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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I wonder if Kail went She-Hulk on Chris because he asked her to get an abortion? I think he wanted sex and free vacations, not to play house and fatherhood. I can see him telling her he doesn't want to be involved with her or the child and she subsequently losing her shit and attacking him.
  2. I am sure the boudoir picture was put into the garage along with Javi's things or she destroyed it in one of her Hulk rages.
  3. Sweet baby Jesus! Is this a joke? She already has 3 kids, 2 who are little hellions and one with a progressively debilitating medical condition. This is the girl who struggles to do basic shit for her kids like getting them to school on time or cooking a decent meal and she is going to add another child into her chaos? I just can't!
  4. Barb needs to block Uncle ID channel's number. No way should she have to put up with that type of harassment! How dare he try to shame Barb for working at Walmart when he quit his job to lay up under Jenelle!
  5. Jenelle, your mother doesn't want to relinquish custody because you are argument with David away from being a segment on Dateline. A harpooned whale will holler! Kail freaking out everytime Javi called her out let me know he is telling the truth! The irony of Leah calling Gracie, "scatterbrain"!
  6. Now I am really curious as to how they're going to resolve Rodgers story because as others have pointed out, he basically committed treason. We know the writers play fast and loose with history with changing the way the characters meet their eventual fates but Woodes historically goes to prison for debts. I don't see how that can be show Rodgers fate since treason would rate higher on the offense scale and I believe was punishable by execution.
  7. Thank you! I've said that since the beginning that Javi is colorstruck. IMO, it's one of the reasons he took such a liking to Isaac because he is a little blanquito with blue eyes and thought any children he hand with Kail would look similar...too bad Lincoln came out looking heavily mestizo. Lol
  8. So if Woodes Rodgers can't have Nassau, no one can? I don't see Silver deciding to betray Billy as choosing Flint; I see it as him choosing Madi. Once Billy wrote off the Maroons and Hands slapped Silver into being making a choice, it tipped the scale in favor of his demise. When Silver just gave Hands a look and Hands immediately knew to take care of business...totally boss!
  9. Seethe, Eleanor! Seethe that a man you kept in bondage for years was secretly manipulating you all that time. "Would I be enough for you?" Dammit! I hope we get Madi's answer very soon.
  10. So now we have one of the producers as a potential candidate for baby daddy! Good Lord! I hope it's just a rumor and if not what an idiot for putting his job and marriage on the line so he could recklessly shoot his population paste into Kail of all people!
  11. I am really curious what the father of #3's family thinks about all of this! That reasoning Kail gave for getting pregnant, if I were the baby daddy's sister/mother/cousin/aunt, I would seriously have to suppress the urge to slap him upside the head for being so reckless and for bringing that viper into our lives.
  12. You have to be shitting me????? Counting down to her making some stupid comment on having to groom a half-black child's hair and me losing my shit!
  13. Kail swimming with sharks...the jokes just write themselves with that one.
  14. Jenelle has a mugshot for every month of the year and Uncle ID Channel is legally not allowed to have any contact with his son yet they want they want to claim some moral high ground when it comes to Nathan getting arrested. Everytime I see Kail and her chins, I can't help but think of that commercial for Kybella.
  15. My bet is that it's Joji, the Asian pirate who you always see in the background and AFAIK, has never had any dialouge.
  16. If Madi is killed (I don't think she will but you never know with this show), I will be super pissed! Plus, they've already done loved one killed turning character dark story with Flint/Thomas/Miranda. I seriously doubt Thomas is alive but I see Silver spinning a story that he is in order to manipulate Flint at some point in the future( Tumblr will implode if that happens. Lol). Loved that Billy knew he fucked up, tried to break the tension with that story about Boyd brothers and everyone looking at him like, "Okay..and?"
  17. Word! If these girls went on Pinterest for more than just tips for over-decorating your house and planning a tacky wedding, they would find great "hacks"for organizing and easy, healthy kid-friendly recipes.
  18. I felt more for Javi's brother than I felt for Javi because as he said, he and the rest of family knew the relationship would implode but had to stand by because like his brother said, it's his life.
  19. Well, Billy did say that the treasure was supposed to be the seed money for their new colony/nation. I guess it is safe to assume that the pirates do have a plan in place to sustain the island that doesn't involve piracy.
  20. Speaking of vacations, I loved that Vee mentioned Kail's many vacations during her talk with Jo.
  21. Put the Steampunk down, Deb. I can't unsee that "video"! I feel like Jo threw Vee under the bus and if I were her, I would be looking into taking my child and moving back to NJ.
  22. I see some thug hair cuts and style in that pic. Lol I guess that is OK now that she has practically transformed herself into Trap Goddess Big-Booty K-Lo! This girl changes identities like underwear and I bet still holds problematic views on POC. I really cannot stand her Bikini Bottom-reject ass!
  23. Jessica Parker Kennedy did an interview where she said they were told midway through filming that it would be the finale season.
  24. I giggled like a school girl when Silver and Madi were reunited. Love that they didn't give a shit about discretion( I am sure their relationship is pretty much an open secret amoungst her people and the pirates with the exception of Flint.lol) Loved that Eleanor was like, " this is going to end badly, let me get the fuck out of here!" Also loved Flint's "yep..yep..yep" answers to Silver's questions. That was so hard to watch but Teech took it like a boss. Next week should be interesting with Rodgers thinking he has crushed the remaining resistance only to find that Silver and Co. have taken Nassau.
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