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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. What the fuck! As a black woman, I find this very offensive. Blackness, black heart heart isn't a fucking identity you juat adopt and dispose of when convenient! Wasn't it two years ago tbis bitch complained about her son being white and thus not having a thug aka black or latino haircut? Oh, go to black school, fuck a few black guys and now you think you can retweet the n-word and have an invite to the cook out! Nah, bitch! Urghhh! I really want to go in on her ass but I have to go make my chili!
  2. Part if me wishes Javi's gagillion sisters would roll up on Kail and give her whale ass a good harpooning! Running to her fuccboi baby daddy because Javi called her a name...a name she wouldn't have known about if just minded her fucking business.
  3. One can speculate that all hell will break loose if Javi meets a nice young woman and enters into a serious relationship with her. He can certainly kiss his relationship with Isaac goodbye and look forward to frivolous court battles regarding Lincoln. She is going to make his life a living hell for daring to move on and be happy especially if Chris up and decides to go ghost on her and No Name.
  4. Why is she going through Javi's phone considering she discarded him like a used Starbucks cup? Doesn't she have better things to do like care for a newborn and finally name for him. As for Chris...really asshole? She already assualted you, you think she won't go through your phone or make your life hell?
  5. Poor kid's head shaped like it's about to hatch! I can just imagine Endtable's pediatrician advising them that she needs a helmet and Uncle ID Channel responding ," No daughter of mine is gonna wear a helmet like some retard( forgive me use of the word)" because you know that is exactly how that ignorant Neanderthal thinks.
  6. A "passionate, humble man" who punches your 3 year old in the face and calls him a "whiny bitch like his dad". Geez...that head! Are we sure that Beldar Conehead isn't Endtable's bio-dad?
  7. Are we sure the we she offically unveiled his name? The link seems questionable and she didn't post anything on social media.
  8. Well, at least it's spelled Murphy and not Murphee or Murfee.
  9. “I’ve been worried about Kaiser for a long time,” she confessed, adding accusations that Kaiser’s looks contribute to David’s rage. “We think because he looks like Nathan, David gets more angry with him because of that fact.” Out of the mouth of Babs! “I think he’s trying to get rid of him, and then he’ll only have his own two kids and Jenelle in the house. He’s a conniving little thing.” Can you imagine coming to that realization and having to wait for the courts to do something about it?
  10. No wonder those two scumbags were so desparate to paint Barb as a drunk!
  11. Was he even a fuckbuddy or just as Brianna put it " the guy with the truck who use to bring me flowers."
  12. IMO, Kail is more Staypuff Marshmallow Man, huge and leaves a path of destruction(emotional destruction in her case). Thought so with carseats. Once again, just goes to show how rude and entitled she is.
  13. Did I miss something about the carseats because why couldn't Kail give Javi the boy's carseats and just take them back when she picked them up? Also, if you knew you had class, why didn't you have your childcare situation already worked out? And she wants to add another child into this situation?
  14. Hey, lets take an ATV ride to the place David eventually will bury my body! Jenelle, you don't deserve Jace! What you deserve is to never bring another innocent child into your "care" to be neglected by you and your dick of the moment! Family dinner aka Monthly Coven Gathering- All members are required to attend. Those DeJesus brujas are something else! Brianna inviting an ex to agitate Luis;Roxanne looing for any reason to lay into Luis; Brittany looking for her chance to drop her trademark witty one-liner. I am sure anyone without the surname Dejesus or related to them, left that shower, feeling physically and emotionally spent! Coochie cutter shorts can have a stadium full of seats because it would be DEFCON 1 if the situation were reversed and Javi told a producer that Kail filed child support to spite him.
  15. Good lord! And these scumbags just installed a pool.
  16. That poor baby has been congested and miserable for months and those two POS probably hit him because he was being whiny and uncooperative! I would say that it's time to end the show but that won't help because Jenelle will be more determined to keep Kaiser in order to collect a bigger welfare check(because we all know that is where she'll end up...on government assistance)
  17. Fuck Jenelle and Lurch for harming Kaiser !Fuck MTV if they have footage of those two abusing Kaiser and never reported it!
  18. Exactly! I like to call situations like these, "playing Daddy of the books". They see kid when convenient, offer finacial support when convenient and go into a fit of rage of you dare file for child support.
  19. Poor EndofDays looks exactly like Uncle ID Channel
  20. IMO, Cole would be a total catch if it wasn't for the pre-testicle drop voice. It's sad that the person with the deepest voice in your household is 7 years old. I can't believe Hulk put Baby Lo on that hat. Why put anything at all when he doesn't have a name? WOW! Someone on LSA said Kail looks like Dog the Bounty Hunter. Lol
  21. More like 300,000 per season plus 20,000 grand bonus for every new baby. Javi probably making half of that and that is even with his salary from the AF included.
  22. *in my Barb voice* Well, Jenelle! Maybe your shitty Mother's Day weekend is the universe's way of reminding you how much of a shitty mother you are!
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