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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. Dom seems to have an unholy obsession with rib eye. Is that the only thing he can cook proficiently on a Thursday? The shot of the back lit vagina table and then Giada's breast window was truly a magic moment. God bless her for letting the FN use her femininity and pretending to be coy about it.
  2. Well the planted net was one thing but the perfect sized, partially drugged and in close proximity pig was too much to believe. That being said while I loathe watching the killing of these pigs and chickens (on survivor) it does call attention to the obvious....Bear is right...we are too desensitized to our food source when neatly packaged at the grocery store. And if nothing else it should remind people to respect their food and not waste it. If those guys come back with a greater perspective on that and spread the philosophy of it then it's fine it's on TV. The anal fissure thing was gross, bizarre and fascinating. Finally something not discussed on other survivor reality shows! It was horrible as described!!!! I'm sure that surgeon was like....can we call in the internist?! Proctologist? Urologist? Somebody else???
  3. I don't think Dom should have been the photography winner...it looked like translucent glob on top of something gelatinous...no thanks. What? No microgreens? Eye roll.
  4. Well at least where I am in the series, Will did make her a firm offer to put together a plan and she didn't get the voicemail because Eli deleted it. And then when she finds out there was a deleted voice mail and confronts Will about it, she mistakenly refers to it as the first voicemail, where in fact it was the second voicemail that was deleted....so he confirms something incorrect. Also at least to this point, she is standing in the wings when Peter was announcing he was running for office but when talking to Will tells him point blank that she needs a plan. So she commits to leaving Peter if there is a plan. That's actually the cliffhanger between seasons 1 and 2. Like I said, I only know what happens at the end, not quite how messy it gets in the middle but at least to this point I'm rooting for them. I understand...she's the good wife. I agree I wish they could have kept will as a recurring character because it's the finality that really bugs me now.
  5. How many twix does that make for you? Kyandy! Keys? how ya gonna start it? Undercoating...that's a scam right? We don't even know what it is. Finders fee?...it was on the lot! Yeah, that's right. Just sign right here and we'll get you that yellow car...Yellow? I wanted Black!! Oh I can't give you black at that price.....
  6. I didn't know where to put this but it seems relevant here....I came into TGW late so I've recently started watching it from the first episode. I'm midway through season2 right now. That being said, I now understand the irritation levels of Will being killed off. I didn't get it before...I get it now. Their love story or attraction story is the premise of this show...so far it's permeated the first 2 seasons. To never have resolution is just baffling. I'm not sure what will change by the end of season 2 and into seasons 3 and 4 but now I'm just sad/mad that they don't get together, stay together....I mean really....they could have gotten them together and then killed him off in some twist and turn that at least would make sense to the central character. They had an entire season...
  7. I think the food network is trying to make Amanda "work" so to speak and she doesn't quite fit the mold of quick format TV. All this stuff is a special skill IMO...she's not quite built for cooking competitions but they don't seem to have a large pool of female chefs to choose from that want to be branded by FN. I like her...she also seems genuine and over the years we have not seen her stray into a drama braying cheftestant. I think they are trying to soften Alex...they actually edit her smiling now!
  8. I seem to watch this when nothing is on too and I think this is marathoned like DDD. It's like Smug Bobby Flay...I think I've seen more than 15 episodes and he's only lost one (curry) and barely so.
  9. These guys are dropping like flies. I really wanted that big guy to stay. He seemed pretty interesting. I love that it's cast like a little town...a doctor, a firefighter, a police officer....LOL. And since right now the doc is getting a lot of airtime, it feels a little like Lost. But no chicks. And no Sawyer. Thank goodness that kit has an epi pen...hello!!??? I think they should have given out some go pros unless they wanted the buddy system. Don't know why a camera guy has to be sacrificed to follow a nut job if he's running off a cliff. I had no idea coconuts were a diuretic. That water looked epic disgusting. Just...nooooooo!
  10. I agree about Guy....and we've officially hit rock bottom. Bobby and Giada both are overexposed thanks to FN...and their personal lives, while common and not really that interesting, are making us far too familiar with their home business. I think it's time to put them out to pasture and start a new crop of overexposed FN hosts. I personally would love to see Angelo Sosa, Rocco dispirito (LOL) and Ming Tsai.
  11. Was Lenny last season? Seems like ages ago....for better or worse. Love the red dress Giada! I wish she'd go blonde. The annoying young kid from Cutthroat Kitchen is good TV though, at least talking head wise. He is very animated...almost too much so but at least toning him down will be more enjoyable to watch than amping up someone so scripted and controlled. Sometimes I think they cast characters (cowboy griller, southern belle, ken doll, legit executive chef who is a train wreck on camera, quirky hipster doofus) and other times it's more personality (control freak anchorwoman, chippy blonde, funny class clown, sassy black or Mexican chef, quirky hipster doofus LOL....or just by looks (blonde, thin, fat, Hispanic, black, Asian, quirky hipster doofus.......)
  12. I had to smirk during the recaps when Nastia & Derek clips were Sasha and Len dancing. If it weren't for the Houghness factor I would say Nastia was going home. But like most I hope it's Noah although I thought Carrie Ann did a nice job on the concept. I especially enjoyed the fan out of the guys behind Noah and Artem with his Artemness chest.
  13. I think we are supposed to assume karakurt was playing it all the way thru...he knew they would find out, he knew Lizzie would intercept the senator and sweep him away, thus infecting him. He was supposed to be captured and he knew his blood would be negative etc. etc. except she is supposed to be captured but got warned by Red. I think she was infected at the train station when she got knocked out by the u identified mugger.
  14. Yea! The return of Dance Center! Love the gold glitter eye makeup. I'm OK with who went home and felt it was great for Chris to be so choked up...I felt a pang of sincerity and softness for him. He should have let that side come out because during the season I found him bland and robotic. Don't assume Maddie is a brat...the moms are ridiculous but the kids get a kinder edit. If anything I feel sorry for them growing up on a toxic reality show of fakey flakiness. I loved getting to see Artem in the paso trio again. He's swoony to me.
  15. Whatever criteria they used to cast these people should be crumpled up and burned. This episode was icky. I watch tv to be amused and even to watch the hilarity of some good snark....but not to watch emotionally wounded people get stomped on by other emotionally stunted people. Choosing between the hate edit and cray edit is disturbing. Rodney, will and Dan would be the worst final 3 ever.
  16. So we're supposed to believe that Jacob(grrr Lost)/Tom was knocked off kilter of his robotic training because of wiggy's magic vagina? Didn't Bourne Identity do this first? The only good thing is that we all know what happened at the start of Bourne 2.....
  17. After that scolding in the water of Shirin, I predict Dan and Rodney as the final two. Tale of Two Goats. The Survivor universe will implode at the thought of either of those 2 winning the prize. There goes Merica.
  18. I let out an audible laugh when Jimmy glanced at the picture of Christ on the wall and said "...thy will be done."
  19. I loved them playing Halo...except who plays a game from waaaaay long ago and has the console to run that ancient thing?? Although I was playing Halo3 yesterday so I have no room to talk. The video game didn't remind me of the shooting...it's just a video game. Lots of Diane was great! I love Bishop but this version the storyline has gone on for too long. Let's get to some action...watching Kalinda chauffeur is boring. Oh Deer.
  20. This is exactly what we did. I would browse a few pages of the episode threads on TWOP after I watched it so it helped me feel what the others (no pun intended) may have felt after watching it live. It definitely allowed me a more forgiving eye because I didn't have to wait weeks or months between episodes. The show actually stood the test of time since mine was a more recent watch and it actually is also quite compelling....not as storyline jagged as I may have suspected. Sure it looks like they kind of boxed themselves in there at the end and a few characters who seemed really important ended up being less important. Overall I was very sad when we got to the end. I was braced for a terrible ending but thought it was actually quite good. But again, I didn't have all the hype and speculation and years into it either. I wish it would have been more dharma centric or at least scientific with island intrigue there at the end....but going religious probably gave them much more room to leave things unexplained.
  21. When Ressler told Red he was going with him to Germany the DH said "oh gawd no don't send him. He's the worst agent ever...he will get captured AGAIN, dragged AGAIN and stuffed in a cage AGAIN." So true...they made bad ass Ressler into comical sidekick Ressler. Speaking of ass, those were some interesting push ups. Is this equal opportunity gratuitous sexualization?? Why thank you..... I didn't think Tom had it in him to be so edgy and manic im Deutschland but then soft and...Tom Keen-like again in the courtroom. He IS a chameleon.
  22. Listening to Rodney and Dan meathead and pontificate on "the wimmins" over these two episodes made me go hug my husband.
  23. also a stroke of luck that the kettleman's house is all windows with no window coverings despite being in a sun state....and that they didn't have an alarm system or pets.
  24. In what world can Jimmy afford that office space?? He got 30k from the Kettlemans, right? Not 300k?! Around here that would easily go for 25-30k a month for lease in class A space.
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