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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. What the caption for Jace's birthday photo should of said: "Happy 7th birthday! Only 11 more years of pretending to want back custody of you."
  2. I cringed when I saw the "whatever it takes" line because I know that doesn't bode well for anyone who befriends or gets romatically involved with her.
  3. What a bottomless pit of delusion! So the government is suppose to pay for all of her needs while she spends all of her salary (that puts her in the 1%, btw) on vacations, loser boyfriends, cars, interstate doctor-shopping, poorly-done tattoos, and drugs!
  4. I don't think Uncle Neanderthal would be able to suppress his rage if Jenelle cheated on him and got pregnant. I think Jenelle didn't announce it because she is trying to wait until she can cash in. I don't believe for a second that she is embarrassed by this pregnancy because she has zero concept of shame.
  5. With Jamal out of the way and his daughter brutally murdered, Bassam is on the path to becoming the true tyrant of the show. I pedict either Molly dies or leaves Bassam as he becomes increasing tyrannical. I see him looking to Daliyah to help him but even she will reject him and after that, he will fully become that person he never wanted to be.
  6. I just realized this will be another grandchild that Barb has to force herself not to bond with due to Jenelle's dysfunction.
  7. So Jace will continue to stay with Barb, Der Roll will be with his paternal grandmother and I guess this one will go to UBT's sister when UBT goes full ID channel on Jenelle!
  8. I remember Nathan telling Jace or Barb that Kaiser meant "Saxon King" and me shaking my head because i took two semesters of German and knew it was the German word for "Emperor". One thing is for sure though , if Nathan chose the name Kaiser as some sort of reverence for Neo-Nazi ideology, the joke is on him because I am sure most people associate the name with bread and a medical center! Lol
  9. So what ridiculous name do you think they'll pick out for this one? Also, I give it a month maximun after this one is born before Jenelle signs custody of Der Kaiser Roll over to Nathan's mother .
  10. Gee, Jenelle maybe people are happy for Chelsea because doesn't lock Aubrey in a dark room, dump her off on people she meet last week and wised up about dating assholes.
  11. This will not end well! I can't see UBT being able to handle a screaming infant especially with lazy-ass Jenelle not wanting to get up for late-night feedings.
  12. I don't want to imagine how goofy the sex was that made that baby. Lol it's Cole's Pauly Bleaker from Juno voice. Anyway, congrats to them. I am sure the wedding is right around the corner. She is probably past the first trimester and she strikes me as wanting this child born in wedlock.
  13. So Jace comes back from Jenelle's, calling Barb "that old fucking grandma" and telling her that she is too old to raise him. Time to cut the visits out! Jenelle can whine to Uncle Bad Touch all season about it and MTV can make a stroryline out of that.
  14. Sterling isn't too bright if she is willing to uproot her life to move near a girl who goes through friends like she goes through underwear.
  15. Guess she'll gave to go back to hating Jo and Vee. No way will Javi tolerate them coming over for barbecues.
  16. You're going to PR and not taking your half-PR son with you? Some might argue that Jo's job, but if Kail has the chance, why not take Isaac to see where part of him comes from. If Jo still has family on the island, why not take Isaac to see them? But then again, this is a woman who thinks her son is devoid of any ethnicity!
  17. sounds like WWF tag team champions from 1985. Lol
  18. I agree with the 80s comparisons. She looks like an extra in Motley Crue video. "Hustle and Heart"...is this her personal how-to guide on how to use people and discard them like trash?
  19. I fear Lincoln inherited his dad's labia lips. Why do I get a feeling of smug satisfaction that Lincoln spends time with Jo, Vee and adores Baby ViVi. Good for Bab's for traveling with Jace. Jenelle is probably thrilled because it's one less kid to worry about.
  20. Did I hear that correctly? The day Javi was actually deployed, he went by Joe's to say goodbye to Isaac?! So, the tearful goodbye in Philly was staged?
  21. Isaac is has Kail's facial features and Jo's head shape. IMO, they kid who looks most like a parent has to be the Roll. Nathan would be laughed out of court if he ever tried to deny him.
  22. Poor Jace, asking Barbara is she going to die. IMO, he is terrified that something will happen to Barb and he will have to go live with Janelle.
  23. I don't blame Corey and Miranda one bit for not wanting to attend the reunion in person. Who wants to sit there and watch Dr. Sad Panda coddle Leah and Dawn the Hutt, come out, yelling "Monkey" if someone dare call Leah out on her shit!
  24. Why does Javi want custody of Lincoln when all he is going to do is dump him on mother and sisters. Also, as far as partial custody of Isaac, good luck with that. Guess he thinks getting that tattoo of Isaac gives him some rights.
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