a female version of Cory appear on this show but my guess it's just a numbers thing. There are fewer females who achieve this in the industry. Then you have to get them to leave their post to come on to a show like this which is the Next Food Network Poo Blizzard. Then they have to actually be personable, reasonably telegenic or somehow memorable. Yikes. That's why I think it's just easier for them to pick female "spokesperson" types....statuesque blondes, moms with blogs, "fiery" (ugh) latinas, grammaaaaasssssssas..."sassy"(ugh) women of color. So we're stuck watching the same old stereotypes. I guess they took a break from the suave guy with the thick italian accent or the portly guffawing guy with a cowboy hat......oh wait
  8. Seeing the beginning again Amy really got the ditzy indecisive edit. Either she's been like this the entire time or they are emphasizing it this week. Trace seemed like a stunned duck as well...he's babbling about mimosas and making deviled eggs in a muddy campground.....like Wuh? I had high hopes for Matthew being a less asshattish version of his former self. It's really starting to come back out now so my hopes are dashed. His perception was that she was going off the rails...I mean comparatively Rusty REALLY went off the rails (diff team obvs). Her edit didn't seem that bad but again, I'm wondering how much we've been seeing the last few weeks. On a rewatch she does seem to spend time with a puzzled look on her face. I did enjoy watching Cory shoot Matthew down when he frenzied "WE GOTTA GET THAT CHICKEN ON THE PLATE" and Cory was like chill dude. That's the difference when you have confidence in your own skill. I'll bet had Matthew done that to Amy she would have listened to him. Cao " my favorite meal is actually breakfast so you take these hash browns...." blah blah blah add celery, mayo and lime and add that on top of the hash browns! Babble stop.
  9. Cao IS boring...she looks like she would be full of personality but she doesn't seem to have a good handle on what the Food Network actually does. At this point you really need to come with some preplanned ideas especially if you have an ethnic point of view. Not only is she boring but her food is boring too. Adding lime is no more vietnamese than mexican. Else her food edit is wicked bad. I don't even believe hash browns directly on the grill can work either. Those prepackaged ones need serious surface area. Giada makes me uncomfortable. Her wardrobe sucks, her food authority status sucks....she's just out of whack. I'm voting for Rusty to get the boot next week. He seems nice but he's not progressing very fast and doesn't think on his feet very well. Also I can't stand another week of "calm cool and collective." They could edit it out but the editors hate us.
  10. Trace " To this soup that is so thick you could spread it on toast, I'm going to thin it out by using CREAM and then I'm going to take the thimble from the monopoly game and use that to measure vinegar to also add that to my cement like soup....." Anyone else scream ADD WATER at the TV screen? Just me? I get this is a food personality contest but I can't take people like this seriously as even light food authorities. Cao spends a lot of time guessing and saying "i'm just hoping for the best." Just stop.
  11. Fresh shaved truffles are more about the smell they impart on the dish you are eating than the actual taste of the shavings themselves. It's a heavy aromatic smell that fills your nose as you are eating....the shavings themselves can range from tasteless to gritty to slightly shroomy depending on type of truffle and the season. IMO I know I'm supposed to be more excited about them but I'm not. At least not for the price! i would take a perfectly browned button mushroom in olive oil and salt any day. i think they just keep bottles of the stuff on these shows for talking point fodder.
  12. How can you get fired from Uber???? You pick people up and drop them off...the app takes care of payment and gps LOL. WTH?
  13. Rusty "cool and calm and collective..." No Suzanne "fustrated..." No Duck Lips NoNoNO The guys being SO patronizing to her at the end of her take waiting for her to say "phyllo"..... No
  14. TOTALLY agree on Jason...what happened to him? He's almost a caricature of himself on this show. I didn't see all of the Baking Championship but enough to see his aw shucks personality which may or may not appeal to everyone but seemed totally natural and congruent. Now he's the Guy Fieri of southern bogus euphemisms. He's getting shouty. and barky. If he dyes his hair blonde and puts on a bowling shirt I'm going to demand to see who is behind the camera. I'm going to miss Suzanne. I thought they would fodder her one more week. It's not like she's suffering being on the show....she was 2 swipes of butter away from executing food network star y'all!
  15. What I took from this is that people will order what they want to eat, regardless of the TV Personality delivery. Especially if it's a free meal...they will choose the meat or heartier dish over anything video presentation. Dear future ethnic cuisine competitors: You might want to cue up all of the dishes you can make in 30 minutes, complete with a corny story that may or may not include your grandma in the old country, even though you were born in Minnesota. And please learn how to use a pressure cooker. She needed chicken bones and cartilage (feet? wings?) in a pressure cooker with aromatics and veg. Frankly if you are trying to make Pho/Broth/Soup and are using a whole chicken in water in a regular large pot you deserve to be eliminated because that's just dumb. Why not make rice paper egg roll (the vietnamese kind) with nuoc cham sauce? How did they find 2 obnoxious ladies to represent middle eastern mommas? Sigh and cue eye roll. I couldn't get over that pink lipstick that looked positively slimy....she looked like the complete opposite of a food authority...she looked like that Theresa Giudice woman from the Real Housewives franchise. You can't be seriously tasting your food with that much lipstick sliding around utensils. Shudder. Giada is trolling us with what she chooses to wear. She'll either come out in pasties next week or a toga with grape leaf wreath and a pair of butterfly wings strapped to her back. Either way, that's just Jadda being Jadda. At least she's interesting. I don't value her food opinion because she never touches her lips to the fork...she can't possibly be tasting enough food. She's just guessing IMO. Positives? That experiential pop up restaurant looked kind of fu....
  16. Someone tell me to NOT click on that link. I feel responsible since I asked the question. But my mind is still clear of whatever information pee related I'm going to get!! Do I dare?! Snort. I'm going to say something nice. Her hair looks decent in that picture. That's a much more flattering color for her. And length.
  17. I'm surprised that Corrine has taken this road. It seemed like she had a long career in the Bachelor franchise and wouldn't need the money from a settled lawsuit. She wasn't one of the "D" listers of the franchise, she was front and center villian-ess to extend her fame and opportunity. As it stands it will likely settle out and she won't get any more play from the marketing machine that is Fleiss and Co. Other reality shows won't cast her and she'll be spit out the porn industry after filming "My Platinum Vagine."
  18. I'm hearing weird noises in my head. I think my brain is screaming. I'm not even sure I understand what you wrote. I'm even more sure I don't want you to elaborate. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA
  19. I only saw a few episodes of the initial trainwreck so the recap was fascinating to me. I caught the beginning and the ending but have to go back and watch the middle. It's both absurd and sad. Mo seems like a big turd but Danielle is so unbalanced it's hard to root for her. I have trouble following the truth....as it exists in her head. As long as he was willing to be friends she thought she had a chance to stay in his life and sway him back? That was the most ridiculous logic....and then she went utter batsheeeet craaaay when he didn't return her communicay? I found myself siding with Mo, if not only the part that said RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. (but in his case, stay here in 'merica eye roll) The part when he called the Miami cops because she threw the stack of papers at him got my eyebrow up though....that seemed scripted to me. I don't know how much of their entire relationship is scripted because I didn't see the long version but it doesn't seem like you can make up his shady behavior that continues on or her utter lack of self esteem that drives her poor decisions. And the whining. Oh the whining. Her whiny crying is like nails on a chalkboard. The wedding was sooooooo awkward. Mo's face looked like "hold your face, cameras are on you, hold your face, it's for a green card!!!!" and then entire clan of people who showed up were of the "he's totally using her to get the green card; this is SO ending in divorce." Soooooooooo if everyone else could see it, why not her? Why, indeed. Speaking of morbid....did they um....consummate the marriage? Isn't that a requirement? Oy, sorry in advance for asking. Oh and another thing I noticed was that he was wearing a nice Canada Goose jacket. Where did he get the money for that?? LOL
  20. If it's true that ABC is getting the American Idol reboot, then it would be nice if any of the rejects that don't make it out of Holllywood Week (hundreds) to become the singers for the band. Yes ANY of them. I've never heard such warbly flat pitchy screechy off key singing that is flat out distracting to the dance. Shame.
  21. Well I have this going on again in the background and Simone's rumba is on. For the first time I feel like I'm seeing resignation from Sasha...he's looking past her and she's not making eye contact with him. She's spinning and spotting, he's leading etc. At the end is the obligatory positivity kiss and off they go to the scores. I guess it's just trying to coax something out of someone who hasn't experience any male/female/sex emotions to coax it out of their body. She's had one date. I shouldn't be surprised at what I'm seeing. It would creepy for Sasha to be any more forceful than he is in trying to explain it over these weeks, just as many of us are trying to articulate why her dancing seems void of emotion for many of us. I don't blame her...she is who she is and she is great. For this show, she needed to be here a few years from now. The mere fact she thinks anyone wanted her to be Laurie shows how clueless she is. Sasha for his part did as well as he could IMO. Simone isn't an actor either so I can't expect her to be trained in any more fakery than her floor routine smiling. Sasha in the end looked like he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable and reciprocated whatevr emotion she could muster for him. I applaud Sasha for protecting her in the end...while we cried "EMOTE dammit!!!" He knew she was giving it all she could understand. And he looks crushed when they are eliminated. Maybe the reason she is the best gymnast in the world is that she doesn't let her emotions creep into any performance?
  22. I thought Rashad was great tonight. As an athletic person working on deleting old muscle memory to create new technique, I am impressed how far he has come on some more complicated dance techniques. I have hope for myself LOL! Simone was decent in the first dance but back to robotic second dance. I never realized how much maturity played in this show. I was shocked when she was eliminated. Im about done with David as well but he's been fun to watch. And I say that as an Indians fan. He's been great. Normani has been consistent all season. I don't see as much improvement but she is entertaining. Her legs looked odd to me in the second dance so I was shocked when the judges were loving it. They bothered me the entire time. Still I will be surprised if Val lays the giant egg.
  23. Mortal combat reference...CRYING...cuz I actually could hear it in my head. Nostalgic. Well done.
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