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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. WOW. Ang is wearing an open back tie top?????????????????????????????????
  2. I'm angry at Ang for going forward with this charade. She gleaned and jumped that young dick and then bailed on him. At the same time I realize that men do this to women all of the time.
  3. Isn't it ironic that we have Rachel who has a perfectly fine body and has serious body dysmorphic syndrome going on when she looks in the mirror and the flip side is Big Ang who we cannot get to cover the hell up and her boobs are literally flying all over my screen like extra legs on a spider. Gah
  4. Or comb her hair in the morning before she gets to work. Serious Flock of Seagulls going on
  5. Sooooooo she can't afford a dress so she went to try on a bunch of stuff that made her feel fat....then found a dress that made her feel pretty but then poor? She's tragic with decision making isn't she?
  6. and.......what is up with the hair of the bridal lady? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What a train wreck
  7. Rachel acts like all of this is out of her control. Whining it's not fair in 3....2.....1......
  8. Milli or Vanilli died and Tarik got the wardrobe. Where does one find that shit? He's straight up out of the 80s
  9. I am more comfortable with Tarik's money every day. Fixed that for you girl.
  10. If anyone watches this back take a look at Michael on the beach. I didn't notice this the first time but he looks OLD all of a sudden. I actually started laughing. All that inhalation of second hand smoke and whatever she is coughing up into his mouth has aged him 15 years in less than 2 weeks. He looked fresh and baby faced at the airport.....he looks like he in his late forties now and his skin is getting worse. Yikes See: "Trying to Stay Relevant by Appearing on a Reality TV Show and Cultivating a Brand."
  11. So now Big Ang is going through her "1, 2, 3 Lies My Cull..." thing and she's getting to the blow job..."the secret so painful I haven't told anybody." Eye roll. She said that this was in the past before they met and she wasn't that serious and he copped to it then, how is this the third lie unless this is yet another made up moment for TV? Then she gets all bug eyed and crazy and accuses of him something that he basically agrees to to avoid a bigger confrontation? I'm getting the feeling that Ang is the producer plant and had no intent to ever propose to him and My Cull just got blindsided. She could at least leave him the hat. The first 2 "lies" are her stupid face on his phone and the instagram follows.....these aren't even lies. I'm changing my vote....both of these guys are terrible actors. They are both in it. Gah
  12. agreed. I have it on in the background right now and Darcey's speech patterns are just awkward and filling space. And it is apparent that the "meet the kids" storyline was what the 2 of them cooked up for whatever season this is for them. It's disgusting to put her "young but look old" kids on TV and make them a part of this shitshow. Unless she is basically trying to be a low rent version of the Kartrashians? I wouldn't put it past her. "unauthorized" tmz sex tape in 3.....2.....1.....
  13. This seems to be the truth. How can she think this a good look? So boob forward and cotton candy hair.
  14. Blessings to you and be the warrior that you are. Because the Rachel's of the world are too busy whining about their nonexistent and self imposed "problems."
  15. Rachel is too old to be whining about unfairness. Good lort there is no mystery to why she is in this situation. She's 11. And she has 2 kids already.
  16. Enough to shear his frontal hair off into little banglets.....
  17. Ha my airport security wouldn't give a rats ASS about TV cameras if I ran away from my parked car like that.....
  18. You stay safe! I'm watching this with a friend from NC who is actually just following a facebook thread
  19. That accent isn't going to be nearly as cute when she gets herpes
  20. This has to be a lesson to anyone thinking about getting a young bride who they think is poor and will be tied to them (rather than the mouthy american women.) Karinny was young and nubile...fresh faced and all about being a wife. She was also easy. Fast forward to less than a year and Karinny is bloated and janky. Her poor family is pissing Pole off and her mom is now just mouthing off and wanting to break them up after they get married. That kid that isn't his is going to be a big burden LOL
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