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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. If a Shogun and a fiery Southern preacher had a baby, it would be Quinn. So how does Veil plan to explain a broken key on the lock and a dead clipper on the floor? So we have the other 4 Barons vs. the Widow vs Quinn? Can't say I'll miss Ryder.
  2. You do know that Max is a lesbian, right?
  3. To quote Chris Rock "I am not saying he should have did it, but I understand". I hate that he had to go behind Madi's back but how many times could risk Madi ending up dead before she finally saw how destructive Flint is? He knew it could end up with her hating him but like he said, he would take comfort in knowing she was alive and safe. Oh, and when he told her he would wait forever..these shipper tears flowed all over my face! Another thing, she is pissed at Silver but what about her mother and the other leaders? OK, now I am.trying to figure out how Flint planned to neutralize Flint if Madi had not been held by Rodgers and the treaty been offered? Woodes Rodgers going to prison wasn't as satisfactory because historically, he is eventually freed and returns to Nassau. Oh, Billy, if you had just bided your time and not have forces Silver's hand, you would have eventually been rid of Flint. Flint and Thomas *sniffle sniffle*
  4. Yep, definitely filing "mutant walrus" away for future use. Lol
  5. Jenelle complete with fake tears recounting how David is do upset at not being able to see his son knowing damn well the reason why! Sweet baby Jesus, this idiot put David's name on the property. Show us the text of Jace saying he wants to live with you, Jenelle or it didn't happen.
  6. Yes, my black ass was about to shed tears of pride at at Madi telling Rodgers to take this "deal" and shove it up his ass ! Too many have died and continue to suffer for her to make deals with men like him who see it as their duty to uphold "civilization". And kudos to her for hammering it home to Woodes that he is responsible for Eleanor's death.
  7. When I think of all the kids who in are "the system" or being raised by relatives because mom lost custody, it's not hard to believe that people like Jenelle have fans.
  8. Yep, kidnapping the child you're trying to get custody of is the way go! I swear, Jenelle and UBT are too dumb to live. This should have been the last straw for Barb. For her sake and Jace's, she should cut off all contact until the court hearing. Who would have thought that the measure of a great mom lies in how many soccer games you attend? I hate to say it but Vee needs to start looking for an exit strategy of Jo doesn't put his foot down with 2Chins!
  9. The reasons why I am even suggesting the split may not be legit (corny, I know):
  10. I am like "how is Quinn still alive" but since I adore Marton Csokas, I'll go with whatever explanation they come up with. I want to be the Widow in all her sword-wielding and freedom-fighting glory when I grow up. Lol
  11. And I say, "so what" to them. Silver's been looking for an exit for the past 4 episodes.
  12. "Don't make me choose between a war and a wife..." Did I melt into a puddle of shipper mush when he referred to Madi as his wife? Yes, I did! Don't judge me! But in all seriousness, that was the moment their partnership offically died ( at least on Flint's end). Flint knew he lost Silver and no amount of manipulative sweet talk (that earlier speech about Silver and Madi being the best of the lot was a textbook example) would bring him back so all bets are off. RIP Kofi. On second thought, the Flint/Silver split could just be another plan cooked up by them. Now that Billy is in cahoots with Rodgers they've had to rethink strategy. They know Billy fed Rodgers the Intel on how to split them up so why not give Rodgers and Billy the appearance of that is what has happen?
  13. Knowing now that Lincoln and Javi were leaving the country just make Kail's casual dismissal of Isaac's distress even more fucked up! Given all the recent upheaval in his life, being told you brother and step-dad are going some place far away can be scary. As I've said before, I am glad he has Jo because being the sweet, sensitive soul that he is, Isaac would be absolutely screwed if he had to rely solely on his mother for emotional support.
  14. Thank goodness Isaac has Jo to give him emotional support because we all know Kail is incapable of giving it. " Why are you crying...you're going to your dad's" What a fucking bitch! Sorry not sorry but I enjoyed Javi being petty. "Sometimes you have to hurt people in order to be happy" I could understand the statement and interpret as " I am not happy in this relationship and unfortunately, this is going to hurt the other party" if someone who possessed empathy said it. Kail doesn't so it comes off as downright sociopathic. Oh and can she find something besides those black shorts to squeeze her beluga booty into? The Roll couldn't ditch those two fast enough and who could blame him. I seriously doubt Jace ask Jenelle when he is going to live with her. I wouldn't be shocked if asked if he has to live with her.
  15. Born, raised and still reside in Philadelphia and I have to say they did a good job of recreating colonial Philadelphia. Now I feel like taking a stroll through downtown but it is ball-numbing cold outside. Lol Jack's line about The Society of Friends aka Quakers demanding two shilling and how he has no friends. Hilarious! Now, I have to look up if Quakers really demanded contributions like that. Lol I agree that he is sailing to his death. Flint/Silver bromance coming to an end is inevitable. Silver's been looking for an out since that talk with Billy and IMO, had Madi made it back with them to Maroon Island, Flint's Boston plan would have been the last straw for Silver. The deal Rodgers (who can't go to debtors prison fast enough) offered to Madi is going to come back into play at some point.
  16. I loved Grunge. Lol wearing Doc Martens as I type. Pretty much! Now that I think about it, Ice Cube is probably the only person to successfully lived down having openly sported one. Lol
  17. My aunt had that hair style complete with blonde dye job. B Born in 77, so I only wore the 80's children's fashion and hair disasters. Oh god, a memory I thought I had safely locked away just resurfaced in my brain-my mom with her Jheri curl...and those shirts she use to wear with the big shoulder pads. Lol
  18. I love when you can tell it's a really bad ass job because the ass to thigh ratio is so off! Lol
  19. Jo is going to lose his family trying to play nice with that Megladon. I know he just wants to co-parent with her as smoothly as possible but he knows better than anyone how Kail operates. It's Kail's way or no way! People are tools to be used to her benefit; their thoughts and feelings don't matter! I hope Kail called Vee about her karma comments and Vee stood by what she said and if she doesn't like it, oh well! Barb needs to make choice: Jace or Jenelle. I hope she chooses Jace and cuts off all contact with that vile waste of matter.
  20. No Body= No Death plus, the creators of the show didn't mention Madi's death in the after show segment. How fitting that Rodgers caused Eleanor's death with his actions.
  21. You know with Kail, calling her out on her shit or showing up with new girlfriend who has a leg up on her in every way is abuse!
  22. Well, in this particular case, Nassau is supposed to be the place where people who don't fit into "civilization" can thrive. I mean both Eleanor and later Anne had a same-sex relationship with biracial Max and no one in Nassau batted an eye.
  23. I am black and my arm is lighter than the guy in the picture. He could be black Latino seeing how Latino is not a race.
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