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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. thought that any of the people on GGG that they showed before this finale that had Guy's season 2 contestants on it would have been better, more natural choices to be a FNS. i was wondering this myself. maybe the kitchen - sink is the even shittier version of the show with even more annoying hosts?
  2. did anyone else howl with laughter when they showed tregaye's clip of Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas and the blood sauce? gold.
  3. Upon rewatch, Yaku is like rooting for the best of the worst. His soup was a hot ass mess with a "clean the fridge" quality to it. He may be quiet and composed but his food chops are suspect. Knife cuts abhorrent. same with Tregaye...she NEVER explained the fusion of her dish and suffers from typical Too Many Ingredient disease. Dry corn cakes arent subjective...so if you can't tell they are dry, you aren't a food authority on fleek. Next time I have corn bread I'm going to exclaim "these are corny!" Which leads us to red sauce Yaaaaaaaaaas. I laughed till I cried. I was barely paying attention the first time through as the show was background noise....thank you DVR. That was worth it. And then I rewound it. Because I needed to laugh again. Yaahhhhhaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssshahahahahahahahahbwahahahahahahaha! Damiano is the only one is actually an expert. He crashes and burns on occasion but let's face it, he knows sweets. I trust his skill set. Not sure he has any longevity for me but though.
  4. Omg crying. I forgot about that commercial....so appropriate!
  5. I'm still waiting for someone to loop the red sauce yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssss. Waiting. im about to view it in about 30 minutes...I think I'll probably laugh my ass off. now I know why on other cooking shows like top chef that the sous they bring back are usually the recent crop of eliminations. I didn't even realize the picked ones were on the show until they got to the lunch lady. i think when they shortened "the next food network star" to "food network star" they really told us the truth. This isn't about finding the next food network star anymore....it's about a bunch of buffoons who are picked as though they wanted to become food network stars and their journey through buffoonery. We should accept what they are presenting to us....not the past iteration of this show.
  6. Although I think Tregaye can be edited to be a decent FN host, I'm going to say that Damiano fills a bigger current gap which is baking host. I can't understand him at all but his hair is totally on fleek. They really need a charming male host who can do and stand n stir in a skin tight shirt showing off his ripped bod. We aren't hiding objectification on FN so all we need is a willing participant. sew sumi you get bonus points for using the word millieu, which I haven't heard since an episode of Frasier. Brrrrravo.
  7. I cannot wait for Tregaye to win and see her travel around the country and explore BBQ. I cannota wait a for a Damiano to win a so we canna see him a travel arounda the country to explore ah BBQ-a. I cannot wait for Jernard to win so we can watch him travel around the country impregnating BBQ.
  8. I really want to see it back on DVR...Tregaye and her YAAAAHASSSSS head bobbing while dumping that blood on her plate was priiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicelesssssssssssssssss. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhasssssss. you cannot make this stuff up...she could not have failed harder if she tried. Can someone loop that? Omg epic.
  9. I see what you did there. LOL. Did Ana say cuban flavors are a push up bra for food? I resent her thinking my food is saggy....my food is quite perky thank you very much.
  10. Ana served up churros that looked like shat in a glass. Hilarious.
  11. I know we touched on this the last couple of weeks about this shows rapidly waning budget but those sets.....gads those sets!!!!! So we went down to the crappy party store in town and bought foiled holiday crap, balloons and plastics banners? OMG the horror. The shame.
  12. I think Ana on this show ultimately gave the show a bitchy edge...just so much whiny cliquey crap that paints all the contestants in a bad light. Just think of how charming Damiano could have been if we saw him edited correctly on a food show with no eye rolling and dismissive comments. And a calm Tregaye with limited popping and fleeking. Or the cool and smooth version of Jernard that is engaging and funny...not trying so hard with the hypersexualized comments. And speaking of editing, last week it seemed like Damiano was very Mexican food challenged..."soa many a chilis a I can't a remember them a all a wassa hatcha chiliya?!" And this week he has a story of how he became a mole expert? Mamma Mia.
  13. The vocal fry made me stabby. And the edited version of her story was odd...she hasn't seen her mom in 18 years but she'd reach out because of her daughter? What if gramma tells the kid to buzz off? I think she may want to at least plant the idea of "not every family is a storybook"." i was rooting for the Maui guy. I'll hit up his place next time I'm there.
  14. I took one for the team on a brief rewatch. Fusion on Fleek took seafood. Ana took dessert. Erin then chose appetizer. That left Damiano with a choice of pasta or entree...he chose pasta. Which left jernard with entree to butterfly on the inside. Fusion on Fleek then used her advantage to switch Ana to appetizer where she made 3 heavy carb laden sammies and Erin went to dessert...where she created the most luscious, decadent chocolate chocolate chocolate dessert of....a molded pan blondie.
  15. If you read back just for THIS episode thread, his name is spelled different in almost every post. It's actually quite hilarious. We're a mockery of ourselves! I hope he never goes on Survivor or it'll be one of those eliminations where they have to phonetically spell it and Probst will have to decipher it on the parchment. LOL The tribe has spoken.
  16. Cue background music of O solo mio? This episode had Giada nodding along with him with that knowing look of italian bonding that she does...she's really american to everyone else and lives in california...she's about as connected to Puglia and Bologna as I am. She was so wistful when he was telling his urchin cliffside story...I've eaten cliffside in the italian riviera too...doesn't make me italian. Whatever. Which is different than the knowing looks she gave Bobby this episode along with the incessant number of arm grabs. I think the editors are trolling us now.
  17. Oh for real. I'm not at "maybe" but I'll take her terse stammering over Love Chef thrusting if forced to choose. After she's done showering if we could cut those straggling face framers that would be cool. I thought part of the trio would have to be ceviche or something crudo. Is that the Top Chef in me??? Polenta, empanada and sammies? bwhahahaahah ludicrous heaviness. Please pack your knives and go.
  18. ahhh I get it now, thanks for the clarification! and I also agree LOL. Definitely filling demographics because S&S shows are rare. I thought maybe Damiano could win and they could have him go around the country and taste BBQ. Added bonus? He'll get to learn the names and locations of more states in the USA.
  19. Fascinating. I see it now. That's weird. Tregaye definitely has comedic timing..that's what I actually enjoy about her. Bobby and LBH's over the top reactions to her just make me wonder if IRL she really is so comedic you know? We see dumb little edits but they are almost howling with laughter. They cannot be this obtuse can they? I also agree on Erin...if anything it could also be the same editing...up until this time it's been coached snark and rainbows with sparkles. Out of nowwhere (to us) she implodes.
  20. It doesn't bother me the race of anyone who wins or loses this show. There are times (or maybe edits) that I enjoy Tregaye...if anything her edits kill her because perhaps IRL she is actually quite funny. She seems bright and able to improvise. I like that about her. It's when the networks makes her a dancing bear that makes her overuse stupid slang...and that she goes along with exaggerating this stereotype. I believe that somewhere between the 2 lies the truth. If she wins I hope that the edits calm down and she will just be able to be a host that is bright, charming, comfortable around people and not just a verbal diarrhea of finger snaps and useless words.
  21. Alex called Erin's chocolate chip cookie a "molded blondie." This to me means as a chocolate chip cookie it wasn't even very chocolaty even though as she was describing it the camera showed she was going to put in 2 kinds of chocolate chips/chunks (camera also picked up toffee bits but don't know if those made them in.) It was a big pan bar. That's even worse...I make pan bars for my tennis team. Eye roll. Anyone else want to comment that Jernard deep fried big rolls of bread into a greasy soggy mess? LOL how did this dude not go home this week?
  22. Jernard left the planet when he did backside thrusting double stanky leg complete with wrist roll riding motion while uttering... "that's...butterflied..on the inside..." Dude. What. Were. You. Thinking. Gads.
  23. Won't she just make a hot dog with duck pate, potato and cherimoya toppings??! /ducks
  24. Or why is she on this show in the first place?? She doesn't seem like a baker who has a large skill set of savory items. I'd be more impressed if she managed to take the challenges and turn them into baked items in her skill set (like your example). But in the talking heads...the Durrrrrrrr factor is rewarded. "jambalaya???!!! What's that?????" "Hatchaaaaaa Chilisssayaaaa. I donta even knowa wherea New Mexicoa is!?" "Loco Moco? I've never heard of that or gone to hawaii fleek fleek fleek poppin fleek."
  25. I'm still finding LBH and Bobby's over the top reactions to Tregaye just basically clowning to be ridiculous. Everything she says is just not slap yourself funny. It's disrespectful.
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