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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. You forgot how good they sound together on the auto tune karaoke app. You don’t sound very romantic. It’s not fair.
  2. I thought her new MO was to just take her fertilized egg and move on. She would’ve sucked at tamagotchi.
  3. His hairline is very Lebron James. His facial hair is very Drake...if Drake used a dull bikini trimmer wedged between both feet to trim his facial hair in the morning. LOL. SCRUB!
  4. My bad. Wasn’t really a knock though...just flowin with the vibe I get from DJ Buffalo Check. He strikes me as someone who would believe the Beats hype and he’s a poser.... but he can’t afford everything you know? He should be walking around in Supreme and LE Nike’s super rare from the 80 to marry his blast from the past attempt with his look how connected I am now attempts but he’s just painful....stuck with street vendor crap and well....buffalo check and mesh tops. Mesh tops y’all. You have to be a special kind of wanker to appear in public on national TV not on dare in that nonsense.
  5. Weighing in on the ring thing: I’m a female and wore my engagement ring for a bit. It really started to bug me because I find any pressure on my fingers constricting. I tried a different setting, no bueno. I never got the wedding band to double against my ring because that would have been ludicrous. After a few years I stopped wearing a ring altogether. This lasted 10-15 years I guess. Then I tried a platinum band in a slightly different shape...it’s a tad more oval than round and it’s very smooth. Also sized up. In the winter my ring spins on my finger. But at least I wear it 50 percent of the time. The husband is happy with that but was also not the least bit concerned when I didn’t wear it. He wears his and loves it. i found out later that this was hereditary LOL. My dad apparently never wore a ring and I never noticed. He hated that feeling too. Thee only time it annoyed my mom was when they would get wedding invites as Mr. so and so and GUEST. So you would think I would side with Jon, right? nope. Cuz when he talks he acts all confused and shady....I don’t believe him. He wants to appear single IMO. If my husband wanted me to wear my ring all of the time I’d consider it but at the same time wonder why he was micromanaging a detail that has no meaning or significance in our lives LOL. I conduct myself like a married woman. And I have friends that are male and I hang out with them on my own. I’m assuming that my integrity is more important than any outward symbols.
  6. Hearing him utter RTWG literally made my shoulders haunch and my face cringed. Any other song could have homaged those words in and you would have been like “aw that’s a cool call back” but hearing him for some reason made me think that he actually believed he came up with those words!!! I don’t know why. Don’t you be disrespecting CoolJ Tarik you dumb talentless tone deaf karaoke muttering JBL can’t even afford beats pill nasally mr potatoheaded derp face MFing fool.
  7. Kreeny had her smug resting bitch face over the last few weeks demanding that she will be fine when she divorces Pole and now she's all needy and shit again? Sigh. She's a child herself...I get it....I guess the petulance drives me crazy. All that money spent on stuffed animals with no consequence....maybe he should have brought up the food fight with her family again LOL. Money is finite for most people Little Girl. Darcey cried so much during this episode I was getting dehydrated watching her. Rachel. Girl. Girl. GURL. Sigh.
  8. Hazel sucking on her bottom lip is really starting to bug me.....as a nervous tick and the fact that it seems so odd because she has such big lips that it's like sucking on a giant caterpillar or something. Plus it makes them look swollen and chapped. UGH Ang yelling at Michael over the phone was so dramatic and unnecessary. She spent 2 weeks in the Land O Scams and she's accusing him of stealing? Good gravy.
  9. Ang just wanted a reason to break up with Michael and get more dramatic camera time. He wouldn't give up his American dream over 900 bucks. I don't even think the egregious thing that Ang did was give The Love Of Her Life her card......it's Nigeria FFS. The fact that she accuses him first says she doesn't trust him anyway..... but that would be the analysis for a real couple. He should have said "Yeah Ang....like 900 bucks is enough money for banging your ass for 2 weeks. GTFOOH. I did it for the long term con you dumb ass!!"
  10. For real agreed 100 percent on first bolded about Jon. He's so eye rolling to me. Second bolded part about the chick with the big lips and the oddly colored hair (hahahaha) that I want to clarify that Tarik is the easy mark to make fun of because of his odd choices in wardrobe and thirsty attitude and neediness. However I don't want anyone to mistake that the fact that I'm going with the low hanging fruit that I am giving Hazel the Ho any sympathy. Can't speak for others. She absolutely is a player and gets what she deserves in this scenario. She's getting stuck with old orgy rapper guy that she doesn't seem like she's into. Oh well. You want out then that's your ticket. Enjoy having him crawl all over you. Hope it's worth it. All these people are equal opportunity opportunists. Big Ang is the low hanging fruit too. Michael is mortgaging his penis and eating masticated food tinged with cigarette smoke to get his ticket to America as well. Everyone has trade bait. This show is based on who has the upper hand, how upper is it and how fast can they lose it? See: Molly and Molly's dude
  11. When they showed Jesse talking to his mom in the flashback, didn't it look like she had long white dreddy clip in extensions? They all seemed very white and organized and the same size...versus the actual hair around her face was disheveled, multicolored and matted. Plus her makeup looked like she got caught in the rain after clown school. I'm not sure I could take anything that she said seriously viewing that whole package. Is the action word to citated "citaterated" or does that sound too much like something strange that is done in a bar in Thailand with a potato?
  12. bwahahahahahahaha we better not start charting the nimrods on this show or there are going to be a lot of full igloos
  13. I thought so but I had it on as background noise so I wasn’t giving it my full attention and I certainly wasn’t going to rewind it LOL. It just caught me off guard because either of them I’d have the same reaction since they both seem to be Hunters of the Less Than Aged. Mighty convenient to go to countries with lax laws and plenty of willing participants. I think that some of these men and women just trade one set of problems for another. They find finding love in America too difficult based on what they see themselves with. When that becomes more important then they turn to overseas interests where they can get a hotter or younger or kid free prospect and then just deal with the issues that come with that. im sure it’s intoxicating to be viewed as powerful as those who actually live that lifestyle in the world. David Poor is a loser in America but is viewed as rich American in Thailand....a role that he covets. How can he go backwards?
  14. Len clarified what many of us complain about Keo is that he too thinks Keo overdances around his partner to the point where she never shines. Hopefully Keo keeps the memo for next week. loved Tinashe! Her energy is great and she is cute. Brandon was throwing her around in lift practice and I was impressed with his strength. add me to the list of people surprised with how well John is doing. He is smoother than I thought he’d be. Demarcus was also better than I thought he’d be as well on his frame, calmness and heel leads. He’s either a quick learner or a natural. He seems so controlled for a dude so large....he manages to look lighter than he is built. That’s quite a feat!
  15. Grocery Store Joe stepped his way thru that routine but I’d give it a 6 for the final shot with the video backdrop seamlessly blending into the floor video. The effect on TV was awesome. It was really a moment befitting a better dance routine. Go away Kendall.
  16. Finally the movie “saw” makes much more sense. I’m going to choose both Tarik and Ricky! Yes both. I have no problems widdit for one thing but I’m pretty sure I can talk Tarik into proving his orgy skills with he who is easily confused and amused with bolted on parts so those two guys can widdit together. I’m a freaking genius. Now try to bleach that out of your mind. You’re welcome.
  17. Stacey got way too much air time in the live segment where she was babbling about being citaterated. They should have spent more time with Michael’s friends who seemed like they might spill some tea with a little prompting. Who cares about Scabbie Abby?! Chris is moving to Thailand! A treasure trove for his grossness and fetishes.
  18. Dean "I can do 500 pounds...like once." No you can't. Dean and Tarik seem to meet a lot of people who are "down wit it." I'm sKePtIcAl. I think we can use Tarik's rap song uploaded to Soundcloud for torture.
  19. Did Abby say that she bumped into Chris at the supermarket in January and he said he was selling his apartment in the DR and moving to THAILAND??? Hahahahahaha I can't believe he's run thru all the DR girls....he probably got the idea from the show.
  20. I like that Big Ang wrapped that ring in an American flag. She’s in on the joke. I like that...it’s basically the fourth wall. Also nice that Michael had a ring of his own ready...although Big Ang looked more ecstatic about the yellow cake from last week. I wish I could care about the stripper who was not exercising at the Planet Fitness in Milwaukee. I tried but her story is so lame.
  21. Even with the warning that was upsetting. That doctor or clinician who told her the baby was dead, the exam was over and get off the table was making me want to punch something. I’m still irritated about it an hour later.
  22. I couldn't stop crying from that bit from Raw when it came out. Ed-dddddyyyyy! God what a classic
  23. Do we not have better choices for hosts than the 2 women? She didn't anyone explain anything good and juicy on the last one and she seems like she never watches the show.
  24. I hope they left the Youber driver a tip. Methinks he was afraid to leave a bad review.
  25. For 2 people who have been sleeping with each other their meeting was cold and awkward. I have more intimate hellos with Youber drivers.
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