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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I keep thinking that these girls slut-shame Farrah for doing porn but probably love Kim Kardashian. Thank you for your service, Michael. I agree that Michael should have had Matt arrested and probably would have but MTV talked him out of it. So one of Matt's baby momma had to track him down for year in order to serve him court papers. You have a real winner there, Amber.
  2. She is just bitter because Javi upgraded. The new girl has her beat in the looks department, looks like she is actually pleasant to be around, doesn't rattle Javi's head and looks absolutely bad ass in her combat gear!
  3. OK!!!! Marrying him was only the icing on the cake after having two children by him with the first child being born while they're both 16. lol Nope, that's not something you would see on Jerry Springer...not at all!
  4. Wait! It was Catelynn who called Farrah a "trashy bitch"? lol I absolutely despise Farrah but I would have loved it if she told Catelynn and Amber " I am out here, hustling and trying to secure my future while you're hating on me from those couches you seem semi-permanently attached to" MacKenzie does come off more as Ryan's caretaker rather than his girlfriend. I think it would be hilarious if it were revealed that she is or was some sort of home health aide. Macy really needs to stop. We all know when Jader's aka Trap Baby didn't produce a ring, Operation : Conceive Trap Baby no. 2 was put into effect.
  5. She might want to delete that tweet since thanks to MTV, her convicted felon with no marketable skills-self is able to earn 300,000 a season.
  6. Too bad Carly will never ReUnite with them!
  7. If Amber only put half as much energy into parenting Leah as she did in trying to beat Farrah's ass... Simon just said what a lot of people were thinking about Matt. Simon and Farrah are simply business partners. Looking at Ryan, it was like he was struggling to keep focus and compared what Dr. Drew's was saying. maybe he really does suffer from a brain injury.
  8. I can't remember where I read it but it's been 7 years since Ragnar left Kattegat.
  9. I feel like every time Amber and Cate especially ,open their mouths about their mental illness, it's like they're parroting whatever some hack therapist said them in regards to the subject or whatever they read on the internet. There is no deep understanding of what they've been diagnosed with; they just know all they have to mention their diagnosis and it will absolve them of any responsibility.
  10. Looks like he has no trouble starting the engine, he just can't keep it running. lol I found it interesting that he was embarrassed that he could not "please a woman". I wonder if there is any historical accuracy to a Viking woman's sexual pleasure being seen as just as important as a man's. I mean these guys rob, rape, pillage and kill but Odin forbid it gets around town that your sex game is wack. Lol
  11. I take it the wedding confused the shit out of Carly. I think she understands the concept of biological parents and that C & T are hers and she we know that she refers to Nova as her sister. So in her little 7 year old mind, seeing her bio parents have this magical day where they look like royalty that she reads about or watches in Disney Princess movies, she is trying to reconcile why she isn't a part of that. IMO, it makes perfect sense why B& T put an end to the visits because it would probably just be too traumatic and confusing for Carly.
  12. Did anyone see this little gem that Simon tweeted: https://twitter.com/SimonSaran/status/803827431434047491
  13. My co-worker said the same thing about Cate implying Carly might be in therapy. Good grief. I assume something traumatizing has happened that Carly's parents felt the need to put her in therapy. I assume whatever it was is related to all things Teen Mom : OG which would explain B and Theresa pulling pack from filming all together and putting and end to the visits. And to think that Catelynn is delusional enough to think that Carly idolizes her when all signs point to Carly experiencing some sort of trauma because of her, Tyler and their dysfunctional antics that are played out for all to see.
  14. When Amber said, " I am the mother!" I thought,"biologically, yes you are, Amber but Christina is Leah's mother in every way that counts" Matt's book needs to be catergorized under fiction. And those cover photos...really? Ryan in the preview...OMG, he looks like some supernatural creature sucked 20 years of life out of him! I know he isn't obligated to share his entire life with the public, but can we please get some type of explanation for his current appearance and behavior.
  15. I don't know what it is but Amber putting on the waterworks makes her look like the love child of Miss Piggy and Hatchet-Face from Cry Baby!
  16. Can Amber wipe her own behind without the Boston Grifter being present? Why in hell was he at the playground with Leah and Amber? Why is he is every Amber segment, period? You could tell that dinner meant the world to Bentley. You can't tell me that Kim doesn't hate Catelynn and thinks Tyler is too good for her.
  17. Please tell me it's one of those self-published Kindle books. What reputable publishing company would give him a deal? And that cover photo...I need some brain bleach after seeing it.
  18. You want a horse but you can't seem to get the energy to put a damn diaper on your kid. Farrah saying she isn't ride when being rude is like second nature to her. I bet she is even rude in her sleep. I am getting to the point where I never want to hear the word "sober" ever again. Amber, just stop it! You're with Matt because he lets you be a lazy slug.
  19. She has the exact same look in all of those photos; guess all the botox and other fillers have frozen her face.
  20. Catelynn wants to buy a horse..no wonder Nova hit her!
  21. Makes you wonder if she does everything for him the way Jen does.
  22. I am side-eyeing MacKenzie hard because Rhine is unemployed, possibly addicted to drugs and a shit father but I guess all that is OK because a shit man is better than no man and Rhine is on TV.
  23. So, I watched the first 20 minutes that I missed. Ummm, Ryan has a new girlfriend and she's already moved in. IIRC, doesn't she have a child or two? Are they living there as well? Is he playing Daddy to them but goes weeks without seeing Bentley?
  24. You're right they don't owe them anything but contact between the two has been directly with each other via phone for a few years now. Theresa has had no issue with telling Cate when boundries have been crossed so to me it's like," oh now you want to get Dawn involved." But then again, who knows, maybe Theresa told Cate directly there wouldn't be a visit but since Cate was told by Theresa to not discuss their phone conversations on camera that scene with Dawn was staged. I do feel for Brandon and Theresa is this situation because they trusted Catelynn and Tyler with their contact info and now that trust is being abused.
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