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Girl in a Cardigan

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Everything posted by Girl in a Cardigan

  1. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. But then I see this and I shake my head. Because they've "decided" Asa was a boy, so this little flat lay HAS to be for their new little girl. But instead of celebrating #25weeks (or whatever number of weeks she is), she has to use it to talk about the baby that never was. Just why? Use the balloon photos you know she has a million of or a meme that she found, but not the stuff for your baby girl who apparently will always have to live in the shadow of the brother that never was. How sad.
  2. I also think it's hilarious that they are looking at each other instead of the baby. C'mon y'all, remember the reason People Magazine showed up!
  3. Madeline's face in the background is priceless. I'm sure they just caught her at an off moment (there's a similar vibe from the background characters in the video grab), but I'm calling it subtle judgment of all of them. 😂
  4. She probably just googled "October quotes for instagram." There's a reason there's no attribution...
  5. Hopefully that's after they landed and people are exiting the plane. Because if I'm in the seat in front of them that Felicity is grabbing, I'm NOT happy.
  6. I'd say this was not the first attempt at Jill's selfie with the book. However, I don't know what she doesn't have her arm AROUND Izzy so he can cuddle in instead of against his face, like he's not supposed to be there at all.
  7. I also can't believe it because it seemed like she was pregnant forever, but I guess that all ended a year ago 😂
  8. I can only assume that it's so they don't have buy 45 pairs of Lucchese boots when they're only going to need 36 pairs for the season. Or maybe they get them for free since the head of the company is a judge? And I feel like in the past they may have done boots and across the field on the same night and then wondered why everyone was a mess. But it does seem silly to wait six weeks to give them the tools they need to perform.
  9. I mean, I'm already at a weird baby shower with a cake for a first trimester miscarriage and no alcohol (I assume). I'm eating the cake.
  10. Yeah, they show Charlotte HUGGING her in season 1 after she doesn't make it finals? or TC? Which is just so odd looking now 14 seasons later. I mean, I wouldn't assume auditioners are allowed to TALK to Charlotte much less touch her these days, but they seemed to know each other. But as you say, obviously not enough to get her to the next round when her friend did make it. I also wondered about her friend Cerisa quitting after a week of TC. Like if I'm Miranda and my BFF made camp, but quit after a week, I'd be so mad at her. Apparently Cerisa had an injury, but we never saw her at auditions again (that I recall?), so I wonder if that was the real story.
  11. I think the one I saw was Christina but I don't really remember anything about her except she was blonde. Maybe season 5 or 6? But it was like, you're not good at this. And she was like, good call, bye. Judy was so mad!
  12. I've wondered that. I know that they rebalance the groups once all the cuts have been made, but is it a reflection on the group leaders if more than average cut girls are in their group? Or are Kelli and Judy trying to get the strugglers "pulled up" by putting them in a group with a strong dancer/leader like Gina?
  13. Yes, I saw one yesterday where they called a girl into the office to tell her that she was struggling. She obviously agreed because the next episode, she had dropped out of camp. Judy was mad that she "took someone's spot." But it seemed pretty obvious they were going to cut her soon anyway because she didn't have power or whatever. So it just seemed like Judy was mad she quit before they could cut her. I mean, at any given time, they take 8-10 more girls than there are roster spots, so it's not like if they picked someone else, they'd end up with a squad of 45 because everyone was good. Some people don't fit in for whatever reason, but man, they get mad if you recognize it before they get a chance to cut you.
  14. I think that person was just doing the math. Like the last episode of season 12 is ending in 45 minutes (3:30pm for me), so we know that they'll start over at season 1 then. But yes, I haven't seen any programming list that I can find (I've randomly found another TV show on another channel that I love, but I don't know when it might air in the cycle).
  15. WOW! So even if she's "nesting" and "crazy," I would be SO PISSED if my husband's reaction was to tell me to call my mom (who appears to be on vacation or at least on a boat somewhere) instead of saying, "honey, how can I help?" And this is the man she's chosen to procreate with SEVEN times. Just wow....
  16. Come to San Francisco: https://sfpl.org/?pg=1033688101 It does sound like Jill's nightmare though since "kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish."
  17. And I'm a little sad that in 8 photos of the trip to the public library, there isn't a photo of either kid with a BOOK. I mean, I'm glad she figured out that libraries are awesome (they are one of my favorite places!), but you can also check out dozens of children's books and enjoy them as much as a fish tank and a ball pit with large dog. Just please tell me they actually checked out and/or read a book to these kids!
  18. My favorite part about this Pluto TV experience is seeing just how long ago things that I feel "just happened" were. Like Erica Jenkins getting "the talk" about her solo/weight was all the way back in season 3. And Kalli F coming back after five years was back in season 7. Even Vivian's crazy poem was five years ago. Basically, I'm old and time is a vacuum 😂 But I'm loving seeing my old favs like Mackenzie Lee again and really noticing just how much the show has changed (remember all the team-building stuff, like skydiving and bikini/pool competitions?!).
  19. Unless there's a different version for a verified account, you can't upload photos from the web version. You can view your timeline, notifications, and other people's stories, but you can't actually upload without the app. I guess he could have a desktop app (like Flume - we use it at work for our work Instagram), but that seems like a lot of work to seem like you don't care enough about social media to keep Insta on your phone.
  20. On Instagram, you have the option to pick which photos in which you are "tagged" show up on your "tagged" tab on your Instagram profile. So while I may still be tagged in a photo that my friend took, it doesn't have to show up on my "tagged" tab. I curate my "tagged" tab pretty heavily (not all the photos I post of myself appear there), so it's likely that someone like Kelsey would to. The tag still exists on the post, but not on her page. Does that make sense?
  21. I just assumed that she staged the whole thing. I mean, there aren't any photos of them actually eating at the immaculately laid table, so I figured it's just a photoshoot and they took the food inside to eat. But then again, I'm an indoor kid, so I've got bug bites just looking at those photos.
  22. I keep trying to be generous in my thoughts towards a grieving family (as my own family is starting to grieve with my grandpa in hospice care), but this crap makes me crazy. You really need to HASHTAG your grandmother?! If people are following you, they know what this is about. Also, just TEXT YOUR COUSINS to say thanks for the card. Do you really need to tag them on InstaStory because you got the mail?? I mean, when you actually PLANT THE TREE, fine, post a photo and tag them. Ugh, even the way the card is sorta open so you can see their names (as if we wouldn't believe it was from who she said or something) is make me crazy. I know, I know, everyone grieves in their own way, but this is starting to feel like a Kardashian storyline instead of real life.
  23. I'm just watching the first episode of this show now on Lifetime and I'm loving it! Came here for the same thing, but don't find anything. I have no idea how new topics are started with all the rules they seem to have, but I'm hoping there's a place to discuss soon!
  24. To me it would be different if the photo was of JB smiling AT little Felicity or another kind of candid moment that just "had" to be shared. But the posed nature of it just feels off. Especially since it's not like they're in front a good background or whatever. But then again, I'm pretty judgy normally and my last remaining grandparent went into hospice care today, so I'm pretty on edge today.
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