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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. The roni in rice a roni is noodles yall! Rice n pasta! I’m stoked. However I didn’t click on pasta roni, which just seems redundant. Roni Roni? Whatevs. I was going to look for the microwave cups but I think the full blown Roni experience from a pan is necessary for hate watching this show on Sunday. i still would be happier if darcearoni would take her obviously placed logo sweatshirt conveniently tied around her waist and got off my screen. Her kids deserve better. Hell I deserve better. Im kinda excited to see what monstrosity Tarik comes up with in the wardrobe department. Just when I thought his Tut tank and hunter hat wasn’t ridiculous enough he really committed to something truly hideous and beyond comprehension. It’s 2018, that takes some talent to shock IMO. I’m holding out for some neon or feathers. Yaaaassss!
  2. I came into this franchise late and have yet to see a good season of these shows according to my friends who suckered me in LOL. I thought it would be nice to watch a handsome swoony young man and some fun loving ladies go on magical dates or engage in some activities that might bring out a little drama. I really expected the lead to have so much charisma that you kind of developed a TV crush on him (or her). Like living a harmless escapist fantasy and getting to see different locales etc. My first season was Ick Viall. First bachelorette was Rachel. First BIP was the one that got shot down because of Corrine and the guy whose name I already forgot. Then I got Arie. And then Becca. And now Revolton. Yikes, right???
  3. I’ll put my cooking skills with a steak with anything in that rental and give Jesse his choice of cast iron pan or hell any pan his little wispy bangs and heart desires! He probably wants someding more derr expensive right babe? Aw heck we all know he just eats eggs, egg white omelettes and those boiled eggs that come in the mega pack from Amsterdam Costco. And brotein shakes.
  4. OK that's it. I'm buying the Rice a Roni tomorrow...hopefully I can find something other than the beef or chicken flavor. I'm sure Giant has tons of options but I'll try my local haunt first. This is hilarious....food suggestions from an online forum that talks about Americans and Foreigners Behaving Badly.
  5. I have a giant urge to shop for this rice a roni product that you speak of. I feel like I’m missing out! Is this regional? I can boil my own rib eye steak in a non stick pan and get the char grills on them with the seasonings. Lol
  6. A lot of Asian people? I was more horrified at the boiled steak in the non stick pan. Somewhere a cow is pissed.
  7. Ricky seems like a producer plant now. His storylines are tight and lined up. At first I thought Ximena was darling until she flat wanted to bone him too and that seemed odd. It made more sense she was hired help and then it made a lot lot lot more sense that Ricky was promised a 2 week pooncation in Colombia in exchange for his role of advancing this scripted storyline. Now he’s going to be confessing his original motives for no reason after he boned her and then called her Melissa by accident? Puhleeze. Amateur writing I see you.
  8. How can we find a nice girl for Michael that will make him a nice wife and sponsor in the USA? He seems kind and honest and deserves better than someone who twists his words and jumps down his throat. He is trying to communicate and she is a one way steamroller. Plus he can provide 3 quality orgasms in a single night session...that’s admirable.
  9. It feels like some sleep deprived people in a small room are obsessed with the idea of Colton being the Bachelor and the big Will He or Won’t He bang X, X or X in the Fantasy Suite week as the Most Compelling Ratings Draw Everrrrrrrr. Add the weeping and wringing of hands by Colton and really what you get is crappy TV. You can’t make me care about whether some famewhore NFL flushout has sex or not....he will eventually and then will continue to do so after that point in time. The end. BFD
  10. I’ve noticed that this show has affected our spelling and subsequent name pronunciations by the cast of characters. Karineeeeeeey!!! We’ve now added random “e” in names, I presume because we are horrified at what horriblee humane beeings theese peoplee aree ine lifee. Jessee and Darcey and Stacey and Pole can all get off my screeney at any time.
  11. Despite Angela’s shortcomings, Angela > Nicole
  12. But her top is cut with half her boobs showing in front and shredded to her pants in the back!? I am so confused. (thank you for explaining though...I am genuinely interested)
  13. I hate to agree with anything that has to do with Jesse but Darcey does seem to be one of those "mutterers" who are constantly making comments under their breath.
  14. Darcey voice is so nasally. Wah wah vocal fry. UGH
  15. Jesse went out in his favorite fancy white tshirt.
  16. Thank you. I was truly stumped. I thought the store seemed like fabrics for making dresses and well it's Nigeria...plenty of women of different sizes there. I'd understand it if she was on Rodeo drive and didn't want to get in the size OOs. I actually thought maybe it was the nicotine withdrawl talking and she was just getting antsy and crazy.
  17. Can someone explain to me how you can get naked and do all the sex things and feel less self conscious than going shopping for a dress in Nigeria?
  18. Pole looks like he broke into Best Buy and stole the clothes of someone 100 pounds heavier and 1 foot taller. i can’t believe that Karine thinks Pole is such a catch. She’s anchor babying him? Fascinating.
  19. How about the 2 nutholes learn to communicate without google translator before they say....bring a child into this world?
  20. Can someone grab some pliers and get my eyes back? They’ve rolled back reaaaaaallllly far back into my head.
  21. I wish I had that leftover pizza. Im starved. Their fake relationship for camera time is wasting a lot of good food.
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