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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Of course you two bonded you both have make shitty life choices and have terrible taste in men. I do believe Briana that David wasn't drunk, just being his usual violent self!
  2. So where is Marissa or did they leave her home to take care of Eggsley? Funny, Kail managed to bring Luxor Palace and he is barely 2 months old but Endtable gets left at home!
  3. I loved this episode for the simple fact that Fitz gets called on out on his privelege and gets punched in the face! I love me some Poppa Pope but even Stevie Wonder can see this is about him trying to regain power. IMO, the plan was for Liv to run the Oval and PP to continue as Command. Liv was to always defer to him but then she just usurped him and iced him out completely. Now, you know he cannot have that.
  4. Sure, Jan! She needs to stop because she isn't giving up a job that pays her a ridiculous amount of money to do what she loves the most- sitting on her ass while glued to her phone.
  5. Well, I will say he is much more pleasing to the eye than Isaac was at that age.
  6. What a hot ass mess! Sorry, Chris but you don't get to play Daddy off the books. You just can't show up when you want to and if you think not signing those forms will some how absolve you from having to contribute financially, think again! Kail can take you to court for support and establish paternity via court-mandated paternity test .
  7. Well, a trashrastastic wedding wouldn't be complete without physical altercations, weapons and law enforcement(security in this case since this was a trash with money event). Lol
  8. I think deep down, Brittany resents Briana for making such shitty life choices but since the DeJesus women seem to be so dependent on each other, she feels she can't say anything.
  9. Can I just say how hilarious I find this post especially since I use to work at GNC and sold many a bottle of creatine to many a Nathan. Lol
  10. Show me on the doll where men have hurt you, Roxanne! Boy, did the Witches of East Kissimmee show their asses tonight. From Brittany's "we can't catch a break " despite many of their problems being the result of bad life choices to Roxanne's tirade at the end of the show! I doubt Chris told Kail not to go. Matter of fact, I think he understands that it's close to the due date and Kail will need to heed nature's call by returning to the sea to spawn. Just shut tbe hell up, Jenelle! You knew Jace was on medication for how long? Barb talked about at one on the reunions and it wasn't an issue for you as to who wrote the prescription?
  11. True! At least with Kaiser, it can always be shortened to Kai.
  12. So Kail tried to buy Chris's affections with expensive gifts? I am still curious as to why he wouldn't appear on the show. I wonder if he really is just a private person or he really can't tolerate Kail outside of the easy sex and expensive presents.
  13. The named Kaiser is all Nathan's doing. Supposedly, Nathan is a white supremacist and gave his son a name to reflect his beliefs ,Kaiser( besides being the German word for Emperor, I have no idea what it has to with white nationialism) Orion(Our Race Is Our Nation). Jenelle probably didn't care because she was all into Nathan at the time.
  14. "Teach a man to shoot and he'll use it to defend himself from raging, abusive stepdads."
  15. So, you weren't really into Kail but chose to have unprotected sex with her?
  16. Not with Chris Lopez, that's for sure! Lol I wonder where his family is in all of this? Have they even met little Aeon Flux yet? Do they even acknowledge his existence considering Mother Lopez doesn't seem to be a fan of Kail(the "haven't you seen the show" comment after the dread cutting incident)
  17. Why am I not shocked that Chris is one of those "stuntin on the Gram" daddies! Shows the kid off on Social Media despite not being involved in the kid's day-to-day life and also uses SM to trash the kid's mother eventhough it's Stuntin Daddy's choice not to be involved.
  18. Endtable has Jenelle's nose and mouth. The jury is still out on the eyes but she definitely has Uncle Dumpster Juice's big head and eyebrows.
  19. Could you imagine a Being Dawn? I wouldn't mind a Being Miranda.
  20. I hate to say it, but I think David already does those things to her when the cameras aren't around.
  21. I've always felt that if Barb wanted to circumvent the visitation agreement, she could quit the show and refuse to allow Jace to be filmed. I can just here the voiceover of how mean Barb won't allow Jace to film and it's caused Jenelle to be so depressed that she can't pick him up for visitation.
  22. Of course they love the money and know their current lifestyle will cease to exist without it. Can't buy top quality weed if you don't have the money; can't pay Dustin and the female lawyer whose name escapes me at this moment to work their legal magic without money and I doubt they work pro bono.
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