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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. I love that the editors showed how conflicted Corny was about her deep love for Antonio, the status of their relationship etc. and the endless crying for him. And Antonio and the viewing audience sees a dude who doesn't give 2 fux, didn't take her to the airport again (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA) and is like Bye Corny.
  2. It's sad to think that Karine's worst fear is that it was all a ruse and he won't come back. Yikes. And it's even worse that they have this relationship and can't even have a conversation with each other. In comparison, Larry and Jenny look sane. Corny. No words. Hey Corny....watching you has felt like 2 years for us too girl.
  3. I'm sure we will get the answer to this but David's "purity" could be measured as "everything but." I've never found this remotely logical since many acts of "everything but" are more intimate than actual intercourse. At least if it's a measure of purity versus pregnancy prevention....and I know some of you read that and thought "butt." Fess up, you know y'all did!
  4. A blank stare, a dismissive hand wave and a GoFundieMe account?
  5. Frankie was not great tonight but the band didn't help either. (Does the band ever help????!!) Jordan is always nice to watch...sure he's the token ringer but he's not going to win so at least I get to watch some decent dancing along the way. Since he's so much better than everyone else I think he should have to dance to the screeching of the Band every week to make it more fair LOL. Glad Nick got sent home. Victoria was overscored...I watched it again and thought she deserved 7s and knew she would get 8s. Meh.
  6. I really enjoyed the opening number. It was nice to see it have a glamorous old hollywood feel instead of the same old stripper moves that they do each week, each season, each year. Plus it tied in to the movie theme this week. I also liked the individual introductions which was a great surprise. I thought Shania was going to be great but she turned out to be painful to watch. Miss there unfortunately.
  7. I have no idea why this made me laugh but the "F-extra sharp and B-FLATTER" made me snort. Hard.
  8. He's going to become really annoyed paying for all that food when they go out to eat and just watching her taste it a molecule at a time.
  9. Do we think Josh told Aika that she is coming to America to live with all of his roommates? And I shuddered when he called her a "trophy." And then again when he said he had a thing for asian girls. And then again when he said he only spent 5 days with her before he proposed. And then again when SHE said the only way they could be together was that pesky K1visa. I feel cold. I need a hug. As a total aside, let's play the 90 day (all franchises) game of people referring to each other as "baby." Is this a thing or a new thing? How do so many people fall into this monikering? I don't know a single person who refers to their spouse or GFBF as "baby." Unless it was part of an exaggerated joke or story.
  10. I thought the arizona guy's gay friend was awesome. Finally we don't have a 4th wall....just some dude who looks like he was planted from the Bravo channel to blurt out the obvious, complete with eye rolls and WTF facial expressions. Genius. Is it a "girl's night" out if it's your sisters and sisters in law? Yikes. And when did being submissive become a badge of honor? The fundie warbler is my favorite storyline. This is the storyline that seems the least likely or necessary to be producer driven or manipulated. The editing already setting this up to be a huge comeuppance for her smug ass. She can pray that God will provide her with all the answers but the reality is that she is finally going to snap when he starts telling her "no" and she can't stomp her feet to get her way. Bad news for us is that the despair might make her write a song and then we will have to listen to her coffeehouse that stranglesong.
  11. Pole seems to be impatiently waiting for the day that Karinny finally learns damn English....sigh.... 3 years? How dare she! I wonder how his portugese is coming along? I'm finding it more jarring that the producers seem to be feeding lines to some of these people, if not just to speed up the editing and move all of this along. Jenny really struggles trying to get her feelings across (understandably) and then all of a sudden in talking heads she is saying that she is mad that he didn't defend her, that the cousins don't like her...etc. etc. That skype was awkward too....she clearly doesn't speak all that well and the second she made a comment about the Cousin not liking her he went straight to "Don't you bring an attitude like that to america." That's not how you speak to someone you don't know or who is dating your cousin. You should have more self control than that well it's YOUR native language....not to mention it's not polite. Take the high road dude. "I'm sorry you feel that way" is far more diplomatic and productive.
  12. He reminds me a bit of the bald guy from The Office. He kind of has that generic "we need a balding guy in his 40s Caucasian" character actor face for sure. Accountant, cop, judge, lawyer.....broke American looking for love in Thailand...
  13. David "It's like robbing Peter to pay Paul and then robbing Peter again...." Ha. Isn't his name Chris? Cue Chris' wife for a talking head please. I did get annoyed at the whole 11 is a magical number because it's you 2 together whatever BS explanation that was for $6800 of gold. Where retail and random fairytale collusion meet over 24 carat gold jewelry? Please. And when she said "It would be so PERFECT!" She was breathy and emphatic. Is $6800 worth of jewelry represent that perfect of the start of a marriage?? That's not worth the starter husband that she's looking for. I'm not even sure why she thinks she deserves it other than it's apparently cultural. She hasn't found some Thai guy to give her the jewelry and pay the big wad to her parents, why even bother with David? She knows he can't afford it now....she should just cut bait and go fish for the next American guy with more money. Unless she just doesn't get that many offers........and then she should dial back the pouting and demands for around 20K to marry her ass. Eye roll. I love Evelyn. She's nasty and self centered wrapped up in pink fluffy cotton candy denial. Good TV. This isn't edited like Duggarville, this is 90 day Fian-CRAY. You know they all thought this show would be a commercial for their horrible band because she never thought anything terrible would happen with her K1 fiancee to exploit on TV. Sucker.
  14. The editing really stands out the more they just use Karinny's 2 soundbite words of "Pole!" and "ohMigaw" over and over as the show progresses. Their story is losing steam for me. She doesn't have any other choice like most of these poor women, unfortunately. She's stuck with Pole and that's the end of it. Going back to her old lifestyle will not improve her or her family's lifestyle. I guess that's a metaphor for life. Sometimes in life you feel so impoverished that the only choice you have is to get on the Pole. Badum bum. I'll see myself out.
  15. I'm starting to think Antonio is amazing. I can't believe they have been sharing that apartment that is the size of an american handicapped restroom at the airport for how many weeks now? I would have already flipped out several times and probably murdered any combination of my husband, best friend, family members, gandhi and jesus being in such close quarters. And I'm a super nice person.
  16. Corny has missed her calling. She should give classes on Master Packing for Europe and beyond. She stuffed a lot of clothing and shoes into 2 collegiate sized backpacks. I wish they would just have sex so they could both go on with their lives. He'll boot her out of his apartment along with her 2 backpacks. He doesn't have great command of the english language and she is still picking on him about "why did you say all that about getting married and having babies and how you loved me?" Literal, much? If she had a shred of brains she would just leave. I don't even think they have any chemistry. The wingman, however, is quite charming and hot. Hit that. And he speaks a helluva lot more conversational english.
  17. Why did Larry break into exaggerated broken english when he was talking with her family?? Good lord. And 2 thumbs up for Jenny's dad. He was so unimpressed with Larry's marriage proposal he was like Get off my Goat lawn.
  18. That's weird. I caught it midway and didn't even realize it was a real grocery store!!! But Blais still looked normal and didn't have his "schtick" look he's cultivated now. He looks like a kid in a tshirt...kind of refreshing really.
  19. Some horrid lady with a lazy vocal fry is competing against....FNS winner cowboy Lenny! How old is this episode??? I'm annoyed that all she can keep repeating is how she only cooks for rich people, no budgets, never made a cheap 8 dollar burger for her clients.....yeah we get it. And she knows a crepe recipe like the back of her hand...wow...she's amazing!!!!!! Eye roll.
  20. Early indicator of this was his carry on was a white kitchen trash bag.
  21. That gurgling noise you heard was my brain melting. You just can't do that to Queen! Hire a DJ and be done with it. It's so unfair that some people get to dance to the original track and others are hobbled by the ear splitting, off key renditions set forth by the band.
  22. Aw how cool! I have to go back and check my phone pictures. Jonathan and christof are both tennis players too. Ridiculous nice guys. Some people are born to be in the spotlight. I don't expect others to be like that...some are quite crabby but they were real chefs long before celebrity chefdom came along YKWIM?
  23. Cheffest is going on on the Big Island. The first night was a very Top Chef tasting event with stations that you'd love to eat....it was only missing Tom and Padma lol. Neil Fraser did a Huli pig, Jonathan Waxman did Opah skewers, Gabrielle Hamilton did gorgeous prawns with anchovy butter, ed lee did fruit with XO sauce....list goes on and on. Some of the regional hotel chefs put out some killer food too. Really high quality food stations. If u ever wanted a TC experience but can't get on the TV show, this is a great recreation, minus the drama, add much better food LOL. now I'm wondering if that was Ashley manning the grill at Gabrielle's station....she looked familiar. I felt bad for her because that grill was hot and the night was humid.
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