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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. Watching Monterey mess up her 4 minute egg...SMH. She couldn't make eggs and bread?? I will have to say she has excellent exasperated comedic timing....id watch a show from her if it was called "Epic Fail" and just kind of fumble around food and be all upset about it. Lol. and then the weird talking head of Martita saying "I make the most perfectly flavored food and if you guys don't taste it..." Is it me or did that seem forced?? Did she make a stir fry??
  2. Whimsical sounds to me like you don't take your food seriously....hey the cake is slightly leaning...the risotto is a strange shade of brown...there is a piece of dirt on the lettuce leaf....no worries because it's whimsical food! It's not precise delicious tasting food every time....it's a vague attempt at cooking and that's just darn OK!! i was reading through the posts and Joy was mentioned several times...I just couldn't figure out which one she was without looking it up. Bodeth not well.
  3. He's this years Guy Fiettiiiiii, New York edition. His hair will get spikier, blonder and a pair of sunglasses will appear straddled on the back of his neck.
  4. The food net wood logo and airing times completely obstructed the screen the entire time when they did the pairings. That was so odd right??? oh and the "professional" pics were So Bad. They could have done better with a cellphone. What was up with that???
  5. That was a surprise but I'm happy. I think I would have liked Martita a lot more if she spoke in the voice she used for her exit dubs....calm and less affected. Plus she clearly wasn't going to win so why keep her there over other first timers? I say good call. Monterey reminds me of a petulant child...easily overwhelmed and brought to tears. Watching her is making me uncomfortable. She seems on the verge. has anyone coached Damiano to slow down and enunciate his first and last name? I can barely understand him and if I didn't know his first name I still would not know it. the lunch lady may win...very natural. Ana...oh Ana. She a good counterpoint on TV. RBF is kinda strong and she clearly hates "schtick." But she is true to her beliefs so that's something.
  6. Quite shocking as she and Matthew seemed to have a nice combative fake reality TV feud thing going on....
  7. Hey Matthew, the word you were searching for was not "connotation" it was "misconception."
  8. I'm trying to figure out if the writers feel like they have created enough emotional intrigue with Jason such that we are supposed to be rooting for them to be together? I don't feel it in the least but the way they are shoving the character on us leads me to believe this is supposed to be Will 2.0. And the second time around she picks WillJason. And it's supposed to appease us as viewers. The flashback will be longings of what could have been with Will but the reality of moving on.....with Jason. I just can't even. id rather them not address any of it and let her be single. Walk off into the sunset in her heels, wine bottle in one hand...wig in the other. Peace out.
  9. I don't watch GMA so i am not familiar with Ginger. I feel like the producers are trying to convince me she is awesome. The early reference to her being like Bindi was rather astounding. She seems perfectly nice, but not inspiring. I am a Maks fan and recall his previous guest stints were very vanilla. I don't mind him taking on the role of Strict Judge but he needs to find a softer more articulate way to convey his points. Brash doesn't read well here. Len gets away with the Grumpy Old Man role. Criticism is fine but the celebs are not pro dancers....if I worked hard and took the risk of putting myself out there, I don't want flippant remarks. What popped into my head this week with Erin seemed like desperate callback to their time together, which I felt was awkward and left me thinking who hasn't Maks slept with in the ballroom that night???? Kudos to Peta for being able to put up with that. I'm sure she's worked things out with Karina over the years as fellow dancers and exs of Maks but Erin is another story. I don't know why but I don't think Erin should remind people she banged Maks with his fiancée there. It's just disrespectful to me. So far I'm not finding this season's crop of stars very compelling. The talented ones just haven't roped me in, the athletes are Meh and I'm impressed with Nyle but the novelty is starting to wear off. He's very good and an amazing story though.
  10. I thought the food that Tom cooked for the guys looked awesome...I'd love to eat all of that. And Dear Top Chef Editors, Please stop spoiling the ending for us. How many seasons now is there the clip of Padma saying "You are Top Chef" with her clearly looking to one side and then a glimpse of the cheftestants standing in front of them? She looked to her right which is where Jeremy was standing. I hoped for some kind of epic fake out but was not rewarded. Geez Louise.
  11. How did they eat all that food? They looked exhausted by the end with all of the production as well. If I ever go on Top Chef I guess I'd better be able to adapt a meatball to every challenge, cuisine and catering event. What is carne seca? A hard carrot on what is Mexican? Lol. Lots of swirled sauces on styrofoam bowls in the fexican group. The vegan group was hard to watch. Even assuming Grayson was fed those questions and edited poorly, she made me downright stabby. Top chef masters had to do gluten free vegetarian I think....this is not a new twist nor unexpected. The beet dish seemed like raw food....why they didn't just take their cuisine and make it vegan was beyond me. No one used mushrooms...the umami bomb? Ridiculous. I had to laugh when Grayson went to her bad place when they didn't have yellow wax beans. And then became fixated on it. She's never been to whole foods before??? And she's in whole foods and can't find a substitution for a veggie? That was absurd....I couldn't find a way to blame editing there. Yeah having something YELLOW in that salad saved it...EYE ROLL.
  12. Chef clay was yammering so much he even annoyed the ever verbose Alton brown who told him to STFU. Hilarious. Chef Hop...partially close captioned?? Odd. The rock wall was an interesting idea but I don't think they got the desired effect considering the effort and expense.
  13. Can we retire Robyn now from any and all new cooking competition shows? Pretty please with mascarpone on top? They need to tighten up the editing though. When they show Robyn saying "I don't know why I tried that." And being frustrated it was clear she lost. They can use the voice overs but they really need to be careful with the talking heads. This episode was fun to watch but I do enjoy the cooking related sabotages a bit better. Making someone run and stack wood isn't all that compelling. Neither was the toy removal on the lake. Energy and time suck doesn't play that well on TV. Plus there was too much Robyn screaming because of it. Haha Tyrone biggums...I was actually typing my response at the same time! Time suck indeed!!!
  14. For real! All that food looked really horrible. And I had to chuckle over Alex's awkward shirt and wonky makeup.
  15. The comments seemed a bit forced but it still was nice to have different people others than "heroes" so to speak. Watching Lita put a spoonful of jam and a splash of champagne in a gargantuan pot of boiling water was HEE LARIIOUSSSSSSS. I told the DH that tomorrow I'm going to take sliced tomatoes and slather it with jam. Enjoy!
  16. Camp Cutthroat is hilarious. It's like what this show was originally supposed to be! I remember being so Meh and disappointed when CK first came out because it was so campy. ha! We've come full circle. Yea Emmanuel. And they kept making reference to his porn past...loved it. If they can stand having porny Emmanuel there, they can forgo Next Food Network star and give this guy a show. Plus then Giada could come out with all of her baggage and not feel so bad. Hahaha.
  17. I thought Eddie's Father and Son picture had more of a Kid N Play kinda vibe.
  18. Watching Jay's pilot I thought "wow. That's what editing can do." It was clean but not memorable. He's like a lot of the current FN chef hosts that they try to make happen that are rather bland. But they can slide him in anywhere. He's affable and professional. I thought Dom had his moments but caught several times where his eyes betrayed him or his facial expression didn't hold long enough for them to edit around the flashes of awkwardness. Overall he has a certain likeability but it's hard to even compare him to someone like Jay who has so much more camera/mic experience. But there isn't really anyone like him on FN right now. Glad Eddie won. Hate the BBQ angle. His natural personality carried him through his lack of on camera experience. I don't fault his less than stellar pilot because the POV isn't truly what he loves nor is an authority. If you are talking about someone who grills, that's Flay hands down. And Symon is already doing the traveling BBQ show that is really good BTW and that's his zone too. Eddie seems painfully redundant.
  19. I didn't realized Melissa was trained as well. I stand corrected. All I can recall was her season where I thought she repeated she was a home cook and wasn't familiar with restaurant equipment etc. I thought that was her angle. She's actually done very well for herself on FN. I snickered watching her judge Alex G on GGG.
  20. Yeah I didn't make myself clear there. iPad typing sometimes makes me abbreviate too much! My point was that at least Giada is different...both in style, looks, personality, vibe....she's just an odd bird no matter what you think of her. IMO we don't need another southern woman claiming southern food as her specialty. And Giada, despite all attempts to be the FN sex pot, is actually a trained cook. She is not a home cook or blogger. I'd rather see some skilled people cook on FN because I don't get the cooking channel. I don't want shows like semihomemade or how to make a meal for 5 bucks with Melissa darabian. I guess ultimately I find her skill set wasted on FN. But she isn't really alone.... FN has tried to eliminate cooking talent as a highlight to only a selected few.
  21. THe guys I know call it "tits on a stick." It's very appealing to most men. Actual face isn't the rate limiting step..which brings to mind another phrase "butterface." Not sure if she'll ever be replaced but she's good TV to talk about regardless. With as many southern shows there are on FN, we should be glad. Do we need another semi homemade show???
  22. I'm not buying Eddie's Caribbean POV. I'm not convinced he has a true handle on chilis and he doesn't exude authority for me. I buy his sports persona and what he might bring to the table health wise, including managing cheat days. I like watching Matthew. He's ridiculously good TV. This show makes me realize how much I missed the summer version of Top Chef.
  23. It was not so long ago that kale was ridiculously cheap at the local grocery store...less than 30 cents a pound or practically free because it was mostly sold as a garnish. How times and prices have changed. I think that Alex probably elaborated on the genesis of his ramen choice but it was edited out to us. Not that it was a wise choice but he's been circling the drain for weeks anyway. Arnold seems frenetic under the time constraints. I'd rather see his professionally paced pilot though up against eventual winner Eddie's than whatever boring Cajun thing Jay is going to do. Arnold at least wants to share some style and branch out. Katie Lee....begone you nasally robot!!
  24. I hate to defend Jay too but giving them these stupid parameters just yields the stupid results. After school snacks is not a normal category and he was worried about his spicy food and how it might relate with children.....so he went with what HE liked as a child. I can at least understand the thought process....confusion with authenticity!!!! He should have made something tasty and made up a story...and prayed that FN wasn't going to trot out a bunch of brats to sneer at his food!! Much different than getting softballs like "burger toppings" or "breakfast."
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