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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. I love all those too buttercupia but I'm annoyed when these flavorings are used by non experts to show a style of cuisine. It's like "make something Asian by adding sesame oil!" "Want Mediterranean food? Add olives!" "Let me show you the cuisine of North Africa...Harissa!" I just wish early on there would be one challenge that was more Top Chef style where they could prepare an item over 2 days to really show a culinary POV or technical chops. So we could at least see the depth of their expertise instead of relying on Bobby or even the contestants themselves. I'd have more respect for Dom if I could have watched him break down a bunch of fish...or Jay grab a hog and slice it up if that's what he used to do in the wild growing up. At this point in the game I feel like I'm just watching the 10th time they are trying to tell me something through a rushed story in under 3 minutes. The format is getting old. The seasonal shows would be edited to sound great...Dom would be fine in editing...he's just not good improving a walk and talk. Jay tells stories but I'm not sure if they are real. Arnold is like a caged penguin waiting to unleash himself on the world. And the sandwich fanatic won't be remembered past next week. I can't even remember what holiday he had.
  2. Body language and facial expression seemed to lean towards Rocco and Nate not enjoying the critical intensity that Rosie was playing with. Reminds me of that bald Michael guy from the week before...he was rolling his eyes and looking exasperated. Thought Rocco and Nate were cute doing the hands thing. Loved the confetti bowl.,,starting to hate doo doo songs.
  3. They spent a lot of time harping on framboise and ganache but nary a peep on whatever Dom pronounced over and over again that meant fish with seafood stew. His thick Americanized Italian accent made it worse and he garbled it while using it as a filler for time as though we were supposed to know what THAT meant. Sounded like oragata piñata regatta Sinatra. Ciao Dom.
  4. Served with a side of macNcheese, elevated by plating it via ring mold....
  5. No. More. Harissa!!!!!!!! Just stop already. Harissa is the new wasabi/chipotle/ad nauseous flavoring of the year. BAH.
  6. Apparently we are all stupid...it's a raspberry and chocolate fried wonton y'all.
  7. I don't think that Leigh Ann woman should open up a german asian banh mi sandwich store...just sayin. And pretty much you knew she was going to get chopped early with her snotty (paraphrasing) "it drives me crazy when I watch Chopped and people don't do things the right way. If you can't do it the right way, you shouldn't even be there." I also think she left herself a self sabotaging "out" per se. Anyone who won't put out perfectly prepared polenta fries...on CHOPPED and takes a chance on getting chopped because you are missing an ingredient isn't really trying to win. I would say she hasn't seen the show before with her Cheffy Integrity speech but since her opener was snarking on other cheftestants on Chopped, she has no excuse.
  8. And Simon Majumdar....eating chum slimed poke! He should be thrilled they over soy sauced the crap out of those ahi pieces. Does he get hazard pay? Imodium?
  9. I'm surprised that Alex didn't take the time to weed out his burned sausage before the judges got there. The shot we saw on TV was really really burned. Weird editing splice: "What do we think of the chips?" Bobby: "they are lovely..." Who describes fried chips as lovely?? Bye Michelle! Flaky woman are maddening. Not only does she screw thousands out of a spot on the show but she reinforces the stereotype of fickle family women in the workplace. Bleck.
  10. I'm not even sure who they are trying to find anymore...I think this is a classic Seinfeld in that we are watching it because it's on TV! By their own admission, Bobby, Emeril and Mario would have never morphed into FN celebrity chefs based on their early performances. These things can be learned, despite how bad things may appear initially. I think a lot of the TopChef contestants would be willing hosts in training but FN isn't really looking for a new star.
  11. Can we ban Harissa paste from a jar? Either make it from scratch or you can't use it. Enough already! Jay's satsuma pizza is even grosser upon repeat viewing lol. 2 samosa pizzas? Odd. And this exchange that was kinda of disrespectful.... Giada "What's up Dom?" Dom "Whaddup girl?" Giada girly blush
  12. Dom seems like he would be ok in a stand and stir format because it could be edited to be smooth. And he could appear at the thing in Florida and be on stage with a group of other hosts so he isn't responsible for carrying the stage (plus they can keep him from running off stage lol.) Eddie seems to have the winners edit. I almost went into cicis today but really wanted Moes instead. I was curious to see how his dessert pizza translated.
  13. That was bizarre. I don't have a problem with Emelia's schtick, it's just that it totally doesn't mesh with ANY freaking edit we've seen of her so far. She's been the boring teacher for weeks now and all of sudden words like "alpha female" and "taking risks" are spewing out of her mouth? I didn't get anything aggressive from her so far....for her to go out and bomb impersonations out of character seemed ridiculous. She doesn't have comedic timing and the way she was dressed didn't match her POV (this week) either. Medusa needs a makeover. Dress no. Hair no. Scowl no. Alex is sooooo boring. They should have booted him. He's a walking yawn. I'd keep Dom around for the fun factor.....you pretty much know he's going to mess up each week so at least the edit is clear. Next week will be a 6 minute presentation except he'll only practice up to 3 minutes and walk off and we'll all just snicker and try to figure out why this guy can't babble. Michelle's food is so boring. and "mediterranean mamma" just made me cringe. I use olives and capers already, thanks. Time to go to bed in my home in northern north america.
  14. The real loser on this show is Jet Tila.....or Antonia Lofaso. Eating wet bread after the contestant has to swim in the same pool of gross water as the ingredients? Hurl.
  15. I think knowledge of pop culture has less to do with this than a natural ability for word association, which is rapidly becoming a lost art. Remember the old show Password? Those people honed their skills to make the word pop into your head....when they resurrected the game the celebs spent most of the time trying to describe the word. Example would be when Chrissy got "elm street" and she wanted to describe rows of pretty trees or whatever instead of saying "Freddy Kruger." JTF was having a heckuva time in the last round as well. I will say that the last round seemed like a list of actors...which if 2 actors can't remember what movies or TV shows they have starred in, that's pretty bad! How can you not get Denzel Washington?????? I liked that for most of the games, the answer did not appear on the screen. It made me realize how difficult DooDoo is!
  16. What the hell. That Four Seasons chef got fucking ROBBBBED. He had technique out the wazoo and just did a helluva lot more on each dish than she did. What the fuck EVER. Was that graded on a curve????
  17. Now I know that we are being trolled by Giada & stylists on FNS...Giada was positively normal and dressed nicely on Game Show. She didn't have that exaggerated cartoon shit persona that she does on FNS where she gets edited with her huge ass toothy mouth filling up the TV screen. If you only saw Giada on this show, you'd hardly believe how ridiculous of a prop she lets herself be on Food Network. Crazy! Mrs. John Legend was the giada of the show...awkward tight dress, cartoon personality, "look at me" crawling on the floor....I wonder what Giada's perception of her was by watching all of that. Giada SAVE YOURSELF!!!!
  18. Welcome TomCorps! No stomping from me....you are certainly entitled to your opinion if you think Giada is pretty and she dresses great! I'm not exactly sure what picking on the pretty girl refers to since this is a snark board and that would assume that anyone making a comment is perceivably "uglier" than she. If Bobby came out in white biking shorts that hugged his twig and berries, he'd be subject to board ridicule. As would showing his abs. Skintight tank top with a spray tan? Or wearing assless chaps....all within possibility yet he never seems to do it. And the lighted vagina table is an equal opportunity offender! I totally agree with you on the Jay yelling...frankly this episode had too much manufactured drama and raised voices instead of focusing on the cooking challenge. Sure there are some combative personalities this season but editing the worst out of some of these people has to make future contestants weary. I actually like Anne in this role. She can come off surly but I thought she did a nice job.
  19. Dom's dickishness overshadowed how ridiculous Michelle was in her own right. First, her talking head in the ingredient switch challenge had her blaming eddie for telling her to be careful with the habaneros. She was exasperated that he led her astray. I mean eye roll!!!! It would have been bad if she didn't taste the habaneros but she tasted her marinade, called it hot and then didn't own it. Deluded. Then I think she was overbearing in the kitchen with Dom. How much discussion do we have to have over the flavor profile of freaking risotto????? He's making a vehicle for flavor....pick your flavor. End of story. Her insecurity was an annoying as his dismissive tones. He wasn't kind but she wasn't confident. She ASKED him what flavors she should use..,,she is ridiculous. And the dumb sidekick. They both fight dirty verbally. They went personal which makes them both unlikeable. And Michelle makes a lot of shrimp. Add your own Top Shrimp comment here, ha. Spice island woman with the hair bun uses Harissa in everything? Did she say it was the cornerstone of her spice POV? Weird. There are a lot of "southeast Asian" cuisine references going on. Have they ever considered casting some Vietnamese or thai individuals instead of people who have traveled there as a visitor and use fish sauce, coconut milk, sesame oil or five spice as representative of any Asian culture?
  20. When I first saw Loreal i yelled "the butcher babe" which was contrived and annoying the first time around and then as the show progressed and she got more and more cartoony, i remembered why she didn't/couldn't win Food Network Star. Nice that she won some money though...those sabotages were tough.
  21. I saw that. Snicker. Abs, BREASTS, vagina table. Love Food Network Star! It's the snarkiest show on FN right now. Who cares who wins? The best person is a big pile of Meh. Joachim is probably regretting he turned his restaurant over to a bunch of hacks. He was NOT happy with the food. Meat & Polenta with no sauce....LOL. Tenderloin no less. Just yuck. And Joachim gave a visible snark smile saying the polenta was fluffy. He was probably prompted to say something nice. Jerk Chicken Bahn mi - bromance bahn mi and Bobby should have finished it...he got crap food that followed. Beef, shrimp and vegetables - Land and Sea African Asian surf and turf - It was the Land of Smiles and Joyful Oneness of Africa. WTH does that taste like? Tough underseasned beef with crudite!?!! Yummy. Lemon Risotto and Mediterranean Shrimp - A big pile of anger, resentment, awkwardness and pissiness.
  22. In non slanglish, sandos are what sandwiches are called in Japanese. The phonetic pronounciation is sando-Wichu so commonly shortened to sando.
  23. (Kicks cooksdelight over) Sorry moddy but Emmanuel is mine. Can he please skip the line at Next Food Network Star and just give him a show already? And please put him in a small...make that very small and tight...make that very tight....piece of clothing...make that small piece of clothing. If Giada can let her skin show I say turnabout is fair play.
  24. Dakota is just gullible....he went towards the lowest common denominator so he didn't have to feel uncomfortable or engage himself. He feels good feeling like he's roughing it on the land rather than building a shelter or God forbid a really nice shelter. It's easy to make fun of people or put people down rather than engage them and try to learn. Pigs can be slowed down...I didn't literally mean they injected it with tons of downers to the point of unsafe consumability. Real wild pigs can't be caught because they would never be rooting around people. They can be trapped but not caught. At least not by this bunch of guys! I'd love to see a follow up. I think Trey had gas. they have to have a trauma doctor on the Island with them. I wonder what would have happened if the doc and medic were the first 2 out?
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