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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. LOL there's that pesky Logic Sound and Reasoning. Doesn't belong here nope nope nope Sell that sanity someplace else!
  2. I'm cutting mom some slack for that horrid black bra showing on her fancy dress. She's got bigger issues.
  3. Karinny if you want the arguments to stop then just start singing barney tunes into the app!!!!!!!!!!! She acts like Pole is complicated.
  4. So now she'll lie and say whatever Ricky wants to hear to live the rest of her life in America. She's awesome. Match made
  5. Ximena needs to recalibrate her TrustOMeter. I think it got hit by an earthquake.
  6. I interrupt This Forum and I's relationship to update you that cold Rice A Roni is also delicious. Carry on
  7. Whenever she says "it's not fair" I hear a whiny child. He's a felon girl.
  8. He's pulling the fake "I'm annoyed with you" so that she'll put out. I see you Tarik
  9. Make some Rice A Roni. It turns 90 Day Cray Rage into fluffy bunnies. Magical stuff I promise.
  10. Can we please find a nice american girl for Michael????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  11. You should really boil it. I know. I saw a show where someone worked in a restaurant.
  12. Darcey is in the wrong too and her kids are just blindingly sticking up for her because well....they should. She's teaching them her bad habits. More hot messes in the world....THANKS DARCEY Jesse -please go home now. I need to eat my magical roni in peace.
  13. I'm thinking on polishing off the Cheddar and Broccoli. I feel so guilty. Her rice looks like a pile of shit. MY RONI WAS AWESOME
  14. And the cheap makeup on top of it is making her skin issues on her face even more prominent. She's going to get married with those 2 huge boils on her chin?
  15. Totally not salty like I thought it was going to be....I mean it might be laden with salt but it doesn't taste like it. The undertone stock flavor reminds me of onion soup. It's quite lovely on it's own. And the toasted ronis get nice and soft in the mix after it is cooked. LOVE IT My healthy inner voice is screaming
  16. Getting to watch the scene again right now and Darcey is a grade A nag. Jesse was right....she gets that look in her eyes and she has to do something for the camera that says "I am a good mom." Also. I just made the roni and they made it wrong. You add the water ,bring it to a boil and then cover it ,lower to simmer for 15 minutes. I didn't see her cover it....she kept stirring it like risotto. Which is why when she plated it looked like a congealed mess of cream of wheat.
  17. Do I get extra bang threads for going out in inclement hurricane weather to buy the Roni? I settled on cheddar broccoli and it was $1.18 which is outrageous!! LOL. I also did not look at the ingredient list....something this spectacular doesn’t need to be made from whole food products. I already made a big pot of soup so this will pair nicely. I know this because I’ve gone to restaurants and can cut my soup on the bias y’all. how do you pronounce ximena?
  18. Back from the grocery store....totally forgot the Roni!!! Fail. It clearly wasn’t at eye level for me but I am neither Jesse size nor Carrot Cake sized. I will get it on the next run...we are supposed to get a monsoon here on Sunday so it would be nice to have a boxed item in house. Can someone post the meme of Who wore the ponytail better? When I saw Dog the Bounty Hunter’s drugstore quality hair ponytail clip on hanging from the swing arm lamp I seriously busted out laughing, rewound the DVR, snapped a picture and sent it to a friend who tends to watch the show with it running in the background. Indeed she had missed it.
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