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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Podcast with Georgia Hirst (Torvi) and Katheryn Winnick. http://www.history.com/shows/vikings/pages/vikings-podcast I was thinking about Auslaug's dig at Lagertha about being remember for bearing him sons and why that would even be considered a dig in the first place. So Norse women are not celebrated in their own right? Wouldn't Lagertha's accomplishments be worthy of their own stories? She is a celebrated shield maiden who became an earl in her own right...who helped her ex-husband raid Paris.
  2. I love Lagertha but I hate this storyline. It's cheap and cliche to have her wait 20 years to get revenge on the "other woman" especially when in earlier seasons, she and Aslaug had seemed to come to an understanding. Lagertha appeared to accept that Ragnar was to have more sons but not with her and that her destiny lay elswhere.
  3. What is that saying- "Put a flag over her face and do it for your country." Lol
  4. Me too. I know for me, it's something about what I like to call "the Negan lean" that he does. Would it be mean of me to say they don't share their sex life because they probably barely have one especially when Cate was "depressed". Now, I've always wondered if Tyler has has ever tried to look elsewhere or even cheated on her. I assumed he is afraid of getting caught and "ruining their brand "as they say. Also, I guess he never really has the opportunity because she is always up his ass when she isn't glued to the bed or the couch.
  5. In regards to to that tweet that was posted, I am sure Cate walking in on Tyler rubbing one out to Farrah's porn would definitely break her. Lol
  6. I always wondered how some of these people have millions of followers And don't get me started on the positive tweets people like Amber and Jenelle receive. I assumed they were stupid teens or low-class trashy people(let's face it, there are a lot of Amber and Jenelle's out in the world). Is it wrong that I want Leah to tell Amber , "a boo-boo is something you get when you fall, it's not a name!"
  7. Holy shit! That isn't just for one year either I bet! Did she think she could just ignore paying taxes even when MTV sent her a 1099. How can she run off to get plastic surgery that left her looking like a 36 year old grandma and give Rick Moranis money to "flip" houses knowing she owes Uncle Sam that much money?
  8. Does Simon know about her IRS problems? Someone should tweet him about it, sit back and see what happens. Lol.
  9. She needs to worry less about what Farrah does with her vagina and focus on paying back Uncle Sam!
  10. And given her penchant for eating things that her body produces, I have no doubt she has a stomach full of boogers as well. Dammit, why do I do this to myself? Now, I am nauseous!
  11. Amber owes the IRS and that is why she has nothing in her name? oh boy! Let me guess, everything is in Matt's name ? She really is making things way too easy for him.
  12. Someone should show this to Catelynn since she thinks she and Amber are lucky to find such stand up guys. lol
  13. Amber isn't going anywhere except from one end of the couch to the other end! Does Matt know she tweeted this? lol
  14. Well, that was a juicy read. I have no doubt she is tell the truth about MTV contacting her. Amber deserves everything coming to her when Rick Moranis takes her for everything.
  15. And today's winner of the internet is... lol. ETA: I broke down and watched it. Lol. A hit dog will holler! Amber going on about Simon and saying he doesn't want to see her in a dark alley? Are there couches in that dark alley? Simon is a troll but he is a troll that has her and the rest of the girl's number. And that make over... desperate cougar at the bar. Oh, and she gave up the right to be "Mommy" when she goes weeks at a time without seeing Leah but can fly to LA or God knows where else with Matt. And then there is Cate. I diverted my eyes away during that scene with Dawn. So they haven't sent presents in years? I bet Brandon and Teresa are relieve about this because they no longer have to explained why the gifts have a strange smell ( an intoxicicating blend of weed, wet dog and Marlboro's). Nessa, Vikings called and the Shield maidens want their hairstyle back!
  16. I missed the show last night (fell asleep early) and maybe I should skip it because I can't handle seeing Cate eat any of her bodily substances for lack of a better term. Just reading about it on here makes me want to violently vomit.
  17. She will never do that as long as a check is involved be it MTV or Welfare.
  18. A guy who says on national TV that he doesn't regret not spending more time with his son and was caught murdering animals for fun calls someone out for not having morals. lol
  19. It won't even get to that point because Matt will bail the minute the Teen Mom money/fame runs dry.
  20. And don't forget in Amber's case not seeing your kid for weeks at a time because you can't get your lazy ass out of bed or bitch about paying back child support but can afford shitty plastic surgery.
  21. I thought that is what she meant but I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. Good Lord! And to think, she thinks Carly, who is being raised with the antithesis of PWT values will just be dying to have a relationship with her when she is an adult!
  22. You beat me to it! Dammit! lol Bye, Cate ! You're not getting a hold of anything unless it's a quesedilla, your face scabs or a bong! Calling someone white trash when let's not forget, the parents of your biological daughter can no longer stomach spending time with you in person because your white trash antics have become too much to bare.
  23. Kattegat has grown very prosperous over the last 7 years so what exactly is Lagertha's beef with how Aslaug is running things? ETA: seems like I forgot about little Siggy just like everyone else. I can see Lagertha placing her trust in Aslaug and feeling betrayed that she neglected Siggy. Viking Jan Brady aka Sigurd...what a little shit! lol He's mad at Ivar for taking his,Ubbe and Hvitserk's girl but then promptly puts said girl's life in danger by revealing something she told him in cofidence. Obviously, you don't love her that much.
  24. Honestly, I don't think Ryan is medically-cleared to work. I mean look at him! I bet if he would be collecting an SSI check(I don't think he has worked enough quarters to qualify for SSD) if it wasn't for the show.
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