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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. In the not too distant future, I can see Isaac requesting to live with Jo full-time because his emotion needs aren't being met by his mother.
  2. Well, Javi, you sat there all smug while Kail treated Joe like shit and now it's your turn. Take the L, move on and as the kids saw nowadays, live your best life. I know we only see a snippet of these people's lives but I have no trouble believing that it's a 24 hour bitchfest in the DeJesus household.
  3. Vee is fed up with Hulk's shenanigans and righfully so! You know our favorite beached whale is furious that Vee called her out on her reckless mating! WOW! So Javi sells stories to the tabloids? Very interesting! Normally, I would root for Javi to use Hulk for gain the way she used him but it's Kail's right and hers alone to reveal her pregnancy publically.
  4. I agree that it is irksome but just think, the gravy train won't last forever. When MTV finally pulls the plug, Kail with that face made for radio and of-putting personality can forget thst dream career in front and behind the camera. She'll also have to downsize to a smaller home and kiss the BMW goodbye. As, for Jenelle, we all know that once the checks stop, she descend right into poverty and drug addiction.
  5. And Javi could fire back with the same defense! I can only imagine what kind of raging sea beast she is off camera.
  6. Can Brianna proceed with placing the baby for adoption without Luis's consent? Technically, he isn't the father until establishes paternity. I am curious if he is willing to go to court to pursue the matter since it seems like he wants to be daddy off the books.
  7. One thing is for sure, she has to refinance the house since it was bought with a VA loan. Also, she started the "this isn't your house" crap last season with demanding Javi give her his house keys.
  8. How far along is Brianna and how long has she been in negotiations with MTV to join Teen Mom ? I ask because I have a feeling that Luis would have lost Brianna's number had it not been for the potential check from MTV. "This isn't your house anymore!" And it won't be your house anymore once MTV pulls the plug, Kail.
  9. Brianna has offically taken the title of "Dumbest Mom in the Teen Mom Franchise" from Amber! Nsthan is such a danger but Jenelle is one bad arguement with Uncle ID Channel away from her and Kaiser ending up at the bottom of a lake.
  10. She couldn't be mad at Sterling for outing the pregancy because the footage would air long after Kail confirmed the pregnacy. I bet Sterling was no longer useful so Kail gave her the boot.
  11. Murphy just reminds me of Robocop.
  12. Didn't Kail file a PFA against Javi? Why is she stalking him online? I really don't care for Javi but I hope he quickly reaches a point of indifference toward Kail in all matters not pertaining to the child they share.
  13. I don't want to sound like I am shaming porn(I'll admit that I've watched plenty of it) but this spelling variation of Karsyn is straight porn actress stage name territory. The names in that picture...OMG! Talk about "when trying to be unique goes horribly wrong" McKarty????
  14. He has to establish paternity of the child and I am assuming establish some sort of custody before he has a say in whether Baby no.3 can be filmed or not. About Kail's tweet: I saw that mess earlier on Twitter and was tempted to respond " I didn't know mooching and grifting were considered building!" but decided not to. Also, I can't believe how many people really think she really worked hard to acheive the life she has. Like they just conveniently ignore the 6 figure salary MTV pays her.
  15. And Maryssa is probably the one doing the actual clothing and feeding now that she is living with them.
  16. It's so infuriating! Spending a small fortune in some cases to conceive a child you desparately want while a guy just walks by Jenelle and she gets knocked up! Getting yourself for next season because you know you need that 6 figure check and MTV put your gargantuan ass on notice that you can be replaced! "Thin cervix"...the jokes write themselves with thst one.
  17. I hope Jenelle and Uncle ID channel break up before Jace and Maryssa become Tyler and Catelynn 2.0. And speaking of Maryssa, her mother must be a real piece of work if David was awarded custody of her. Nova is such a cutie-patootie and would be perfect for child modeling.
  18. Don't ever change, Jenelle! Your kid acting like a kid is so overwhelming for you but keep procreating? So Brianna hasn't learned anything? Pregnant from a guy you barely know and you met him at "da club" Don't be shy, Kail! You aren't ashamed of being an unrepentant grifter, don't be ashamed that you're a jump off!
  19. So Chris Lopez has "other hoes"? Considering that we are entering into an age with drug-resistant STD's along with the already incurable ones, Hulk is lucky that a baby is all she got from this guy!
  20. Or when it's a fairly common name, but the parents went over the top with the spelling. For example: there is a boy named Xzyavier in my daughter's class.
  21. I don't remember yellow but I do remember her house looking like it spawned from the 7th level of Pinterest hell.
  22. I smell damage control, but Ryan showing up probably meant the world to Bentley so...
  23. I agree. The nerve of him when we all know that had there been no Teen Mom, he would have dumped Cate eventually and let the adoption close(at least for him).
  24. He feels entitled yet was so adamant about not raising her. He feels entitled yet threatened Cate with a break up if she didn't place the baby and he and his mother only welcomed Cate into their home until the adoption was finalized. He did everything in his power to sever any obligation he had toward Carly but feels entitled have a place in her life! Have several seats, Tyler.
  25. Good Lord! What going on with Cate? I can no longer tell where her head ends and her neck begins. I am going to call bullshit on Butch watching Nova for one night; they left Butch witb what looked like a instruction manual on how to care for Nova.
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