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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. Her contract page 16, paragraph 2, line 3 that states "Reality contestant is guaranteed appearance as primary on no less than 75% of finished total episodes of season. In the event that contestant ends up being a bone target of judges or producers of show then contestant wins show, all prizes of show without exceptions and a set of Bobby Flay ceramic nested bakers in Mesa Sunset Orange."
  2. In that first challenge...was the struggling to connect POV to the challenge....the challenge itself? Because that's the premise of this entire series that we watch...it just came to a freaking head for some reason where it was edited as everyone saying "I have no connection to this dish. I don't know what to say." It was almost comical....the fact that they force these poor people to have a POV and then clearly show when you stick someone with some stupid dish to make that they either have to flat out make up something (BAKER!!!!!!!!!) or just be good at being fleeky (I'm fluttering my hands at you)...blah. And Erin totally went off the deep end there...negative feedback on her baking and she totally internalized it as she was a horrible fraud of a person who baked...sheesh. They didn't think your cookie chunk sitting on a paintbrush drag of ganache was decadent enough....nor the chocolate dessert you were selling. Get over it. OMG LOL.
  3. I find it hilarious that the judges liked tregaye's freezer garbage bowl of bread pudding...Eclairs....waffles...cake...smurfs... Ana...nice uno leches dry ass cake.
  4. Oh good...I'm not the only person who was repelled by the chick butcher hear me roar speech ad nauseum? I thought these cooking shows were starting to make me really jaded. I wish she would have been eliminated first. almost seemed like the Napa chef was a last second fill in. And I was weirded out because it looked like he had a small but juicy knuckle cut and was touching food with his bare hands. I recognized chad's name...so glad he cut his hair! Ironic he's coming out with a bottled BBQ sauce line LOL. Glad to see him cook from a point of authority instead of the dancing bear they made him on FNS. Good for him. Sawyer is nutty. He personifies whimsical...(note to Tregaye and all the other whimsies). Dude rides his bike to work from the east burbs into downtown CLE....even in the winter. That's CLE winter y'all. The one thing he will never be accused of is putting on cuz WYSIWYG. If you want real deal stuff follow him and his forager on Twitter. Those guys forage and mad scientist stuff all year for Trentina and a little at Greenhouse. Good read...you'll never look at pine needles and weeds the same again LOL. i like chiarello too. He had a really great stand and stir show that I enjoyed watching. I'll never forget his love of grey salt!
  5. Editing monkeys control the perception of how we should look at the potential Star. In demaris' season her shoulder shimmy got the wahwah edit for being awkwardly sexual. But Ana holds up some coconuts in fronts of her breasts or makes boob bikini eggs and it's met with howling laughter and encouraging remarks.
  6. I actually thought the Blaise elimination was off. Sometimes I think the judges look at the cash boxes and make decisions to either send people with a lot of money home, or a little bit of money. I was banking on seeing Blaise loaded up with a bunch of sabotages in the dessert round. But the final sabotage was pretty epic. Not sure why Simon didn't try to make nitro ice cream though. I would have rather seen Blaise and Antonia battle it out. greenspan looks like he dropped some weight. Good for him. Simon too.
  7. The judges episode was awesome. I wish they would do more of these.
  8. This thread is providing magic laughs. Thank you snarkers for letting it fly.
  9. According to Michael Symon all of this stuff is just a product of ratings. He says we say we want cooking shows and things that teach us how to cook but the reality is that not enough people are watching them. Even the ones with entertainment value like iron chef aren't being produced anymore. Beat Bobby flay is the same concept but far cheaper to produce in comparison to ratings points. I have to admit I do watch a lot of the cooking game shows but no cooking/teaching shows. the last time I ventured into a stand and stir was Trisha yearwood, where it looked like a fun girls night. Unfortunately it consisted of rolling cream cheese (a southern favorite!) and green onions and salsa and deli ham in a flour tortilla, cutting them and proclaiming it was Redneck Sushi. I was horrified. I had flashbacks of Semi Homemade there. im sure you could throw those on the grill for the grilling episode though. /snark
  10. I don't Bobby actually wants to do Ana...I think on this show he is just more lenient of her type while judging. Bobby seems to have a pretty narrow type of women that he dates and they are all very all American very very very blonde actress types. Given his modest celebrity he has access to a much bigger pool of ladies to choose from rather than even blink towards Ana...not to mention...younger. When Ana went kinda The Shining on us there at the end with her daggery soliloquy I couldn't help but think she would have been better served by going with humility. I feel sorry for her but then when she speaks like that I don't feel the least bit sorry for her. Just because they want you to play a role, doesn't mean you have to.
  11. Drama? Plus she'll actually verbalize those delusional barbs like she did at the end of this episode...very Housewife lines. She's playing her role. Look for her to be eliminated in 2 weeks but pop up as a guest judge on Chopped: Spicy Latina Famewhore Edition.
  12. Anyone else watching this closely as opposed to background TV blather? Bobby and Giada's "knowing looks" and googly glances are almost palpable. The soft looks, gentle lean ins, exaggerated awkward laughter...I'm starting to get uncomfortable that I'm watching something private. They look to each other, they lean into each other...not the third guest chef of the week. I know they are both single and can do what they please (now) but still. Still what, I don't know. Just found out Damiano is from Lucca. Sigh, I love Lucca. It IS a really beautiful part of Italy.
  13. Joy's Jezebel chicken is "sweet and sassy." What is sassy food? Salty? Spicy? tregaye "I'm just gonna sip my tea like Kermit." Lol huzzah! As far as the tiki challenge goes, it's painful to see that Hawaiian inspired food is pineapple based skewered crap. I also thought it was unfair that the contestants got to watch each other before they went on. To recap, Ana is getting the beyotch edit, Damiano is the arrogant douche canoe and Jenard is now shown huffing and eye rolling everyone....and snark sleeping. Final 2 leaves us Fleeky v newly discovered bullied sympathetic Erin.
  14. Tregaye looked like sloppy athleisure chick in that outfit. And "bye Felicia?" Where is the eye roll emoticon. Damiano said "it's just not fair." bwahahahaha. Oh the contempt for frozen food. Ana "Bobby is starting to get me..." Bwahahahaha. Hold up those coconuts darlin. This show is trolling us now.
  15. Is anyone here a black female between the ages of 25-30? I just realized I don't have a real life point of reference for the antics of Tregaye. She seems very cartoony to me as if she is trying to mold herself into an acceptable version of a sassy black woman for food tv. I would like to know if it is authentic or not. I just can't get my mind around all of the fleek crap because I don't know anyone who uses this archaic word. White, black, young, old, broad demographics...it just seems like this is a POV bubble.
  16. I think judges with more gravitas are a waste for this show. They are basically judging food clowns who shriek at octopus and kimchi. I guess if some of the Top Chef cheftestants that didn't win want to become a TV food judge then it's possible. Like Antonia on Cutthroat Kitchen. I've seen Leah make an appearance as a judge on Beat Bobby Flay. Whenever I see her face all I can hear is her moaning at Hosea. LOL. When does the next season of Top Chef start? Sigh.
  17. I like him a lot. I through out those names because I happen to have Chopped on and they are the judges! Maneet is underutilized on the network so she would be a good too. Amanda wouldn't be bad either. There are times her low energy isn't very compelling though. I like Alex too but she seems to be pimped out on the network enough. Heck not sure why Ted Allen isn't as qualified as Giada, that's for sure!
  18. I had an inward reaction to these people as "food authorities" when a lot of people on this episode hit the fryers with their ingredients. Serious eye roll. And Rob seemed proud that he gets kids to eat things because kids love anything fried. Yeah so do most people. Fried food is the easy way out and isn't good for anyone's lifestyle, especially kids. The first challenge was stupid. I'm easily entertained but even I was wondering what I was watching. I would like to replace bobby and giada with aaron sanchez and maneet chohan. They are fun but still articulate. Both have a distinct style and opinion.
  19. I'm one behind so I just finished this one but I had to add that I literally laughed out loud several times while reading this thread. Too many to quote but Braaaaaava y'all. I definitely was confused when Damiano won the first challenge for using a turkey baster instead of a spoon. I get that he had to change last minute but the fact that he won for that seemed ridiculous. He's the worst of the italian casts over the last few seasons. Holy Giada boobs. The pink dress in particular seemed like a dress that started out as one thing but then was sent to alterations. Monterrey needed her bangs cut or some stiff product. In a weird way I could watch her train wreckedness. I am ashamed. Ana - Just want to say that making rice on a grill? Pretty amazing.
  20. albino- I forgot about that Giada being too emotional to ax Yaku...what was the point of that???? To make him feel better about it? LBH cares so much she can't utter the words so she makes Bobby do it?? Unnecessary drama whoring.
  21. I agree...they definitely made it a point to tie it in as she made a point to say it for the fake live shoot. She doesn't use it other times like the camping challenge "when I was traveling the world modeling, I never got to try all of the exotic flavored potato chips there are in the world because well, I was a model! So I gave them to Rob, who clearly loves potato chips! I'm going to try to make ice cream, because I memorized some ratios for food to try to cook on this show...plus I've seen rank amateurs do it on Chopped 2000 times but heck I can't eat this either." so it's kind of her story, when it fits the challenge. I actually thought for this episode her beauty tie in was ironic. She seemed to nail the aspect of a beautiful plate to the eye, but her flavors were unbalanced. I was snarking that metaphor for the whole segment!
  22. Nowadays "model" is pretty generic to encompass wide ranges of work. I have family and friends with model in their CVs...ranging from "got head shots and an agent" to doing commercials or print ads. They are all telegenic or interesting looking but we are not talking "Victoria's secret model" if that's the standard by which Monterey is being judged. I think she's very telegenic. When she points out that she modeled I don't think it does her any favors food wise. She may be a caterer now but I don't think most people equate modeling with food authority. And traveling the world doesn't make you an authority either. I've traveled the world and am food centric...I'm even a pretty good home cook....doesn't make me an authority on any global cuisine!!!
  23. "be patient." Ouch. And Ouch. And she still never tied it together..."you'll find out" never materialized on air anyway. Bobby is still waiting. Hahahahahaha. "nut girl". Um yeah. Awkward. Ana makes weird TV. And the whole Sophia Vergara rambling was priceless. minor point: diner didn't want dairy and I'm positive Damiano's puff pastry cookies had dairy. However the phone call said to just change the gelato so lol. I have no clue who the girl is but her "make the appetizer taste like Mexican food" was awesome...then ending with Gracias was a nice touch. I am easily amused.
  24. I actually laughed out loud several times during this episode. The faux live report was just hilarious...all the awkward pauses, over talking and general lack of sensibility was tv gold. the curveballs were amusing but pretty hard and tested adaptability more than anything else. I think if they had the ability to change their food altogether it would have been better quality. Jesse was taking the tiniest bites of everything...the food must have been bad. LBH had too many teethy close ups today. Shudder. Thought it was nice of Rob (?) to finishing plating Joy's dessert and then serve when she went into ramble mode. Good teammate. Fleek. Just stop. bye Yaku. I had no idea a star salvation was happening.
  25. OK I've figured it out. The lunch lady guy is a mix of Guy Fietttttiii and wait for it......Pah Style Rodney! At first I thought his shirts were retro bowling a la Guy...but upon replay they are retro rockabilly...a la Pah Guy. so the question is....will we see the morphing of blond hair and sunglasses perched in bizarre locations of one's head or will we see the pork pie straw hat? I should make a bingo card LOL.
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