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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I don't think it was so much weakness of Chris's pullout game as it was Fertile Myrtle lying about being a Fertile Myrtle. Didn't she give some convoluted story about her eggs being on the verge of turning to powder or some bullshit? I can't keep up will all stories she gave about how she conceived little Hervé Villachez.
  2. Well, at least he owns up to his recklessness.
  3. I think Tyler will eventually stop caring if he hasn't already but Catelynn better prepare herself for the very real possibilty of 18 year old Carly wanting nothing to do with her or Nova.
  4. Side chicks don't get the privilege of meeting relatives. Lol Also, Chris's mom watches the show and probably wants no parts of Kail especially after she assaulted Chris.
  5. Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that Tyler and Catelynn tried to gift Carly with some of their Tierra Reign monstrosities? I can see Teresa taking one look at those fringe shorts, recoiling in horror; deciding they're not even fit to donate to a thrift shop and straight into the trash they went.
  6. Well, I guess they have come to a resolution because according to Bentley's Instagram(managed by his parents), school started August 11th and there are pics him with his grandparents, father and step-monster after that.
  7. Time for Brandon and Teresa to closed up the adoption tighter than a submarine door!
  8. Sophia was making homemade slime; it's all the rage with kids nowadays.
  9. Not buying what you are selling, Ryan. You've never been excited to spend time with Bentley and IMO, you resent his existence. This about Jenn and Larry wanting their time with Bentley back and them putting the pressure on you to make it happen! So little Hudson makes his Teen Mom debut. How much is MTV paying for his father to allow him to appear on the show. Well, Tyler, if you want to maintain a relationship with Carly, you may want to put some effort into maintaining a relationship with her actual parents.
  10. Nathan's girlfriend comes to his defense https://twitter.com/a_lynn423/status/942382770420150273
  11. You know Kail wanted to be there so bad.
  12. Unless it's outlined in the custody agreement, I don't see Jenelle volunteering or Lurch allowing her to relay that information to Nathan.
  13. These people are so exhausting! "If you have something to say to my wife call me" Keep showing the world what a controlling creep you are, Lurch!
  14. She makes it sound like it's a bad thing. Maybe Isaac would really appreciate some one on one time with his mother given all the upheaval she's put him through this past year and a half!
  15. I guess Kail will try to make nice with Javi's family's now that he is being deployed again. No way does she want to deal with a preschooler and an infant full-time.
  16. I didn't see this one posted. Good Lord! Even David's trashy family is feed up with Jenelle's trashiness. Was it someone on here who said that Jenelle is exhausting and at some point the fame, perks and money aren't enough to make these guys stick around(except UBT who will just snap and kill her).
  17. I keep thinking his first words will be, " the plane, boss...the plane!"
  18. Took a peek to see about the links and was distracted by Lux and how much he looks like Tattoo from Fantasy Island.
  19. IMO, the show made it seem like Jenelle had to kiss alot of frogs before she met her prince when in reality, she just goes from one dumpster fire of a relationship to another.
  20. MacKenzie just urks my soul because she knew damn well he was using. Unless snorting was his method of choice, how can she as a women who lives with him and been intimate with him not see any track marks on his body? He left every morning to go somewhere that wasn't a job, school, etc? You never questioned where he was going?
  21. I sympathize with Jenn and Larry in regards to confronting Ryan about his drug problem. What could they really do since they legally can't force him to get help?
  22. It's like dating Jenelle ages you ten years.
  23. I wonder if Chris took Lux on his own or Kail's thirsty ass tagged along? Why even bother announcing to the world that Lux would be spending time with his dad?
  24. Walmart is always the last and I mean last resort for me because I swear a piece of my soul dies everytime I have to step foot in that place. 12 years and not even a little cake...a card or something?
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